- kids r cool
- attitude
- synaptic misifre
- hormonal chaos
- filter noise - listen to ideas
- their ideas may be better than ours
- geniuses - don't know any better
- misperceptions + crazy ideas = paradigm shifts of tomorrow
- let them know their ideas are valid
- encourage more
- guide them 2 take ideas to market
- uplift themselves, their community and our world
- problem = school system
- teachers are heroesand admins try, but can't in this system
- system not broken
- working as intended - factory producing manufacturers
- superhighway built with ideas not machine parts
- standardized tests create standardized students
- this not a standardized economy
- produce creatives not low standards
- creators not just consumers
- we create a better society
- by guiding teens to drive
- create a better future by guiding future leaders
- to engage the free market
- showing them tips and tricks to succeed
- as entrepreneurs
- entrepreneurship for teens
- engages their natural creativity
- insatiable need for self-expression
- harness their potential
- feed us fresh, new perspectives
- essential for a better way
- curriculum of think it plan it do it
- creative thinking skills
- biz model generation
- lean startup execution
- not enought to say good idea kid
- guide them to take idea to market
- so we all benefit
- give teens permission to be creative
- to think outsode the bubble
- to find that idea
- blend of novelty and utility
- stretching their thinking until they see through
- they are already thinking
- encourage divergent thinking
- ask them questions
- to stimulate more ideas
- grow a long list to get the best list
- guide teens to build their ideas on others
- share their ideas with others
- listen to feedback
- to modify their ideas to present to the market
- guide them to listen to the market
- the path to market needs a map
- tools like the biz model generation canvas
- simplify the fundamentals of an MBA
- and hand the keys to young entrepreneurs
- we need to encourage our teens to follow through
- illustrate the value of thier idea
- by taking the time to help them
- remind them of the rewards of their work
- encourage them to follow their dreams
- help them execute the plan
- show them a lean startup approach
- to adapt to the market
- to make their dream our reality
- let them know
- best case scenario is that they make mistakes
- to try it, to learn and adjust
- validated learning and feedback looping
- build the idea into a viable solution
- talk to a teenager
- to find out what they are thinking
- they want to tell you
- they want help making sense of it all
- they want guidance
- listen to them
- not judge, not discount, not instruct
- let them build thier ideas by letting them out
- and trying them on awhile
- they have answers
- to the same problems we are trying to solve
- their answers have less filters than ours
- so they may be the new approach we need
- everyone in this room is successful
- we all had guidance to get here
- we all made mistakes to get here
- now we get to pay it forward
- and help teens take their big ideas to market
- empowering teens with entrepreneurial skills
- uplifts them
- their communities
- and our world