into circ to act on distant cells
NOT into circ, local, on neighboring cells
act on cells that sec them
NOT sec, inserted into mem
nt sec by neurons into circ
glucagon rec
binds rec AND signal transduction (phosph LPK)
ligand conc for 1/2 max response
ligand conc for 1/2 max occupancy of rec
R0, Bmax
max binding rec capcacity
scatchard plot
bound to free ratio hormone vs bound hormone
- B adrenergic amines, glucagon, PTH
- downstream: AC
- Ach, alpha adrenergic amines, nt
- downstream: inhib AC
- Ach, alpha adrenergic amines, nt
- downstream: IP3, Ca (...PLC beta)
- photons
- downstream: stim cGMP phosphodiesterase (breaks down cGMP)
- thrombin
- downstream: Na/H exchange
PLC beta
- PIP2 into IP3 and DAG
- Ca + DAG: stim PKC
- Ca: stim calmodulin dep prot kinase
ADP ribosylate G(alpha)s
cholera; always on in gut...AC, cAMP, diarrhea
ADP ribosylate G(alpha)i
pertussis toxin; in airways, AC..cAMP stim
intrinsic rec tyr kinases
insulin rec, GF rec, EGF rec
SH2 domain prot
Grb-2, PLC-gamma, PI3K
DAG analogs
tumor suppressors, phorbolesters
phosph/act PKB, act via PIP3 (from PI3K)
phosph/inact BAD, prevent cell death
non-intrinsic rec tyr kinases
cytokine rec, GH rec, PRL rec
guanylate cyclase rec
natriueretic pep rec, ligand gated ion channels
- adrenal cortex (cortisol)
- gonads (estrogen, androgen)
tyr kinase, GH signal transduction
phosph by GH rec, bind DNA seq encoding IGF-1
phosph by act tyr rec beta subunit
act PI3K (via P110 and P85)
act p70 and pp1 (gluc metab stim)
ALS, MD, sarcopenia
neuromuscular degenerative diseases
PTH rx
for osetopenia, osteoporosis, bone fracture repair
HMG CoA reductase
committed step in stage 1 chol biosynth
3-isopentenyl pyrophosphate
building block for vit K2, Q10, farnesyl/geranylgeranyl attachment
controls HMGCoA red synth
dietary chol and mevalonate
inhib HMGCoA red transL
AMP-act protein kinase
phosph HMGCoA reductase...inhib
7 alpha hydroxylase
RLS bile salt synth
cholyl CoA
act intermed in bile salt synth; goes to glycocholate and taurocholate
microsomal P450 mixed func monoxidases
hydroxylations in bile salt synth
lecithin chol acyl transferase; makes chol esters, in HDL in plasma
acyl CoA chol acyltransferase; VLDL synth
Apoprot B-100
on LDL, clathrin coated pit
unesterified chol
mem biosynth, sterol synth, reesterified via ACAT for storage
LDL structure
- cysteine rich domain
- 3 domains homol to EGF
- 6 repeats similar to blades of transducin beta
- rich in Ser an Thr w/ o-linked oligos
- phobic, transmem
- cytoplasmic
pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)
ACTH precursor
POMC also makes...
ACTH, beta lipoprot, alpha MSH, CLIP, gamma lipotropin, beta endorphin, beta MSH, met-enkephalin
ACTH promotes
- chol release from chol esters (storage form)
- chol transport into mit
- chol side chain cleavage into pregnenolone
normal serum cortisol
50nmol/L at 12am
normal urine cortisol
cushing's syndrome due to therapy w/ glucocorticoids
Cushing's disease
cushing's syndrome due to tumor that inc ACTH
primary addison's disease
- autoimmune destruction cortex
- impaired adrenal formation
- def ACTH rec
- def steroidogenesis
secondary addison's disease
dec ACTH
cushing's rx
surgical ablation tumor
familial glucocorticoid reistance
inc serum cortisol but no hyperglucocorticoid response, mut rec w/ low aff
17 alpha hydroxylase
rER, pregnenolone to 17 alpha hydroxyprenenolone
17,20 desmolase
17 alpha hydroxypregnenolone to dehydroepiandrosterone
21 hydroxylase
- rER
- progesterone to 11 deoxycorticosterone
- 17alphahydroxyprogesterone to 11 deoxycortisol
11 beta hydroxylase
- mit
- 11deoxycorticosterone to corticosterone
- 11 deoxycortisol to cortisol
17 hydroxylase def
- precocious pub (male)
- masculine (female)
- salt wasting, dehydration
- dec cortisol....too much ACTH and DHEA
17hydroxylase/17,20 desmolase def
- dec cortisol...dec renin hypertension
- feminine (male)
- no menstruation, 2 wrong (female)
11 beta hydroxylase def
biphasic effects on salt and water retention
ADH rec
Gq..Ca...PKC/Ca cal dep kinase...sm mm contraction in vessels (VD)
primary DI
inc urine V (not sugary)..dec ADH
hereditary nephrogenic DI
mut ADH rec, hormone resistant
inc ADH via tumor; dilutional hyponatremia
- from atrial cardiocytes
- converted into atripeptin (circ form)
hardening of arteries (Ca deposition in walls)
- build up fatty deposits in arteries
- CHF, stroke
- HMGCoA red inhib
- lovastatin
- inc LDL rec, dec amt HMGCoA red made in hepatocytes
dec TG synth via inhib synth FA, inhib VLDL synth
- (+) polymer to inhib reabs bile (-)
- promote excretion bile (more bile salt synth, more LDL liver uptake)
fibric acid
- gemfibrozil, lopid
- inhib VLDL sec
chol: bile salt >1, unsol chol crystallizes
ER enz in cortical hormone synth
- 21 hydroxylase
- 17 alpha hydroxylase
mit enz in cortical hormone synth
- 11 beta hydroxylase
- 18 hydroxylase
conjugation salts
glucouronide and sulfates
steroid hormone rec
located inside cell
A/B domain steroid hormone rec
variable, immunogenic
C domain steroid hormone rec
DNA binding...zinc fingers
D domain steroid hormone rec
hinge, transC modification
E domain steroid hormone rec
steroid binding, HS prot binding
F domain steroid hormone rec
HSP act domain
androgen reistance syndrome
- def DHT
- normal urogenital, female ext genitalia
rec + testosterone
reg sec of LH in male sex differentiation, spermatogenesis
rec + DHT
dev male external genitalia, prostate