Lecture 8

  1. ___% of the water on the planet is sea water and 3/4 of the remaining ___ is locked in polar ice caps.
    97.5%, 2.5%
  2. Canada's freshwater supply varies between _____ and _____% of the world's supply.
    This depends on whether it is described as ___, ___ or ___.
    • 5.6-20%
    • available, usable, merely existing.
  3. FTA signed on this date.
    January 1, 1989
  4. NAFTA signed in ___ with Mexico
  5. By the year 2100, the earth's population will double to more than ____.
    10 billion.
  6. GATT
    General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs - in order for an item to be considered a good within NAFTA, it must be considered a product under the GATT. A good is therefore commonly understood as something produced.
  7. If Canada were to ______, they could escape the classification of water as a "product".
    Implement diversion projects that redirect the flow of the watercourse.
  8. If they _______, water would be considered a "product" under GATT and thus a "good" under NAFTA.
    removed water from its natural state (e.g. by siphoning water into tankers or pipes).
  9. What is the national treatment obligation?
    An instrument in NAFTA that commits the country to treat enterprises operating on its territory, but controlled by the nationals of another country, no less favourably than domestic enterprises in like situations.
  10. Canada is not obligated to export any of its fresh water under NAFTA, but it is prevented from ______.
    Placing any restrictions on the exportation of its fresh water once exportation has begun.
  11. If Canada allows its water to be exported under NAFTA, the only way that they could stop it is _______.
    If water reaches a critical scarcity in Canada.
  12. What does NAFTA mean for Canada's water?
    • - Any limitations or taxes that the Can. govt. places on water exportation to the US and Mexico under NAFTA would have to be matched domestically.
    • - Any restrictions put on water cannot be any less that hwat has been used by the importing party over the last three years.
  13. How much water do Canadians use in a day?
    325 L/day.
  14. The Federal Water Policy with respect to the FTA was implemented in ___.
  15. A bill to the House of Commons prohibits ___ and limits ___.
    prohibits the large-scale and limits the small-scale export of Canadian fresh water.
  16. What is Chretien's trilateral declaration?
    Water in its natural state is not a good or product, is not traded, and therefore is not any never has been subject to the terms of any trade agreement.
  17. Many feel that the best (and only) solution is for Canada to ___.
    Enact a trilateral treaty with all of the NAFTA signatory countries.
Card Set
Lecture 8
Lecture 8, NAFTA