Tricia McC

  1. Anterior:
    in front of.
  2. Posterior:
    behind/in back of.
  3. Superioris:
    located above/is larger.
  4. Inferioris:
    located below/ is smaller.
  5. Levator:
    lifts up.
  6. Depressor:
    draws down/depresses.
  7. Dilator:
  8. Myology:
    the study of muscles.
  9. What are the functions of the muscular system?
    • -support of the muscular system.
    • -production of body movements.
    • -contouring the body.
    • -involvement in the function of other body systems.
  10. List and describe all the muscle types.
    • -Voluntary/Striated: respond to commands regulated by will.
    • -Involuntary/NonStriated: control various body functions, respond automatically.
    • -Cardiac: heart muscle, only muscle of it's type in the human body, involuntary.
  11. List and describe the parts of the muscle.
    • -Origin: non-moving/fixed portion of the muscle, attached to bones or another fixed muscle.
    • -Belly: midsection of the muscle, between two attached sections.
    • -Insertion: the portion of the muscle joined to moveable attachments.
  12. In what direction should muscles be manipulated?
    from insertion to origin.
  13. How does a muscle create movement?
    through contraction (tightening) + expansion (relaxing).
  14. According to the textbook, what are methods for muscle stimulation?
    • -Massage
    • -Electric Current
    • -Light Rays
    • -Heat Rays
    • -Moist Heat
    • -Nerve/Impulses
    • -Chemicals
  15. What is the term for the scalp?
  16. What muscle covers the scalp?
  17. What is the aponeurosis?
    a tendon.
  18. What muscles are attached by the aponeurosis?
    the frontalis and occipitals.
  19. List the ear muscles and their location relative to the ear.
    • -Auricularis: front of the ear.
    • -Auricularis Superior: above the ear.
    • -Auricularis Posterior: behind the ear.
  20. Corrugator:
    Located between the eyebrows, controls the eyebrows, drawing them in and downward.
  21. Levator Palpebrae Superioris:
    located above the eyelid, functions to raise the eyelid.
  22. Orbicularis Oculi:
    circles the eye socket and functions to close the eyelid.
  23. Procerus:
    located between the eyebrows across the bridge of the nose, draws down and wrinkles the area across the bridge of the nose.
  24. Oris Orbicularis:
    circles the mouth and is responsbile for contracting, puckering and wrinkling the lips : kissing or whistling.
  25. Quadratus Labii Superioris:
    known as the levator/labii, lip, raises both the nostrils and the upper lip : expressing distaste.
  26. Quadratus Labii Inferioris:
    located below the lower lip, pulls lower lip down or to the side; expresses sarcasm.
  27. Mentalis:
    located at the tip of the chin, pushes lower lip up and wrinkles the chin; expresses doubt.
  28. Risorius:
    located at the center of the mouth, draws mouth up and out : grinning.
  29. Caninus:
    located at the corners of the mouth, raises the angle of the mouth : snarling.
  30. Triangularis:
    located below the corners of the mouth, draws corner of mouth down; expresses depression.
  31. Zygomaticus:
    located outside the corners of the mouth, draws mouth up and back : laughing.
  32. Buccinator:
    located between the jaws and cheek, compresses cheek, to release air outwardly : blowing.
  33. Temporalis:
    located above and in front of the ear, performs both opening and closing the jaw : chewing(mastication).
  34. Masseter:
    covers the hinge of the jaw, aids in closing the jaw : chewing.
  35. Platysma:
    extends from the tip of the chin to the shoulders and chest, depresses the lower jaw and lip; expresses sadness.
  36. Sternocleido Mastoideus:
    extends along the side of the neck from the ear to the collar bone, caues head to move from side to side and up and down : nodding "yes" and "no".
  37. Trapezius & Latissimus Dorsi:
    covers back of neck and upper back; draws head back, rotates shoulder blades, controls swinging of arms.
  38. Pectoralis Major and Minor:
    extends across the front of chest, assist in swinging the arms.
  39. Serratus Anterior:
    located under the arm, helps in lifting the arm and breathing.
  40. Deltoid:
    covers the shoulder, triangular-shaped, lifts the arma nd turns it.
  41. Bicep:
    primary muscle in front of the upper arm, raises the forearm, bends the elbow, turns palm of hand down.
  42. Tricep:
    extends the length of the upper arm to forearm, controls the forward movement of the forearm.
  43. Supinator:
    runs parallel to the ulna, turns the palm up.
  44. Pronator:
    runs across the front of the lower part of the radius and ulna, turns the palm of the hand downward/inward.
  45. Flexor:
    located mid forearm on inside of arm, bends the wrist and closes the fingers.
  46. Extensor:
    located mid forearm, outside the arm, straightens the fingers and wrist.
  47. Abductor:
    separate the fingers.
  48. Adductor:
    draws the fingers together.
  49. Opponens:
    causes the thumb to move toward fingers, gives the ability to make a fist or grasp.
Card Set
Tricia McC
Cos:Muscular System