"Gulf Dead Zone"
- = a region of water so depleted of oxygen
- that kills or drives away marine organisms
low concentrations of dissolved oxygen water
Caused by fertilizer, runoff, sewage
a network of relationships among parts elements or components that interact with and influence one another
Exchange of energy, matter, or information
Receives inputs of energy, matter, or information; processes these inputs; and produces outputs
Feedback loop
a system’s output serves as input to that same system
A circular process
Negative Feedback Loop
output that results from a system moving in one direction acts as input that moves the system in the other direction.
Positive feedback loop
•instead of stabilizing a system, it drives it further toward one extreme or another
•Examples: exponential growth in human population, spread of cancer, erosion
Dynamic Equilibreum
system processes move in opposing directions at equivalent rates, balancing their effects
a system maintains constant or stable internal conditions
Emergent Properties
- system characteristics not evident in the components alone
- “The whole is more than the sum of the parts”
rock and sediment
liquid, solid, or water
all the planet’s living organisms and the abiotic portions of the environment
Gross Primary Production
assimilation of energy by autotrophs
Net Primary Production
energy remaining after respiration, and is used to generate biomass
Secondary Production
biomass generated by heterotrophs
rate at which ecosystems generate biomass
High Net Productivity
ecosystems whose plants rapidly convert solar energy to biomass
elements and compounds required for survival that are consume by organisms
nutrients required in relative large amounts
-Nitrogen, carbon, phosphorus
nutrients needed in smaller amounts
transitional zones between two ecosystems in which elements of different ecosystems mix
Landscape Ecology
the study of landscape structure and how it affects the abundance, distribution, and interaction of organisms
- a network of subpopulations
- Most members stay within patches but may move among patches or mate with those of other patches
- Individuals in small patches risk extinction
Habitat Fragmentation
breaking habitat into small, isolated patches due to human impact
where nutrients reside for varying amounts of time
movement of nutrients among pools, which change over time and are influenced by human activities
pools that release more nutrients than they accept
accept more nutrients than they release
Carbon Cycle
describes the routes that carbon atoms take through the environment
Phospherous Cycle
describes the routes that phosphorus atoms take through the environment
Nitrogen Cycle
describes the routes that nitrogen atoms take through the environment
Nitrogen Fixation
Nitrogen gas is combined (fixed) with hydrogen by nitrogen-fixing bacteria to become ammonium
bacteria that convert ammonium ions first into nitrite ions then into nitrate ions