Personal Pronouns
1. I
2. You
3. He
4. She
5. We
6. You all
7. They (m)
8. They (f)
Polite pronouns
9. Sir/Ma'am
10. He
11. She
12. They
- Pronumele Personale
- 1. Eu (Yo-oo)
- 2. Tu (Too)
- 3. El (YelL-emphasis is put on last L)
- 4. Ea (Yah - like Yahoo)
- 5. Noi (Noy)
- 6. Voi (Voy)
- 7. Ei (Yeh -like Yay!)
- 8. Ele (Yel-eh)
- Note: In Romanian there isn't a neuter pronoun for inanimate things. Either el or ea is used, depending on the gender of the noun.
- Ei is used when at least one of the beings referred is masculine. Use ele only when all beings referred to are feminine and/or neutre.
- Pronumele de politeţe
- 9. Dumneavoastră
- Note: This pronoun always demands its verb to be at the 2nd person plural form. ie. Dumneavoastră sunteţi bine? (You are alright?)
- 10. Dumnealui
- 11. Dumneaei
- 12. Dumnealor
- Note: These pronouns don't require the verb to be at the plural form, though this is considered more respectful.