Public Opinion and Persuasion

  1. Attitudes
    • There is a general agreement that an attitude is
    • learned
    • enduring
    • affective evaluation of an object (a person, entity, or idea) that exerts a directive impact on social behavior
    • (Perloff 2010)
  2. 4 key characteristics of Attitude
    • Learned
    • academics believe that attitudes are something that we learn factors that can shape our attitudes for example parents

    • Enduring
    • They are a stable part of our lives that influence how we think, speak and act.

    • Affective
    • attitudes affect our emotions

    • Behavior
    • attitudes make us behave in certain ways. most scholars agree with Allport (1935) that an attitude exerts "a directive or dynamic influence upon the individual's response to all objects and situations with which it is related."
  3. Why are Attitudes important to PR?
    we want publics to have a good attitude towards our brand/client/company, because attitude directly affects behavior

    positive attitude = positive behavior.
  4. Values
    Values are ideals; they are overarching goals that people aim to obtain in their lives. (Perloff 2010)

    Values can be considered as broader concepts e.g world peace
  5. Why are Values important to PR?
    Values are anotherkey concept in PR because values affect attitudes, which then effect behavior.By tapping into our public’s values our practice could create positivebehavior, for example not testing on animals, but alternatively if we affect anegative value like being harmful to the environment this could result innegative behavior.
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Public Opinion and Persuasion
Flashcards for my POP exam