Compare and contrast endocrine and exocrine glands
discuss/identify the funtions of the endocrine system
Discuss/ Identify, briefly, the chemical structure of hormone
discuss/identify, the action of local hormones
explain/list the three types of stimuli that produce hormonal secretion
describe/ identify, briefly, how hormones affect the cell function
Describe/Identify the mode of transport of hormones
Describe/Identify how hormones are destroyed
Discuss/Identify with examples, positive and negative feedback mechanisms
Describe/Identify the endocrine glands
Describe/ Identify the location of each endocrine
describe Identify the regulation of hormornal secretions of varios endocrine glands
Explain/ Identify the location & anatomical divitions of the adrenal glands
Discuss/Identify the hormones liberated by each endocrine gland and describe their major functions
Define/ I dentify the body changes that occur when there is hypo secretion or hyper secretion of the hormones secreted by each endocrine gland
Discuss/ Identify the function(s) of hormone(s) secreted by cells in those tissues and organs with endocrine funtion
define/identify the stress
define/identify the stress response produced
describe/identify the stress response produced in various systems of the body
describe/identify the changes thast occur to the endocrine glands with aging
define/identify the role of massage in stress
describe/identify the effects of massage on the endocrine system