Cha Cha Cha Chasse to Right (RLR), Foot Positions
- Step 1. RIGHT foot to side
- Step 2. LEFT foot half closed to Right
- Step 3. RIGHT foot to side
Cha Cha Cha Chasse to Right (RLR), Footwork
- Step 1. Ball Flat
- Step 2. Ball Flat
- Step 3. Ball Flat
Cha Cha Cha Chasse to Right (RLR), Action Used
- Step 1. Right knee compressed, hips start moving to Right
- Step 2. Both knees compressed, hips central
- Step 3. Both knees straight, hips to Right
Cha Cha Cha Chasse to Right (RLR), Body Turn
Body turn depends upon the figure in which the chasse is danced
Cha Cha Cha Chasse to Right (RLR), Timing & Beat Values
- Step 1. Timing - 4, 1/2 beat
- Step 2. Timing - &, 1/2 beat
- Step 3. Timing - 1, 1 beat
Cha Cha Cha Chasse to Left (LRL), Foot Positions
- Step 1. LEFT foot to side
- Step 2. RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 3. LEFT foot to side
Cha Cha Cha Chasse to Left (LRL), Footwork
- Step 1. Ball Flat
- Step 2. Ball Flat
- Step 3. Ball Flat
Cha Cha Cha Chasse to Left (LRL), Action Used
- Step 1. LEFT knee compressed, hips start moving to Left
- Step 2. Both knees compressed, hips central
- Step 3. Both knees straight, hips to Left
Cha Cha Cha Chasse to Left (LRL), Body Turn
Body turn depends upon the figure in which the chasse is danced
Cha Cha Cha Chasse to Left (LRL), Timing & Beat Values
- Step 1. Timing - 4, 1/2 beat
- Step 2. Timing - &, 1/2 beat
- Step 3. Timing - 1, 1 beat
Cha Cha Cha Lock Forward (RLR), Foot Positions
- Step 1. RIGHT foot forward, Right shoulder leading (slightly)
- Step 2. LEFT foot crossed behind Right
- Step 3. RIGHT foot forward, Right shoulder leading (slightly)
Cha Cha Cha Lock Forward (RLR), Footwork
- Step 1. Ball Flat
- Step 2. Toe (this is an exception, normally Heel is lowered when step required 1/2 beat)
- Step 3. Ball Flat
Cha Cha Cha Lock Forward (RLR), Action Used
- Step 1. RIGHT knee straight, hips start moving to Right
- Step 2. Both knees compressed, hips central, Latin Cross
- Step 3. Both knees straight, hips to Right
Cha Cha Cha Lock Forward (RLR), Body Turn
Body turn depends upon the figure in which the lock is danced
Cha Cha Cha Lock Forward (RLR), Timing & Beat Values
- Step 1. Timing - 4, 1/2 beat
- Step 2. Timing - &, 1/2 beat
- Step 3. Timing - 1, 1 beat
Cha Cha Cha Lock Forward (LRL), Foot Positions
- Step 1. LEFT foot forward, Left shoulder leading (slightly)
- Step 2. RIGHT foot crossed behind Left
- Step 3. LEFT foot forward, Left shoulder leading (slightly)
Cha Cha Cha Lock Forward (LRL), Footwork
- Step 1. Ball Flat
- Step 2. Toe (this is an exception, normally Heel is lowered when step required 1/2 beat)
- Step 3. Ball Flat
Cha Cha Cha Lock Forward (LRL), Action Used
- Step 1. LEFT knee straight, hips start moving to Left
- Step 2. Both knees compressed, hips central, Latin Cross
- Step 3. Both knees straight, hips to Left
Cha Cha Cha Lock Forward (LRL), Body Turn
Body turn depends upon the figure in which the lock is danced
Cha Cha Cha Lock Forward (LRL), Timing & Beat Values
- Step 1. Timing - 4, 1/2 beat
- Step 2. Timing - &, 1/2 beat
- Step 3. Timing - 1, 1 beat
Cha Cha Cha Lock Backward (LRL), Foot Positions
- Step 1. LEFT foot back, TOE turned out, Left shoulder leading (slightly)
- Step 2. RIGHT foot crossed in front of Left
- Step 3. LEFT foot back, Left shoulder leading (slightly)
Cha Cha Cha Lock Backward (LRL), Footwork
- Step 1. Toe (this is an exception, normally Heel is lowered when step required 1/2 beat)
- Step 2. Ball Flat
- Step 3. Ball Flat
Cha Cha Cha Lock Backward (LRL), Action Used
- Step 1. LEFT knee straight, hips start moving to Left
- Step 2. Both knees compressed, hips central, Latin Cross
