bio ch 7

  1. celll membrane
    thin flexiable barrier that protects all cells, regulates what comess in and out of the cell
  2. cell wall
    a strong supporting layer outside the cell membrane
  3. lipid bilayer
    doublelayerd sheet coposes cell membranes
  4. concentration
    the mass of a solution in any given volume
  5. diffusion
    move from an area that is more concentrated to a area that is less concentrated
  6. equilibrium
    concentration is the same throughout
  7. osmosis
    diffusion of waer through a selectively permeable membrane
  8. isotonic
    concentration is the same "same strength"
  9. hypertonic
    the more contraded one "above strength"
  10. hypotonic
    dilute "below strength"
  11. facilitated diffusion
    the cell membrane channels are said to facilitate the diffusion of sugar across the membrane
  12. active transport
    materials moved in opp. direction
  13. endocytosis
    process of taking material into a cell pockets of the cell membrane
  14. phagacytosis
    "cell eating" extensions of the cytoplasm surround a particle and package it in a food vacuole
  15. phocytosis
    tiny pockets from along the cell membrane fill with liquid and pinch to form vacuoles
  16. exocytosis
    process where the membrane of the vacuole surrounding the material fuses with with the cell membrane
  17. cell specialization
    cells throughout a organism can develop in different ways to preform different tasks
  18. organ
    many groups of tissue work together
  19. organ systems
    a group of organs that work together
  20. tissue
    a group of simillar cells that preform a particular function
  21. robert hooke
    who looked under a microscope at cork and discoverd cells
  22. Anton van leeuwenhook
    who observed living pond water through a simple microscope
  23. matthias schleiden
    who concluded that all plants are made up of cells
  24. Theodor Schwann
    who concluded that all animals are made up of ccells
  25. Rudolph Virchow
    who proposed that cells come from existing cells
  26. -all living things are composed of cells
    -cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things
    - new cells are producedfromexisting cells
    what is the cell theory
  27. prokaryote
    cell w/o a nucleus
  28. eukaryote
    cell w/ a nucleus
  29. organelles
    "tiny organs"
  30. cytoplasm
    jelly like substance around the nucleus
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bio ch 7