What are the indications and size of the combi tube
- indications patent is unconscious and no gag reflex
- 37 F small adult for 4-6 ft
- 41 F large adult over 6 FT
What is the dosage for ASA
162 mg chewablen ASA
What is the dosage for abuteral
- 2.5mg >2 years
- 5.0 mg <2 years
When a sugar is less then____u give sugar
60 mg/dl
What is the dosage for Narcan
- IM Naloxone 0.2-0.4 mg 2-4 min until 2.0
- IN 2 mg/ml max of 3mg/ml
what are the viatal signs to be transported to mats detox facility
- HR 60-110
- RR 12-25
- BGL 70-200
- Systolic BP 90-160
- O2 sat >90%
what are the vital signs to be transported to mats medical monitoring center?
- HR 55-115
- RR 12-25
- BGL 60-350
- Systolic BP 90-175
- Sat >90%
- temp >34.9C <38.1C
Major Burns are clasified as what?
- Partial 25% adult 20% children
- Full thickness 10%
- hand, face, eyes, ears, feet, perineum
- high voltage
- compramise circulation or breathing