Pharm CNS

  1. "TOM"
    • Short-acting BDZs
    • Triazolam
    • Onazelam
    • Midazolam
  2. Butyrophenone
    Haloperidol & Droperidol
  3. Atypical D4
    Clozapine - Thioridazine - Olanzepine - Risperidone = do not cause EPS
  4. Flumazenil
    BDZ antidote for OD
  5. Methylphenidate
    Tx ADD
  6. Phenytoin
    Causes aplastic anemia / gingival hyperplasia / cleft lip & platelet
  7. Thiopental
    Short acting Barb
  8. Carbamazepine
    • DOC thrgeminal neuralgia
    • Tx lennox gestaut seizures in kids
  9. Atypical D4-r
    Thioridazine; Olamzapine; Clozapine
  10. Pimozide
    Tx for Tourette's
  11. Risperidone
    Good for negative symptoms
  12. Thioridazide
    Most anti-cholinergic neuroleptic
  13. Haloperidol
    Neuroleptic malignant hyperthermia due to chronic D2 block. Give Dantrolene and Bromocriptine
  14. Imirpamine
  15. Clomirpramine
    • Tx OCD
    • See aggressive behavior with use
  16. Trazadone
  17. Bupropion
    Helps quit smoking
  18. SSRI's
    Primarily used for OCD
  19. Fluoxetine
    Good for negative symptoms
  20. Phenelzine
    Irreversible MAOI
  21. Lithium
    • Tx manic phase of Bipolar Disorder
    • Causes goiter by (-) conversion of T4 to T3
    • Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
    • Low Salt diet will lead to Li toxicity
  22. Alprazolam
    DOC for stage fright
  23. Propranolol
    Social phobia
  24. kapaa-r
    • Spinal analgesia, Euphoria
    • ++ euphoria, ++ sedation
    • Constipation
  25. mu-r
    • Supraspinal analgesia, Dysphoria
    • +respiratory depress, + sedation
  26. Morphine & O2
    Admin is contraindicated to pts on morphine sedation = decreased CO2 sensitivity and O2 administration can stop breathing
  27. Morphine
    Increase ICP = do not give to pt with head trauma
  28. Morphine OD
    • Pinpoint pupil
    • Decreased respiration
    • Coma
  29. Meperidine
    Anesthetic used during labor
  30. Hydromorphane
    mu (+) used in renal failure
  31. Tramadol
    Ambulatory tx for mod to severe pain
  32. Naloxone
    • Tx for opioid OD
    • Reverse respiratory depression
  33. Pentazocine
    Part kappa(+) & part mu(-)
  34. Butorphenol
    Part kappa(+) & part mu(-)
  35. Nalbuphene
    Part kappa(+) & part mu(-)
  36. Decreased GABA
    Decreased seizure focus = Barbs and BDZs
  37. Fast Na Ch
    Decreased electrical activity spread = Phenytoin & Carbomazepine
  38. Methoxyflurane
    can be nephrotoxic, needs low MAC for anesthetic induction
  39. Enflurane
    can cause tonic /clonic seizures
  40. Isoflurane
    can cause bronchospasm
  41. Halothane
    Can cause ventricular extrasystoles & malignant hyperthermia & hepatitis
  42. Nitric Oxide
    No effect on HR, Needs high MAC for anesthetic induction
  43. Thiopental
    Short acting barb
  44. Kentamine
    Dissociative anesthetic
  45. Droperidol
    • Can be used in combo w/ Fentanyl for neuroeptoanalgesic effect
    • Neruoeptic tranquilizer, has mild alpha block
  46. Fentanyl
    • Can be used in combo w/ Droperidol for neuroeptoanalgesic effect
    • Used transdermally for chronic pain
  47. Midazolam
    Pre anesthetic, Induces anmesia
  48. Primidone
    Biotransformed to Phenobarb
  49. C and A Delta Fibers
    First fibers to be blocked with anesthesia
  50. Esters
    • Procaine, Tetracaine, Benzocaine
    • Broken down and make PABA (allergen)
  51. Amides
    • Lidocaine, Mepivacine, Bupivacine, Etidocaine = "i" before "caine" always amide
    • Metabolized in liver
  52. Amphetamine
    DA reuptake (-)r. MAOI. Parkinson's tx
  53. Bromocriptine
    D2(+), used with L-Dopa for "on-off" phenomenon for Parkinson's
  54. Benztropine
    Ant M w/ some DA reuptake (-). Parkinson's tx
  55. Amantidine
    • Decreases DA reuptake
    • can cause livido reticularis = skin mottling
  56. Diphenhydramine
    Tx early Parkinson's Stages
  57. Pergolide
    > effective & longer acting than Bromocriptine
  58. Ethosuzimide
    DOC for absence seizures
  59. Tranylcypromine
    MAOI - antidepressant
  60. SSRI & MAOI
    Fatal combo, especially seen with the used of Paroxetine or Fluoxetine (SSRI) adn Tranylcypromine (MAOI)
  61. Labor Opioids
    Meperidine & Nalbuphine
  62. Desipramine Causes
    Sudden cardiac in children
Card Set
Pharm CNS
CNS Drugs