Chapter 7 Skeletal System

  1. openings
    Slit between two bones through which nerves or blood vessels pass.
    • Fissure
    • e.g. superior orbital fissure of the sphenoid bone
  2. openings
    Hole within a bone through which nerves or blood vessels pass
    • Foramen
    • e.g.: foramen magnum of the occipital bone
  3. openings
    Tubelike passageway within a bone
    • Meatus
    • Example: auditory meatus of the temporal bone
  4. openings
    Cavity within a bone
    • Sinus
    • e.g. frontal sinus
  5. Depression
    Simple depression or hollowing in or on a bone
    • Fossa
    • e.g. mandibular fossa of the temporal bone
  6. Depression
    Groove that may contain a blood vessel, nerve, or tendon
    • Sulcus
    • e.g.: malleolar sulcus of the tibia
  7. Joint Processes
    Large, convex protrusion at the end of a bone
    • Condyle
    • e.g. medial or lateral condyles of the femur.
  8. Joint Processes
    Round protrusion separated from the rest of a bone by a neck.
    • Head
    • e.g.: head of the femur
  9. Joint Processes
    Flat, smooth surface
    • Facet
    • e.g. facet of a rib
  10. (Processes for attaching Ligaments, Tendons or Muscles)
    Prominent ridge on a bone
    • Crest
    • e.g. iliac crest of the coxal bone
  11. (Processes for attaching Ligaments, Tendons or Muscles)
    Second protrusion above a condyle
    • Epicondyle
    • e.g. lateral epicondyles of the femur.
  12. (Processes for attaching Ligaments, Tendons or Muscles)
    Less prominent ridge on a bone
    • Line
    • e.g. linea aspera of the femur
  13. (Processes for attaching Ligaments, Tendons or Muscles)
    Small, round protrution
    • Tubercle
    • e.g. greater tubercle of the humerus
  14. (Processes for attaching Ligaments, Tendons or Muscles)
    Large, round, and usually roughened protrution
    • Tuberosity
    • e.g. ischial tuberosity of the coxal bone
  15. (Processes for attaching Ligaments, Tendons or Muscles)
    Large protrusion
    • Trochanter
    • e.g. greater trochanter of the femur
  16. The bones of the upper and lower appendages comprise the ....
  17. The movement of the bones is controlled by the body's ....
  18. The number of bones in the axial skeleton is ...
  19. The number of bones in the cranium is ...
  20. The cranial bones are fused together at immovable joints known as....
  21. The forehead and anterior roof of the cranium is formed by the ...
  22. The posterior cranial floor is formed by the...
  23. The occipital bone contains a large hole for passage of the spinal cord known as the...
  24. The bones that form the side walls of the cranium are called the ...
  25. The mastoid process is a rounded process of the ...
  26. The projection of the temporal bone that helps form the cheekbone is the ...
  27. The cranial bone that has the shape of a butterfly and forms the anterior internal floor of the cranium is the ...
  28. The two thin perforated horizontal plates of bone in the ethmoid bone form the ....
  29. The pituitary gland lies in a saddle-shapped depression of the sphenoid bone known as the ...
  30. Membranous areas in the skull bones present in the newborn are known as ...
  31. The nasal cavity is devided into left and right chambers by a vertical partition called the ...
  32. Each zygomatic bone has a projection that helps fom the cheek-bone and is known as the ...
  33. The smallest facial bones are the ...
  34. The upper jaw is formed by two bones called ...
  35. The lower jaw bone is shaped as a horseshoe and is called the ...
  36. The vertebral column is composed of 26 bones known as ...
  37. The five sacral vertebrae fuse to one another to form the ...
  38. The vertebrae of the neck are known as...
  39. The unfused vertebrae of the vertebral column are separated from one another by ...
  40. The abnormal sideways curve of the spinal column is known as ...
  41. The weight-bearing cylinder of the vertebral bone that is found between the disks is the....
  42. The spinal cord extends through the vertebral column by passing through opening in the vertebrae known as ....
  43. The first vertebrae of the vertebral column is called the ...
  44. The process of the axis that projects upward into the ring of the first vertebrae is the ...
  45. The tree recognizable parts of the sternum are the manubrium, the body, and the ...
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Chapter 7 Skeletal System
Baron's anatomy and physiology