Airway Ax (3)
- Physiology
- ?FRC (kids, Pregnant, obese)
- ?Pre 02 (HI, chronic Lung Ds)
- ?BP (any cause)
- Electrolyte/Acidotic (ARF, DKA)l\
- Airway (3)
- Anesthetic: (jaw opening, MP, TMD)
- �Objects� Epiglottis, dentition, tongue (inc studs)
- Other: RA, soiling, S/LBO
- Trauma (3)
- Fractures: Mandibular, facial
- Bleeding
- C-Spine collar/immobilisation
Sedation Components (3) EMC
- 1. Anxiolysis
- 2. Hypnosis
- 3. Amnesia
- Not analgesia (separate)
Blind �Boogie� Confirmation (3)
- Palpation of tracheal rings with �coude� tip
- Sensation of booge passing from �cricoid pressure� operator
- Carinal obstruction
ETT Safety features
- Anatomical from connector to tip
- Universal adaptor
- Markings (size, single use, length, VC mark, Cutting mark
- Cuff: High/low, pilot tube protected inside tube, one way valve, palpable/visual cushion
- Holes: bevel for selective intubation, VC passage, ventilation of L lung (inadvertent RMStem), murphy�s eye.
- Rotate tube 90degrees ANTIclockwise to pass arytenoids if obstruction.
Ventilation Strategies (2)
- Lung Injury (default)
- CAP, APO, Lung injury, Chest Trauma
- Based on ARDSNET
- Obstructive
- Asthma
Ventilation Concepts
- 2. TV based on LBM (lean body mass)
- 3. Fi02 / peep scales
Oxygen Normotension
- 1. Reduced O2 free radical
- 2. Reduced arterial vasoconstriction
- 3. Physiological Threshold monitoring (ie Pa02 of 400 gives O2Sats of 100% even if loose half lung acutely � no warning).