What does EOP stand for?
Executive Office of the Presidency
What are the 4 categories of the Bureaucracy?
- - The Cabinet
- - Independent Regulatory Agencies
- - The Government Corporations
- - Independent Executive Agencies
What is the benefit of duplication?
It keeps any one agency from being to powerful over a cetain issue.
What is duplication?
Giving one job to more than one agency
How does Congress serve as a "check" on the bureaucracy?
- -Authorization
- -Hearings
- -Rewriting Legislation
- -Duplication
How do agencies apply and enforce their rules?
- - Fining those who do not follow their rues
- -Administrative procedures
- - In Court
How does the bucreaucracy regulate buisnesses?
- 1.) Recieves grant of power from Congres to sketch out the means of executing broag policy decisions
- 2.) Agency develops a set of guidelines to govern and industry
- 3.)Agency applies and enforces its rules and guidelines
What are the implied powers of the President?
- executive agreements- executive orders
What powers does the President share with the Senate?
- -make treaties with foreign governments
- -appoints leaders/ judges/ cabinet members
What are the Constitutional Powers of the President?
- - approve or veto laws
- - make state of the union address's
- -commander-in-cheif
What is the precedent of Munn v Illinois?
The government has the right to regulate buisness.
What is the precedent of Clinton v Jones?
Civil suits against the chief executive do not distract him from his presidential duties
Why are line item vetos unconstitutional?
Because they invaid the legislations power in making laws; inteferes with seperation of powers
What is the Precedent established by US v Nixon?
There is no privilege that makes the president immune to judicial proceedings
What is the presedent set by Nixon v. Fitzgerald?
The President cannot be sued for damages related to official decisions while in office
Descirbe the Impeachment process
- - Accused by the House
- - Troed by the Senate
- -Decides guilt or innocence
- (If the President is on trial the Supreme court resides over the case)
What is the Budget Reform and Impoundment Act of 1974?
The act that requires the President to spend all funds appropriated by Congress unless Congress approves of impoundment.
What are the two Presidential Characters?
- - active v passive inclinations
- -negative v positive points of veiws
What are the 7 differences between the President and the Prime Minister?
- The Prime Minister..
- - selected by the legislature
- - elected by the members of the legislature
- - party leader- chosen by the majority party in Parliment
- - Holds power in Parliment until the party decides to remove him/her or if the party loses the majority
- - Represents the majority party
- -Strong party discipline
- - Has national experience in the legislature.
Whats the difference between a divided and united government?
- A divided government is one where the party that controls the White House doesnt control one or both houses in Congress
- A united government is one where the same party conrtrols the White House and both houses of Congress.
What does the 12th Ammendment say?
The President and Vice President run together as one "slate"
What does the 25 Ammendment say?
What do do if the President is deemed disabled by the Vice President and Congress
What does the 22nd Ammendment say?
Tje president cn only run for two teerms, or 10 years
How can special interest groups "check" the bureaucracy?
- They can check the bureacracy through
- -giving money to the president
- -freedom of expression
- -right to peaceful assembly
- -right to petition
How does the Court "check" the bureaucracy?
They can deem the regulations the bureacracy sets constittional or unconstitutional
How does Congress check the bureaucracy?
It appropriates funds to make sure the bureacracy is doing what it is supposed to
What does the OPM do?
The office of Personal Management admisiters service laws, rules, and regulations
What are ways that federal government can reduce bureaucracies?
- - Devolution
- -Privatization
What power does Congress have over agencies?
To create, organize, and disband agencies.
When was the general shape of the bucreaucracy formed>
During the Depression and WWII
What groups make up the iron triangle?
- Congressional Committees
- Agencies
- Interest groups
Who appropriates and authorizes the funds?
Who dominates agencies?
Lifetime bureacrats who have worked for no other agency
When does the bureacracy grow?
When the economy is falling
What is an equllibrium price?
When the price of the consumer and the producer meet; achieved through subsides.
What are subsides?
Grants that do not have to be payed off
What is red tape?
the maze of government rules, regulations, and paperwork
What are appropriations?
Money formally set aside for specific use
What are issue networks?
People in interest groups who regularyl debate on an issue
What is the difference between majority v. plurality in the elctoral college?
- - In a majority the candidate has to win the majority of the electoral votes
- - In plurality the cadidate has the most amount of votes (popular vote)
What are the qualifications of the President/
- - 35 years of age
- - resident of the US for 14 years
- - Born in the US
How does the President have a say in forgein policy?
- -executive agreements
- -making treaties
How does Congress have a say in forgein policy?
- -Approve treaties
- -Appropriate funds
What is the spoils sytem?
A system where people with very little knowledge and background are appointed high government posistions
What is the Pendleton Act?
Switched from patronage to merit system
What is the Hatch Act?
Government employess, once hired, cannot have much of a part in political parties