Physiology 1

  1. Ach NT - receptor and ion
    nicotinic receptor; Na/K ion
  2. Glu and Asp NT - receptor and ion
    • receptor: NMDA and non-NMDA (AMPA and kainate)
    • ion: Ca2+ and Na+
  3. GABA NT - receptor and ion
    ion: Cl-receptor: A and C
  4. Gly NT - ion
  5. Serotonin NT - receptor and ion
    5-HT3 receptor and Na+ ion
  6. cAMP/cGMP NT - receptor and ion
    no receptor - Na/K ion
  7. ATP NT - receptor adn ion
    P2x receptor and Ca2+ ion
  8. Ach NT and metabotropic receptors
    muscarininc receptors (M1-M5) involving G-proteins
  9. Epi/Norepi (catecholamines) and metabotropic receptor
    • adrenergic receptors:
    • alpha 1- Gq; alpha 2 - Gi or Go
    • beta1, 2, 3 - Gs- cAMP
  10. Serotonin and metabotropic receptor
    16 subtypes - nt counting 5-HT3
  11. Glu/Asp and metabotropic receptors
    8 subtypes
  12. GABA NT and metabotropic receptors
    B-Gi receptor
  13. function of digoxin
    blocks Na/K pumps
  14. distribution of volume
    2/3 intracellular, 1/3 extracellular (ECV = 3/4 interstitial and 1/4 plasma)
  15. effective osmole for plasma compartment?
    proteins (albumin)
  16. Hematocrit
    percent of total volume occupied by rbcs (usu ~40%)
  17. indicator-dilution method - equation and requirements
    • Volume = amt injected/ measured concentration (V=m/c)
    • requires:
    • 1. easily measured
    • 2. well distributed/mixed
    • 3. not metabolized/changed/altered
  18. blood volume determination
    BV = PV / (1-Hct)
  19. effective osmoles for extracellular compartment
    Na+ and inulin
  20. measurement of interstitial compartment volume
    ECV - PV = ISV
  21. measurement of intracellular compartment (ICC)
    Total volume - ECV = ICV
  22. measurement of total body volume?
    used radioactive water
  23. electrochemical quilibriums for K+, Cl-, Na+, and Ca2+
    • K+ -94mV
    • Cl- -76mV
    • Na+ 69mV
    • Ca2+ 125 mV
  24. Configuration of voltage-gated ion channels
    4/6 (4 domains with 6 transmembrane segments each)
  25. fast Na channel - configurations, transitions, effect
    • closed (rest) config: closed activation gate
    • open (activated) config: both activation and inactivation gates are open
    • inactivated config: inactivation gate is closed

    closed <--> open --> inactivated (usu at + mem pot) --> closed

    --> cascade of multiple fNa channels opening (positive feedback) --> rapid membrane depolarization
  26. TTX or STX toxicity - effect and source
    TTX => pufferfish, STX => red tide

    --> blocked fNa channels
  27. CTX and BTX toxicity - source and effect
    CTX => exotic fish, BTX => frogs

    --> block inactivation states of fNa channels --> open channels --> depolarized cell
  28. Extracellular calcium's effect on fNa channels
    it blocks the channel
  29. effects of 4-AP and 3,4-DAP - source
    4-AP => bird poison

    both 4-AP adn 3,4 DAP block the K+ channel --> no depolarization
  30. L-type Ca2+ channels - threshold for opening, speed of closure, inhibitors?
    • - threshold = -40mV
    • - closes slowly
    • - inhibited by dihydropyridine, often a target for drugs
  31. T-type Ca2+ channels - threshold for opening, speed of closure
    • - threshold = -70mV
    • - close quickly
  32. Neuronal voltage gated Ca2+ channels - location and toxin for each
    • all are found in the pre-synaptic terminal
    • N-type: blocked by omega-conotoxin (marine cone snail venom)
    • P/Q-type: blocked by omega-agatoxin (funnel-web spider venom
    • R-type: no known blocker
  33. latrotoxin - source, effect
    • => black widos spiders
    • keeps the neuronal Ca2+ channels open
  34. ligand-gated channel configuration
    5/4 configuration (5 subunit assembly each with 4 transmembrane segments)
  35. NMDA receptors - what opens it? functions?
    • both voltage and ligand gated:
    • - Glu adn Asp are ligands, Mg2+ is removed ~ -70mV --> opening of channel to allow Ca2+ entry

    - important for pain transmission (blocked by PCP) and long-term potentiation/memory
  36. Nernst Equation
    Ex = (60mv/Z) log ([Xout]/[Xin])
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Physiology 1
physiology 1