- Step 3. Both knees straight, hips to Left
Cha Cha Cha Lock Backward (LRL), Body Turn
Body turn depends upon the figure in which the lock is danced
Cha Cha Cha Lock Backward (LRL), Timing & Beat Values
- Step 1. Timing - 4, 1/2 beat
- Step 2. Timing - &, 1/2 beat
- Step 3. Timing - 1, 1 beat
Cha Cha Cha Lock Backward (RLR), Foot Positions
- Step 1. RIGHT back, TOE turned out, Right shoulder leading (slightly)
- Step 2. LEFT foot crossed behind Right
- Step 3. RIGHT foot back, Right shoulder leading (slightly)
Cha Cha Cha Lock Backward (RLR), Footwork
- Step 1. Toe (this is an exception, normally Heel is lowered when step required 1/2 beat)
- Step 2. Ball Flat
- Step 3. Ball Flat
Cha Cha Cha Lock Backward (RLR), Action Used
- Step 1. RIGHT knee straight, hips start moving to Right
- Step 2. Both knees compressed, hips central, Latin Cross
- Step 3. Both knees straight, hips to Right
Cha Cha Cha Lock Backward (RLR), Body Turn
Body turn depends upon the figure in which the lock is danced
Cha Cha Cha Lock Backward (RLR), Timing & Beat Values
- Step 1. Timing - 4, 1/2 beat
- Step 2. Timing - &, 1/2 beat
- Step 3. Timing - 1, 1 beat
Time Step, Man's Foot Positions
- Step 1: RIGHT foot to side
- Step 2: LEFT foot closed to Right
- Step 3: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 4: LEFT foot to side
- Step 5: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 6: LEFT foot to side
- Step 7: RIGHT foot closed to left
- Step 8: LEFT foot in place
- Step 9: RIGHT foot to side
- Step 10: LEFT foot half closed to Right
- Step 11: RIGHT foot to side
- Repeat ad lib. from Step 2
Time Step, Man's Footwork
Ball Flat throughout
Time Step, Man's Action Used
- Step 1: Side step
- Step 2: Foot close with weight change
- Step 3: Weight transfer in place
- Step 4-6: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL to side
- Step 7: Foot close with weight change
- Step 8: Weight transfer in place
- Step 9-11: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR to side
Time Step, Man's Body Turn
No turn
Time Step, Lady's Foot Positions
- Step 1: LEFT foot to side
- Step 2: RIGHT foot closed to Left
- Step 3: LEFT foot in place
- Step 4: RIGHT foot to side
- Step 5: LEFT foot half closed to Right
- Step 6: RIGHT foot to side
- Step 7: LEFT foot closed to Right
- Step 8: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 9: LEFT foot to side
- Step 10: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 11: LEFT foot to side
- Repeat ad lib. from Step 2
Time Step, Lady's Footwork
Ball Flat throughout
Time Step, Lady's Action Used
- Step 1: Side step
- Step 2: Foot close with weight change
- Step 3: Weight transfer in place
- Step 4-6: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR to side
- Step 7: Foot close with weight change
- Step 8: Weight transfer in place
- Step 9-11: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL to side
Time Step, Lady's Body Turn
No turn
Time Step, Shaping
- Steps 1-11: Start and finish in Close Hold
- Can also be danced Open with out hold
Time Step, Precedes
- Close basic
- Spot Turn to Left
Time Step, Follows
- Close Basic
- Spot Turn to Right
- Spot Turn to Left can follow Step 6
Time Step, Notes
- Note 1:
- the movement is used for teaching basic rhythm and development of good rhythmic interptetation
- as such, it has bee standardised with the 1st step taken to the side on the 1st beat of the bar of music
- Note 2:
- Whan Guapacha Timing is used
- Foot position for Step 2 is "LEFT Foot crossed behind Right"
- Foot position for Step 7 is "RIGHT foot crossed behind Left"
- Lady's steps are normally opposite
