Spanish- verb Ser- L1

  1. The verb ser (to be)

    identify: people, things, profession or occupation
    possession with the preposition de
    • yo........................ soy.......... I am
    • tú .........................eres ........ you are (fam.)
    • Ud./él/ella............. es............ you are (form); he/she is

    • nosotros/as........... somos ..... we are
    • Uds./ellos/ellas...... son ......... you are (form.); they are
  2. when de is followed by the article el, the two combine to form the contraction del
    De does not contract with la, las or los.
    • Es la computadora del conductor
    • son las maletas del chico
  3. Ser also uses the preposition de to express origin
    • ¿De dónde es Javier? Where is Javier from?
    • Es de Puerto Rico. Es del Ecuador. He's from .....
  4. Spanish does not use the indefinite article (un, una) after ser when referring to professions, unless accompanied by an adjective or other description.
    • Marta es profesora. Marta is a teacher
    • Marta es una profesora excelente. Marta is an excellent teacher.
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Spanish- verb Ser- L1
Spanish- verb Ser- L1