What are the effects of histamine, prostaglandins, and bradykinin?
Vasodilation and increased capillary permeability
What sign of inflammation does increased capillary permeability produce?
Edema in response to inflammation
What is the action of helper (CD4) cells?
Stimulates production of cytotoxic T-cells and plasma cells (immunoglobulins)
Which 2 chemical mediators cause pain?
Prostaglandins and bradykinin
What are monocytes?
High levels of leukocytes are present in chronic inflammation
What is immunoglobulin G?
Immunoglobulin that crosses the placenta and initiates the complement system
What are the effects of the complement cascade?
Opsonization, cell lysis, and chemotaxis
What are adhesions?
Fibrotic bands that hold together two structures that are normally separate
What is a secondary immune response?
Rapid proliferation of antibody production with largest increased in IgG
What initiates the complement cascade?
Immunoglobulins G and M
What is dehiscence?
Disruption of an incision with separation of the wound layers
What is passive immunity?
Immunity from a gamma globulin or from maternal source
What is the purpose of chemotaxis?
Chemical gradient that draws leukocytes to the site of inflammation
What are risk factors for infection?
Skin lesions, reduced ciliary function, alkaline gastric pH, and stress
Why are the young and old at higher risk for disease?
Lower immunity, skin issues, nutrition, hydration
What is the action of interferons?
They act to prevent replication of viruses
What are the actions of exotoxins?
Secreted from pathogens, they damage cell membranes and inhibit protein synthesis
This pathogen does not trigger the immune system initially.
What are actions of interleukin-10 and tumor growth factor?
Cytokines that control or limit the inflammatory process
What are tapeworms?
Parasite transmitted via raw or undercooked meat or fish
What are criteria for a diagnosis of AIDS?
T-cell count < 200 and wasting syndrome and dementia