Psychology Definitions #7

  1. Hypothetical constructs
    Psychological constructions used in theory building and hypothesis testing
  2. Inductive approach
    Focuses on the collection of data unconstrained by theory, allowing patterns, relationships and eventually theories to emerge
  3. Personality profile
    Visual or numerical representation of an individual's positions on a set of personality dimensions
  4. Inductive-hypothetico-deductive spiral
    Cyclic process whereby theories that emerge from data are used to generate testable hypotheses and then new data that are fed back into the cycle
  5. Psychometric tests
    Psychological tests that are based on rigorous psychometric properties and related to population norms
  6. Test reliability
    The extent to which a test gives the same result for an individual over time and situation
  7. Test validity
    The extent to which a test measures what it purports to measure
  8. Test-retest reliability
    The extent to which a test gives the same score for an individual on two occasions
  9. Face validity
    When test items can be seen to make sense and relate to the construct being measured
  10. Construct validity
    The extent to which a test measures the construct it claims to measure
  11. Convergent validity
    The extent to which two independent tests give the same scores for the same construct
  12. Criterion validity
    The extent to which the scores on a test equate with scores on an established test or predict an external criterion such as behaviour
  13. Etic approach
    Imports concepts, theories, meanings and tests from one culture to collect data and test hypotheses in another
  14. Emic approach
    Based on concepts, theories, meaning and tests that originate from within the culture in which the research is conducted
  15. Correlation coefficient
    A statistical index of the strength and direction of the relationship between variables
  16. Primary factors
    The first and largest set of factors or dimensions that emerge in factor analysis and can themselves sometimes be simplified further
  17. Secondary factors
    Dimensions or factors found in factor analysis by looking for relationships between primary factors
  18. Conceptual nervous system
    A simple, hypothetical model of an aspect of the nervous system used to explore relationships between brain, behaviour and personality
  19. Ascending reticulocortical activating system (ARAS)
    Part of the brain that controls cortical arousal
  20. Limbic system
    Part of the brain that organizes emotional responses
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Psychology Definitions #7
Psychology Definitions #7