- Foot work is Toe as both steps are Latin Cross
Close Basic, Man's Foot Positions
- Step 1: LEFT foot forward, TOE turned out
- Step 2: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 3: LEFT foot to side and slightly back
- Step 4: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 5: LEFT foot to side and slightly back
- Step 6: RIGHT foot back
- Step 7: LEFT foot in place
- Step 8: RIGHT foot to side and slightly forward
- Step 9: LEFT foot half closed to Right
- Step 10: RIGHT foot to side and slightly forward
Close Basic, Man's Footwork
Ball Flat throughout
Close Basic, Man's Action Used
- Step 1: Checked Forward Walk
- Step 2: Weight transfer in place
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL turning to Left
- Step 6: Backward Walk
- Step 7: Weight transfer in place
- Step 8-10: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR turning to Left
Close Basic, Man's Body Turn
- Step 1: No turn
- Step 2: Slightly to Left
- Step 3-5: To Left
- Step 6: No turn
- Step 7: Slightly to Left
- Step 8-10: To Left
- Overall: up to 1/2 turn to Left
Close Basic, Lady's Foot Positions
- Step 1: RIGHT foot Back
- Step 2: LEFT foot in place
- Step 3: RIGHT foot to side and slightly forward
- Step 4: LEFT foot half closed to Right
- Step 5: RIGHT foot to side and slightly forward
- Step 6: LEFT foot forward, TOE turned out
- Step 7: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 8: LEFT foot to side and slightly back
- Step 9: RIGHT foot half closed to left
- Step 10: LEFT foot to side and sligtly back
Close Basic, Lady's Footwork
Ball Flat throughout
Close Basic, Lady's Action Used
- Step 1: Backward Walk
- Step 2: Weight Transfer in Place
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR turning to Left
- Step 6: Checked Forward Walk
- Step 7: Weight transfer in place
- Step 8-10: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL turning to Left
Close Basic, Lady's Body Turn
- Step 1: No turn
- Step 2: Slightly to Left
- Step 3-5: To Left
- Step 6: No turn
- Step 7: Slightly to Left
- Step 8-10: To Left
- Overall: up to 1/2 turn to Left
Close Basic, Shaping
Steps 1-10: Start and finish in Close Hold
Close Basic, Precedes
- Close basic
- Spot Turn to Left
- Natural Top using Finish A
- Alemana using Finish A
Close Basic, Follows
- Time Step
- After Step 5:
- Natutal Top
- Fan
- Underarm Turn to the Right
Close Basic, Notes
- Note 1:
- Because the backward walk and checked forward walk are not exact counterparts, the distance between the couple will vary during the figure
- Note 2:
- When following with a Natural Top, the lady's Step 5 is taken forward between partner's feet
Open Basic, Man's Foot Positions
- Step 1: LEFT foot forward, TOE turned out
- Step 2: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 3: LEFT foot back
- Step 4: RIGHT foot crossed in front of Left
- Step 5: LEFT foot back
- Step 6: RIGHT foot back
- Step 7: LEFT foot in place
- Step 8: RIGHT foot forward
- Step 9: LEFT foot crossed behind Right
- Step 10: RIGHT foot forward
Open Basic, Man's Footwork
Ball Flat throughout except Steps 3 and 9, which are Toe
Open Basic, Man's Action Used
- Step 1: Checked Forward Walk
- Step 2: Weight transfer in place
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Lock LRL Backward
- Step 6: Backward Walk
- Step 7: Weight transfer in place
- Step 8-10: Cha Cha Cha Lock RLR Forward
Open Basic, Man's Body Turn
- Step 1: No turn
- Step 2: No turn
- Step 3-5: Slight body turn to Left
- Step 6: No turn
- Step 7: No turn
- Step 8-10: Slight body turn to Left
Open Basic, Lady's Foot Positions
- Step 1: RIGHT foot Back
- Step 2: LEFT foot in place
- Step 3: RIGHT foot forward
