1. OCOKA
    Observation and Fields of Fire
  2. OCOKA
    Cover and Conceilment
  3. OCOKA
  4. OCOKA
    Key Terrain
  5. OCOKA
    Avenues of Approach
  6. NAI
    Named Area of Interest
  7. RFI
    Request For Information
  8. PIR
    Priority Intelligence Requirement
  9. SIR
    Specific Intelligence Requirement
  10. PMESII
    • Political
    • Military
    • Economic
    • Social
    • Infrastructure
    • Information
  11. ASCOPE
    • Area
    • Structures
    • Capabilities
    • Organizations
    • People
    • Events
  12. COO
    Combined Obstacle Overlay
  13. KIO
    Key Infrastructure Overlay
  14. WFF
    War Fighting Functions
  15. AO
    Area of Operations
  16. LOC
    Lines of Communication
  17. CIO
    Critical Infrastructure Overlay
  18. HUMINT
    Human Intelligence

    Gathered from a person on the ground
  19. SIGINT
    Signals Intelligence

    Gathered from interception of signals
  20. MASINT
    Measurement and Signature Intelligence
  21. GEOINT
    Geospatial Intelligence

    Gathered from satellite, aerial photography, mapping/terrain data
  22. OSINT
    Open Source Intelligence

    Gathered from open sources
    Technical Intelligence
  24. FININT
    Financial Intelligence

    Gathered from analysis of monetary transactions
  25. AOI
    Area of Interest
  26. ISR
    Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance
  27. AI
    Area of Influence
  28. COIN
    Counter Insurgency
  29. IMINT
    Imagery Intelligence
  30. 6 Types of Adversaries
    • 1. Non-State Actors
    • 2. Nation State Actors
    • 3. Domestic Threats.
    • 4. Criminals
    • 5. Hackers
    • 6. Insiders
  31. OPSEC
    Operational Security
  32. DSA
    Directed Search Areas
  33. 3 Essentials of an Army (Mr. Pagett)
    Shoot, Maneuver, and Communicate
  34. Non-Lethal Targetting (Example)
    Recon/Gathering Intel
  35. FOB
    Forward Operating Base
  36. COP
    Combat Operating Post
  37. TOC
    Tactical Operating Center
  38. METT-TC
    • Mission
    • Enemy
    • Terrain and Weather
    • Troops and Support Available
    • Time Available
    • Civil Considerations
  39. CCIR
    Commander's Critical Information Requirements
  40. HVT
    High Value Target
  41. AETO Filter
    Shows number of and type of attacks
Card Set
Questions about the Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield Process