Credit: Good Credit (credit cards)
- Convenient
- Security
- Emergency
- Rewards
Credit: 3 C's of Credit
- Character - Credit history
- Collateral - What you put up
- Capacity - Ability to pay loan
Entreprenuership: Success Determinants
- Biological - Traits
- Sociological - Networking
- Geographical - Location
Production Values
- Efficiency
- Profit
- Quality vs. Quantity
- Work Ethic
Consumption Values
- Comfort
- Convenience
- Spending vs. Saving
- Social Status
- Price Expectancy
- Needs vs. Wants
- Health
- Safety
- Prices (in a natural monopoly)
Natural Monopoly
When industry has large economies of sale to lower their prices to prevent competition
Types of Price regulations:
- Price Cap
- Price Plus (whatever the cost to make + percent for profit) (no urge for innovation)
Gov. regulations are needed to...
Keep firms out of the ground when competition isn't enough
Regulatory Capture
Start believing they help company and workers instead of competition
- Lowers prices
- Better responses
- Only profit seeking firms seek innovation
Externalities: Negative outcome
By product of production cost born by 3rd part. Product first, consumer second.
Ex. Air pollution from buring fossil fuels.
Externalities: Positive outcome
By product of production enjoyed by 3rd party.
Ex. Immunization preventing one person from being sick also prevents them from spreading illness
Fiscal Policy
The use of government expenditure and revenue collection (taxation) to influence the economy
2 Main instruments of fiscal policy
- Government expenditure
- Taxation
Changes in the level and composition of taxation and government spending can impact the following variables in the economy:
- Aggregate demand and the level of economic activity
- The pattern of resource allovation
- The distribution of income
Monetary Policy
The government's control of the availability and cost of money
The official goals usualy include:
- Relatively stable prices
- Low unemployment
The Federal Reserve System (Central Bank)
- 7 members on a board of governers
- 12 physical banks
- FOMC (federal open market committee) - 5 bank presidents (always one from NY) plus the 7 board members
Tools of Monetary Policy
- FOMC: Open Market Operations (Most influence): Buying and Selling bonds
- Reserve Rate: Minimum reserves each commercial bank may hold (rather than lend out) of customer deposits and notes
- Discount Rate: The interest rate at which federal reserve banks make very short-term loans to banks. The rate that the centeral bank gives to their preferred customers (other banks)
Demand Pull
Pulls up prices
Cost Pushing
Cost can push up pricef
Redistribution of Income
- Does not usually go to the poor
- Ex. Welfare, Medicare, Social Security
Total number of adults 16+ willing and able to work and are actively searching for a job
Unemployment Rate
Number of unemployed divided by the number of people in the labor force
Types of Unemployment
- Frictional: Bathtub model, dynamic flow entering and leaving unemployment. No government influence
- Structural: Lack of skills/education. No government influence
- Seasonal: Ex. Santa Clause, Lifeguards. No government influence
- Cyclical: Follows business cycle. Government influence
Categories of Unemployment
- Re-entrants
- New-entrants
- Job losers
- Job leavers
An average of all prices, goods, and services as they're rising. Often unanticipated and unpredictable.
- Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
- The US' main general welfare federa assistance programs
- Aid to Families with Dependent Children
- Federal assistance program provided financial assistance to children of single parents or whose families had no income