mind is seperate from the body and knowledge is innate
socrates and plato
knowledge is grown from experiences and observations
mind and body completely seperate knowledge is innate
tabula rasa, experiences write on
john locke
structuralism,introspection, first psych lab
william lundt
how our mind and behavior processes function, enable us to edapt, and survive, and flourish
william james and funstionalism
view that psych should be objective science that studies behavior without reference to mental process, conditioning methods
watson and skinners behaviorism
unconcious, and iceberg theory
sigmund freud, the idea of what we know and dont know (iceberg theory)
branches of psychology
behaviorism, structuralism, functionalism, humanism, evolutionary, biological
hindsight bias
tendecy to belive after learning the outcome, should have forseen it
sending enables muscle action, learning and memory
inflences movement, learning, attention, and emotion
affects mood hunger sleep and arousal
body own pain killers
central and peripheral system
nervous system
connects the central nervous system with the rest of the body by the nerves. 2 parts
peripheral nervous system. (somatic and automatic)
controls voluntary movement of skeletal muscles
somatic nervous system
automatic nervous system (2 parts)
regulates glands and involuntary activities. para sympathetic and sympathetic
spends energy and prepares the body for action
calms body and replenishes energy
pineal gland (sad)
releases melatonin. regulates activity. seasonal affective disorder.
directs maintenance activities such as eating/drinking, sex drive and body temp. governs the endocrine via pituitary glans/\. linked to emotion and reward
behind forhead involved in speaking and muscle movement and making plans
frontal lobe
parietal lobe
top of brain, deals with sensory input and touch
guy that had rod shot through frontal lobe. personality changed. showed that brain
phineas gage
associations area
area of the cerebral cortex, higher mental thinking. remembering speaking, learning
language expression, muscle movement in speech
brocas area
language reception , language comprehension and expression
wernickes area
hearet beat, breathing, blood flow
reticular formation
arousal and impulses
sesory switch board. all senses but smelling go there.
fear, road rage, anger
process where sensory receptors and nervous system recieve and represent info from enviroment
scientific study of behavior
injury or disease in the brain tissue
very limited incoming info, blocking out most and often shifting the spotlight. of attention from one to the other
selective attention or aka the cocktail party phenomenon
stage 4
deepest sleep, large delta waves
detects brain waves, helps see different stages of sleep/dreams
converts cells to nerve signals, sends them to brain
theory that spinal cordhas a neurological gate that blocks pain signal to brain. gate opens by the activity of pain signals that travel up small nerve fibers
gate control theory
hammer,anvil, stirrup, cochlea
parts of hearing and the simicricular canals
process of of organizing and interpreting sensory information enabling us to recognize meaningful objects and events
percieiving objects as unchanging (shapes are and stay the same)
perceptual constancy
patterns of responces. bell curve
making a whole out of something thats not complete
gestalt theory
one personb suggests that certain perceptions, feelings,, thoughts
The acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, practice, or study, or by being taught.
the act or processof responding to a stimulus similar to but distinct fromthe conditioned stimulus.
reinfocement schedule: are those where a response is reinforced only after a specified number of responses.
fixed ratio
reinfocement schedule: occur when a response is reinforced after an unpredictable number of responses. (gambling)
variable ratio
reinforcement schedule: are those where the first response is rewarded only after a specified amount of time has elapsed.
fixed interval
reinforcement schedule: occur when a response is rewarded after an unpredictable amount of time has passed
variable interval
distinguish 2 similar, but different stimuli
latent learning
learning that occurs but is not used until there is a reason to demonstrate it
recalling itemes or remembering them
recency effect
"trial and error" to learn on your own
is a cognitive bias that limits a person to using an object only in the way it is traditionally used. In gestalt psychology.
funtional fixedness
"synthetic thinking" is the ability to draw on ideas from across disciplines and fields of inquiry to reach a deeper understanding of the world and one's place in it
divergent thinking
oriented towards deriving the single best (or correct) answer to a clearly defined question. It emphasizes speed, accuracy, logic, and the like, and focuses on accumulating information, recognizing the familiar, reapplying set techniques
convergent thinking
We live our lives believing that all things occur randomly and appear randomly. (coin flip)
representative heuristic
Our memory plays a major role in decision making
availabilty heuristic
smallest units of meaning in a language
smallest units in the sound of a language
grammatical structure
meaning of the word
applying a grammatical rule when it shouldn't be used
noam chomsky
creator of the theory of generative grammar
the commonly held belief that the cognitive prosesses of all human beings possess a common logical structure which operates prior to and independently of comunication through language is erroneous. people see different world views
whorfian hypothesis