- Step 4: LEFT foot crossed behind Right
- Step 5: RIGHT foot forward
- Step 6: LEFT foot forward, TOE turned out
- Step 7: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 8: LEFT foot back
- Step 9: RIGHT foot crossed in front of left
- Step 10: LEFT foot back
Open Basic, Lady's Footwork
Ball Flat throughout except Steps 4 and 8, which are Toe
Open Basic, Lady's Action Used
- Step 1: Backward Walk
- Step 2: Weight Transfer in Place
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Lock RLR Forward
- Step 6: Checked Forward Walk
- Step 7: Weight transfer in place
- Step 8-10: Cha Cha Cha Lock LRL Backward
Open Basic, Lady's Body Turn
- Step 1: No turn
- Step 2: No turn
- Step 3-5: Slight body turn to Left
- Step 6: No turn
- Step 7: No turn
- Step 8-10: Slight body turn to Left
Open Basic, Shaping
Steps 1-10: Start and finish in Open Position (no hold)
Open Basic, Precedes
- Hockey Stick
- Spot Turn to Left
Open Basic, Follows
- After Step 5 without hold or turn:
- Spot Turn to Left
Open Basic, Notes
- During the Open Basic the Backward Cha Cha Cha Lock can be replaced with Three Backward Cha Cha Cha locks
- Simlarly, the Forward Lock can be replaced with Three such locks
- Timing becomes: 2 3 4&1 2&3 4&1 2 3 4&1 2&3 4&1
- Precedes and follows are unchanged
Fan, Man's Foot Position
- Step 1: RIGHT foot back, partner outside in Left side
- Step 2: LEFT foot in place
- Step 3. RIGHT foot to side and slightly forward
- Step 4. LEFT foot half closed to Right
- Step 5. RIGHT foot to side and slightly forward
Fan, Men's Footwork
Ball flat throughout
Fan, Men's Action
- Step 1: Backward walk
- Step 2: Weight transfer in place
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR turning to Left
Fan, Men's body turn
- Step 1: No turn
- Step 2: No turn
- Step 3-5: 1/8 turn to Left
Fan, Lady's foot position
- Step 1: LEFT Foot forward outside partner on Left side
- Step 2: RIGHT foot back & slightly to the side
- Step 3: LEFT foot back
- Step 4: RIGHT foot crossed in front of Left
- Step 5: LEFT foot back
Fan, Lady's footwork
Ball flat throughout except Step 3, which is Toe
Fan, Lady's Action
- Step 1: Forward walk
- Step 2: Forward walk truning
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Lock LRL Backward
Fan, Lady's Body turn
- Step 1: No turn
- Step 2: 1/8 turn to LEFT
- Step 3-5: 1/4 turn to LEFT
Fan, Shaping
- Step 1: Start in Close Hold then lower left hand
- Step 2: Release hold with right hand
- Step 5: Finish in Fan Position
Fan, Precedes
- 1-5 of Close Basic
- Spot Turn to Right
Fan, Notes
Note refers to the option to replace the Hip Twist Chasse with the RLR Chasse Turning to Left for the man's steps 3 to 5
Hockey Stick, Men's Foot position
- Step 1: LEFT foot forward, TOE turned out
- Step 2: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 3: LEFT foot to side
- Step 4: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 5: LEFT foot to side
- Step 6: RIGHT foot back
- Step 7: LEFT foot in place
- Step 8: RIGHT foot forward
- Step 9: LEFT foot crossed behind Right
- Step 10: RIGHT foot forward
Hockey Stick, Men's Foot work
Ball flat throughout except Step 9, which is Toe
Hockey Stick, Men's Action
- Step 1: Checked Forward Walk
- Step 2: Weight transfer in place
- Step 3-5: Compact Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL to side
- Step 6: Backward walk
- Step 7: Weight transfer in place
- Step 8-10: Cha Cha Cha Lock RLR Forward
Hockey Stick, Men's Body Turn
- Step 1-5: no turn
- Step 6-10: 1/8 to RIGHT
Hockey Stick, Lady's Foot Position
- Step 1: RIGHT foot closed to left
- Step 2: LEFT foot forward
- Step 3: RIGHT foot forward
