Human Dev

  1. Lifespan development
    • examines patterns of growth, change, and stability in behavior that occurs throughout the entire life-span.
    • -Physical: malnutrition
    • -Cognitive: intelligence
    • -Personaliy: stable personality traits
    • -Social: marriage & divorce
    • -Promethean Leap: in ability (birth --> 2)
    • -Age ranges, milestones, varies in culture
  2. Brofenbrenner
    • Ecological approach (4 levels of environment intercon.)
    • 1- Microsystem: immediate environment ( home, friends, neighborhood)
    • 2 -Mesosytem: Connects b/n various aspects of the microsystem. Level around you (parents, friends, did you know ur parents friends etc).
    • 3. Exosystem: broader influence that indiv does not have control over (i.e. how much money parents made)
    • 4. Macrosystem: cultural ideals, culture whih an individual lives (societal values, religious influence)
    • 5. Individualism vs. collection
  3. Cohort
    born at same time in same place
  4. Normative history graded
    biological and evironmental influences assoc. with historical moment (9/11)
  5. Normative AGED graded
    biological & environmental influences, similar age group puberty and schooling
  6. Normative SOCIO-cultural graded
    • impact of social & cultrual on an individual: ethnicity, social class, subcultural member
    • -richer social class is diff then lower social class
  7. Non-normative life events
    Atypical events in person's life
  8. Prenatal
    • G erminal
    • E mbryonic
    • F etal- 8 weeks --> birth (longest stage)
  9. Froyd psycho sensual stages
    Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital stages
  10. Research Methods
    • A. Correlational vs experimental research
    • -Correlational: relationship b/n 2 variables does NOT say cause/ effect.
    • B.Cross-sectional/ cultural: diff. stages are compared @ the same point in time. Same Cohort (age group)
  11. Gametes
    sex cells of mother and father : 23 pairs
  12. Zygote
    46 chromosomes (polygenic)
  13. Monozygotic twins
    same zygote or egg identical twins
  14. Dizygotic twins
    two separate ovum-sperm combinations, fraternal twins
  15. Genotypes
    combination of genetic material present but not expressed
  16. Phenotype
    • observable trait (hair, skin, etc..)
    • Homozygous: receives similar traits of parents
    • Heterozygous: dissimilar traits (recessive)
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Human Dev
Human Dev