
  1. Application
    A deployed and operational IT system
  2. Application Architecture
    A description of the major logical grouping of activities
  3. Architecture
    • A formal description of the system
    • The structure of components and their inter-relationships
  4. Architecture Continuum
    A repository of architecture elements with increasing detail and specialization
  5. Architecture Building Blocks (ABB)
    A constituent of the architectural model that describes a single aspect of the system
  6. Architecture Development Method (ADM)
    A step by step approach to develop and use an enterprise architecture (the core of TOGAF)
  7. Architecture Domain
    The architectural area being considered
  8. Architectural Framework
    A foundational structure or set of structures which can be used for developing a broad range of different architectures.
  9. Activity
    A task of collection of tasks
  10. Architecture Principles
    A qualitative statement of intent that should be met by the architecture
  11. Architecture Vision
    A high level, aspirational view of the target architecture
  12. Baseline
    A specification that has been formally reviewed and agreed upon
  13. Basleine Architecture
    The existing defined system architecture
  14. Building Block
    Represents a component of the business, IT, or architecture capability (potentially reusable)
  15. Business Architecture
    The business strategy, governance, organization, and key business processes
  16. Busness Governance
    ensures that the business processes and policies deliver the business outcomes
  17. Capability
    An ability that an organization, person, or system possesses
  18. Concerns
    The key interests that are crucially important
  19. Constraint
    An external factor that prevents an organiztion from pursuing a particular approach
  20. Data Architecture
    The structure of an organization's logical and physical data assets
  21. Deliverable
    An artchitectural work product that is contractually specified and in turn formally reivewed, agreed, and signed off by the stakeholders
  22. Enterprise
    The highest level of description of an organization
  23. Enterprise Continuum
    A categorization mechanism for classifying architecture as they evolve from generic Foundational Architectures to Organization-specific architectures
  24. Foundation Architecture
    An architecture of generic services and functions that provides a foundation on which to build on
  25. Gap
    A statement of difference between two states (baseline and target architecture differences for instance)
  26. Governance
    The discipline of monitoring, managing, and steering a business
  27. Information
    A representation of facts
  28. IT (Information Technology)
    The lifecycle management of information and related technology used by an organization
  29. Logical Architecture
    An implementation-independent definition of the architecture
  30. Metadata
    Data about data
  31. Medamodel
    A model that describes how and with what the architecture will be decribed in a structured way
  32. Method
    A defined repeatable series of steps
  33. Model
    A representation of a subject of interest
  34. Modeling
    A technique through the contstruction of models enables a subject to be represented
  35. Objective
    A time-bound milestone for an organization that is used to demonstrate progress towards a goal
  36. Physical
    A description of a real world entity
  37. Reference Model (RM)
    A reference model is an abstract framework for understanding significant relationships among entities
  38. Repository
    A system that manages all the data of an enterprise
  39. Requirement
    A quntitative statement of business need
  40. Segment Architecture
    A detailed formal description of areas within an enterprise
  41. Solution Architecture
    A description of a discrete and focused business operation
  42. Solution Building Block
    A candidate physical solution for an Architecture Building Block
  43. Solutions Continuum
    A repository of re-usable solutions for implementation efforts
  44. Stakeholder
    an individual, team, or organization with interests in or concerns relative to the outcome of of the architecture
  45. Strategic Architecture
    A summary formal description of the enterprise and at an executive-level long term view of direction setting
  46. Target Architecture
    A description of a future state of the architecture
  47. Technical Reference Model (TRM)
    A structure that allows an information system to be described in a consistent manner
  48. Technology Architecture
    The logical software and hardware capabilities
  49. Transition Architecture
    A formal description of the enterprise architecture showing periods of transition and development for particular parts of the enterprise
  50. View
    The representation of a related set of concerns
  51. Viewpoint
    A definition of the perspective from which a view was taken
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TOGAF 9 foundation questions