What are the three categories of ASD?
- asperger syndrome
- autism
- pervasive developmental disorder
What is another way of writing pervasive developmental disorder?
What does ASD stand for?
autism spectrum disorder
What are some characteristics of Asperger sydrome?
- problems with social skills
- restricted or unusual interests
- interpret language literally
- difficulty understanding/sommunicating emotions
- no delay in language development
What percentage of children with Austim are non-verbal?
about 50%
What is the term for th repition of words they have heard?
What percentage of people with autism who have intellectual disabilities?
what is the term for repetitive patterns of bahavior such as the flapping of hands?
What are some characteristics of autism?
- echolalia
- don't initiate social interactions
- live in their own world
- delay in language
- stereotypies
What qualifies for someone to have pervasive developmental disorder?
when people do not exhibit all 3 characteristics of ASD or they are very mild
What are three limited areas of development for someone with ASD?
- communication, verbal or non-verbal
- social interaction
- repetitive behaviors or interests
What are 2 characteristics that seriously inhibit a person with ASD's ability to communicate?
- inability to understand other people's perspectives or predict their behavior
- inability to understand complex emotions
What is one strength for a person with ASD?
they typically become experts in their special interest behavior
WHat is the prevalence of ASD in America?
1 in 150 children
What are some theories for why the prevalence of ASD is so much greater now than it was just 20 years ago?
- more awareness
- better diagnosis
- vaccines?
What is the most agreed upon cause of autism?
a neurobiological disorder with a genetic basis
What 2 disorders used to be part of ASD?
- Rett syndrome
- Childhood Disintergrative Disorder (CDD)
What are some characteristics of Rett syndrome?
- only occurs in girls
- repeared handwriting
- lack of muscle control
- develop normally till it reverses
What are some characteristics of Childhood Disintegratice Disorder?
- develop normally till 5-6 then begin to regress
- lose already acqured language and social skills
Who discovered Autism?
Leo Kanner
who discovered Aspergers?
Viennese psychiatrist Hans Asperger
What was the original believed cause of ASD?
bad parenting
Who came up with the idea that behavioral based teaching could produce mearsureable improvements in language and intellect?
Ivar Lovass
Who is a famous women with autism who has really shed light on the disorder?
What grandparents founded autism speaks to determine better causes, treatments, and understanding?
Bob and Suzanne Wright
What are 3 different things that are focused on during and assessment?
- maintaining a developmental perspective
- including information from multiple sources and contexts
- conduct multidisciplinary assessments
What is the term for when someone looks at an object then at a person and then the person also looks at the object?
joint attention
What are some key elements to a successful program for someone with ASD?
- low staff to student ratio
- interventions to promote language and communication
- routine schedules
- parent involvement and support
What does TEACCH stand for?
treatment and education of autistic an dcommunication handicapped children
What is the philosophy of TEACCH?
- students are missing skills that they can compensate for through visual supports and structure but cannot learn
- parents are cotherapists
What does YAP stand for?
young autism program
What is the goal of YAP?
- teach students one skill at a time
- evaluated in home-based rather than school-based settings
What are some examples of Technology that assist people with ASD?
- AAC devices
- high tech- computers that allows non-verbals to communicate
- low tech- video modeling
What does ACC stand for?
augmentative and alternative communication
what percent of individuals with autism have seizures?
What is the key differnce between those with Aspergers and autism?
- there is not language delay
- may even have an extensive vocab
according to Indiana's Department of Education how many students are receiving services under the autism spectrum diagnosis?
1 out of 101
How many more times likely are boys to have autism than girls?
4 times more likely
According to the speaker what is the best way to communicate with someone who has autism?
- tell it as positive as possible
- as little words as possible
what is the idea that people may not understand that other people have thoughts, wishes, or desires
theory of mind
What are people with autism's strengths?
- processing visual information
- rote memory
- rules, routines, procedures
- trivial knowledge about an interest area
What is a practice that uses strategies that are scientifically proven to work and are ensured across age groups and abilities?
evidence based practices
What are some typical antecedents for a behavior issue?
- frustration
- understimulation
- overstimulation