Gov 8.txt

  1. Party competition
    Battle of political parties for control of offices
  2. Political parties
    A group of people seeking to control the govt offices
  3. Linkage institutions
    • The means used to change people's concerns to political issues
    • Elections, political parties, interest groups and the media
  4. Rational-choice theory
    • Explains actions of voters
    • Individuals act in their best interests
  5. Party image
    Voters' perception of what republicans or democrats stand for
  6. Party identification
    Self-proclaimed preference for one party or the other
  7. Ticket splitting
    • Voting for one party for one office and another party for the other offices
    • Norm for American voters
  8. Party machines
    Relies heavily on material inducements like patronage to win votes to govern
  9. Patronage
    A promotion or contract given for political reasons rather than for merit alone
  10. Closed primaries
    • Party nominee elections are voted on only by registered party members
    • Encourage party loyalty
  11. Open primaries
    In elections for party nominees people can decide the day of if they want to participate
  12. Blanket primaries
    Voters are presented with a list of republican nominees and democratic nominees and can bot for a mix of candidates for primaries
  13. National convention
    Party delegates' meeting every 4 years to write party platform and choose presidential candidates
  14. National committee
    • Keeps the party operating between conventions
    • Composed of representatives from states and territories
  15. National chairperson
    • Responsible for day-to-day activities
    • Usually hand picked by presidential nominee
  16. Coalition
    • Group of individuals with a common interest
    • Every party depends on them
  17. Party eras
    • A majority of voters cling to party in power
    • Wins majority of elections
  18. Critical election
    New issues emerge, new coalitions develop and the majority party is often displaced
  19. Party realignment
    Displacement of the majority party
  20. New Deal coalition
    • Dominated politics 1930-1960
    • Urban working class, ethnic groups, Catholics and Jews, the poor, southerners, African Americans and intellectuals
  21. Party dealignment
    Gradual disengagement of people and politicians from the parties
  22. Third parties
    • Contenders not in the 2 main parties
    • Rarely win elections
  23. Winner-take-all system
    Legislative seats are awarded to the candidate who takes first
  24. Proportional representation
    Awards legislative seats in proportion to the number of votes won in an election
  25. Coalition government
    • 2+ parties join to form a majority
    • Common in multiparty systems
  26. Responsible party model
    • How parties should work
    • Clear choices to voters
    • Use these as cues for candidate preferences
    • Parties carry out campaign promises once in office
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Gov 8.txt
chapter 8