lab values

  1. hemogoblin (hb or Hgb)
    • low red blood cells
    • (f) 12-16 ; (m) 14 - 18
    • low=anemia (women menstruatin/pregnant)
  2. hematocrit
    (f) 37-47% ; (m) 42-52 %

    Hematocrit (he-MAT-uh-krit) is the proportion of your total blood volume that is composed of red blood cells. A hematocrit (Hct) test indicates whether you have too few or too many red blood cells — conditions that can occur as the result of certain diseases. Red blood cells, or erythrocytes (uh-RITH-ro-sites), transport oxygen throughout your body

    • high level
    • polycythemia vera causes your body to produce too many red blood cells
  3. platelets
  4. RBC
    (f) 4.2-5.4 ; (m) 4.7-6.2 million
  5. WBC
    5,000 - 10,000
  6. Sed Rate/ESR
    • (f) 0-20 sec ; (m) 0-15 sec
    • Sed rate, or erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), is a blood test that can reveal inflammatory activity in your body. A sed rate test isn't a stand-alone diagnostic tool, but it may help your doctor diagnose or monitor the progress of an inflammatory disease.
Card Set
lab values
lab values