Germs that cause disease
Germs transmitted from one person to another through contact with blood or (OPIM) other potentially infectious materials
Good Samaritan
First aid that a person voluntarily gives to another person, such as helping someone with a cut, nosebleed, or other injury off the job.
Occupational exposure
A reasonably anticipated skin, eye, mucous membrane, or parenteral contact with blood or OPIM that may result from the performance of employees' duties.
Bloodborne transmission
The person may come into contact with the infected person's blood, other body fluid, or infectious material in a way that the pathogen enters his or her bpdy through mucous membranes or nonintact skin
Airborne transmission
The person may inhale the pathogen through tiny droplets in the air
Vector Transmission
The person may be bitten by an insect, such as a tick or mosquito, carrying the pathogen.
Direct Contact
Occurs with contact with an infected person or fluids or substances from that person.
Indirect Contact
Occurs with contact with contaminated objects, food or drink, droplets in the air, or vectors such as insects
Hepatitis B (HBV)
- a major cause of liver damage, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. Transmitted through blood or OPIM.
- Vaccine to help prevent
Hepatitis C (HCV)
- Results in eventual liver failure
- no cure no vaccine
Engineering Controls
devices that isolate or remove the bloodborne pathogens hazard from the workplace.
- General used term for any device or item that may accidentally penetrate the skin of a person handling it.
- Examples are: scissors, scalpels, and broken glassware.
the use of physical or chemical means to remove, inactivate, or destroy bloodborne pathogens on a surface or an item so that it is no longer infectious.
means to use a chemical or physical procedure to destroy all microbial life including highly resistant bacterial endospores
Universal precautions
Phrase used in describing safety guidelines in which all blood and OPIM are handled as if they were all contaminated.
Body Substance Isolation
an alternative to universal precautions means basically the same thing though
Exposure report form
Must be kept in employees personnal file. Federal law states employers must maintain strict confidentiality about any exposure incident.
Exposure Control Plan
To prevent exposure to bloodborne pathogens This plan must be reviewed and updated annually to reflect any changes in work place practices.
Three types of airborne pathogens
Seasonal Flu
respiratory illness that occurs every year, usually in the fall or winter. Everyone gets seasonal flu at some point in their lives, and most have some immunity.
Bird Flu
Infects wild birds and domestic poultry. Bird Flu has jumped species to infect humans, when they have close conact with birds or their feces or with intermediate hosts like pigs.
An outbreak of a disease in a community or region.
is an epidemic that spreads beyond a community or region throughout the world
Mean piercing mucous membranes or the skin barrier through such events as needlesticks, human bites, cuts, and abrasions.
Exaggerated hypersensitivity reaction that in severe cases leade to vascular collapse, broncho-spasm, and shock
Immunoglobulins produced by the immune system in response to bacteria, viruses, or other antigenic substances.
Foreign substance that causes the production of a specific antibody
- Substance, such as alcohol and povidone-iodine solution (Betadine), that inhibits the growth of microorganisms on living tissue.
- Effective disinfection and sterilization methods
- pertaining to a disturbance in the immune system in which the body reacts against its own tissue.
- examples of autoimmune disoders include multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus.
Infection caused by a yeast that typically affects the vaginal mucous and skin
to form into clots
Soiled with pathogens or infectious material; nonsterile
Substance such as alcohol or povidone-iodine solution (Betadine) that inhibits the growth of microorganisms on inanimate surfaces or objects.
Agents that destroy pathogenic organisms
Pertaining to a characteristic, condition, or disease transmitted from parent to offspring on the DNA chain
A protein that forms when a call is exposed to a virus, blocking viral action on the cell and providing protection against viral invasion
Nosocomial Infections
Infections acquired during hospitalization or in a healthcare setting; often caused by escherichia coli, hepatitis viruses, pseudomonas, and staphylococcus micfoorganisms.
Relieving or alleviating symptoms without curing the disease.
Study of the biologic and physical manifestations of disease as they are related to system abnormalities and physiological disturbances.
able to be passed or soaked through
The presence of puss-forming organisms in the blood
The recorrence of the symptoms of a disease after apparent recovery
The partial or complete disappearance of the clinical and subjective characteristics of a chronic or malignant disease.
Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose
Thick-walled structures formed within certain bacteria, enabling the organism to withstand unfavorable environmental conditions.
Free of all microrganisms, pathogenic, and non-pathogenic
Any fungal skin disease that results in scaling, itching, and inflammation
A skin eruption creating inflamed wheals, hives
Animals or insects that transmit the causative organims of disease.
Chain of Infection
name the 6 steps
- 1. Infectious agent
- 2. Reservoir host
- 3. Portal of exit
- 4. mode of transmission
- 5. portal of entry
- 6.susceptible host
Common used Antiseptics
- Alcohol
- povidone-iodine (Betadine)
What causes infecious disease
Any disease caused by the growth of pathogenic microorganisms in the body
5 groups of potentially pathogenic agents or microorganisms
- viruses
- bacteria
- protozoa
- fungi
- rickettsia
How do pathogens grow?
The infected cell or inividual shows a harmful alteration in structure, physiology, or biochemistry
How does inflammation work?
When trauma occurs to the body, it alerts protective mechanisms, and the body responds in a predictable manner called inflammatory response. This process results in the four classis symptoms: erythema (redness), edema (swelling), pain and heat.
Medical aseptic handwashing
scrubbing procedure using vigorous, circular motion over wrists and hands for a minimum of 2 minutes.
Surgical Hand scrub
5 minuted per hand hands held up high to prevent contamination
How does the body protect itself from infection?
Universal precautions
In 1987 the CDC recomended a new approach to potentially infectious materials
Other potentially infected material
Types of bloodborne diseases
Exposure control plan should do the following:
- Identify the job and individuals to receive training.
- Establish necessary engineering controls and work practice controls.
- Specify PPE to be used
- Require using universal precautions
- State the opportunity for hepatitis vaccines
- Include other measure appropriate for your work environment.
The act of scraping the body cavity with a surgical instrument such as a curette
Opening or widening the circumference of a body orrifice with a dilating instrument or chemical.
Is a sheet or band of fibrous tissue located deep in the skin that covers muscles and body organs.
Abnormal tube like passage between internal organs or from an internal organ to the body surface.
localized collection of pus that may be under the skin or deep into the body that causes tissue destruction
A metal rod with a smooth rounded tip that is placed in hollow instruments to decrease destruction of the body tissues during insertion.
Stylus is a metal prob that is inserted into or passed through....
- a catheter
- a needle
- and to facilitate passge into a body orifice.
Two medications that can help control bleeding
- Silver nitrate
- epinephrine
Metzenbaum, mayo, and Iris are names of...
Allis, Boyonet, and Adson are....
Betadine and hibiclens are examples of...
antiseptics sometimes used in skin preperation
The invasion of body tissue by microorganisms that then proliferate and damage tissue.
The recommeded temperature for sterilization in an autoclave.
121 to 123 degrees C or 250 to 255 degrees F
Guidlines to follow when unloading autoclave
- Stand behind the door when openining it to prevent accidental steam burn
- Slowly open the door only a crack, allowing the items to cool for 15-20 minutes before removing them
- Avoid placing packs on cold surfaces.
Generally, what is the shelf-life of a sterilized pack
28 days
Types of diseases that are treated in the doctor's office
- Suturing cyst removal
- collection of biopsy
- encision
- drainage
- collection of specimens