Located on membranes of many cells of the body (RBCs, epithelial cells, endothelial cells)
ABO system – extremely important in blood transfusions and organ transplantation
Antigens’ wide distribution
Presence of preformed antigens
Individuals normally have antibodies to ABO antigens NOT found in their own tissue cells or RBCs
- Result of cross-reactions with carbohydrate determinants of environmental bacteria
- When one comes in contact with bacterial antigens (or proteins), he or she forms antibodies that react to “similar” antigens on RBCs
Rh Antigens
There are about 25 components of Rh blood group, but only cde/CDE alleles play significant role in Rh incompatibility reactions
Unlike ABO system, antibodies are not formed until an Rh-negative person receives blood from Rh-positive donor
What is the purpose of Rh-immune globulins like Rhogam or Gamulin Rh – meaning how do they prevent sensitization of mother’s immune system against fetal RBCs? (p.24)
Anti-D-globulins given on exposure to Rh-positive blood or prophylactically
Anti-D antibodies cover (mask) antigenic sites on fetal RBCs and are then removed by scavenger cells
May prevent sensitization of mother’s immune system to fetal Rh-antigens