- Step 4: LEFT foot crossed behind Right
- Step 5: RIGHT foot forward
- Step 6 LEFT foot forward
- Step 7: RIGHT foot back and slightly to the side
- Step 8: LEFT foot back
- Step 9: RIGHT foot crossed in front of Left
- Step 10: LEFT foot back
Hockey Stick, Lady's foot work
Ball flat throughout except Steps 4 and 8, which are Toe
Hockey Stick, Ladies Action
- Step 1: Foot close with weight change
- Step 2: Forward walk
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Lock RLR Forward
- Step 6: Forward walk
- Step 7: Forward walk turning
- Step 8-10: Cha Cha Cha Lock LRL Backward
Hockey Stick, Ladies body turn
- Step 1-5: no turn
- Step 6: 1/8 Left
- Step 7: 3/8 Left
- Step 8-10: 1/8 Left
Hockey Stick, Shaping
- Step 1: Start in Fan position
- Step 5: LEFT arm raised indicating a turn to (lady's) Left
- Step 10: Finish in open poition, L-R
Hockey Stick, Precedes
Hockey Stick, Follows
- Step 1-5 Close Basic to Natural Top
- Step 1-5 Close Basic to Underarm Turn to Right
- Open Basic
- Alemana from Open Position (L-R)
Check from Open CPP, Men's Foot Position
- Step 1: LEFT foot forward in Open CPP, TOE turned out
- Step 2: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 3: LEFT foot to side
- Step 4: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 5: LEFT foot to side
Check from Open CPP, Men's Footwork
Ball flat throughout
Check from Open CPP, Men's Action
- Step 1: Checked forward walk
- Step 2: Weight transfer in place
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL to side
Check from Open CPP, Men's Body Turn
- Step 1: 1/8 to Right (started during previous beat of music)
- Step 2-5: 1/4 turn to left , 3/8 turn if finish in Open PP (R-L)
Check from Open CPP, Lady's Foot Position
- Step 1: RIGHT foot forward in Open CPP, TOE turned out
- Step 2: LEFT foot in place
- Step 3: RIGHT foot to side
- Step 4: LEFTfoot half closed to Right
- Step 5: RIGHT foot to side
Check from Open CPP, Ladies Footwork
Ball Flat throughout
Check from Open CPP, Ladies Action
- Step 1: Checked forward walk
- Step 2: Weight transfer in place
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR to side
Check from Open CPP, Ladies Body Turn
- Step 1: 1/8 to Left, started during previous music beat
- Step 2-5, 1/4 to Right, 3/8 if ending in Open PP (R-L)
Check from Open CPP, Shaping
- Step 1: Start in Open CPP,
- Step 5: Finish in Open position (L-R)
Check from Open CPP, Precedes
- The following figures ended in Open CPP:
- Spot Turn to L
- Underarm Turn to Right
- Check from Open PP
- Steps 1-10 of Hand to Hand
Check from Open CPP, Follows
- Fan
- Spot Turn to Left
- Underarm Turn to Right
- if finished in Open PP (R-L): Check from Open PP
Check from Open PP, Men's Foot Position
- Step 1: RIGHT foot forward in Open PP, TOE turned out
- Step 2: LEFT foot in place
- Step 3: RIGHT foot to side
- Step 4: LEFT foot half closed to Right
- Step 5: RIGHT foot to side
Check from Open PP, Men's Footwork
Ball flat throughout
Check from Open PP, Men's Action
- Step 1: Checked forward walk
- Step 2: Weight transfer in place
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR to side
Check from Open PP, Men's Body Turn
- Step 1: 1/8 to Left (started during previous beat of music)
- Step 2-5: 1/4 turn to Right, 3/8 turn if finish in Open CPP
Check from Open PP, Lady's Foot Position
- Step 1: LEFT foot forward in Open PP, TOE turned out
- Step 2: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 3: LEFT foot to side
- Step 4: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 5: LEFT foot to side
Check from Open PP, Ladies Footwork
Ball Flat throughout
Check from Open PP, Ladies Action
- Step 1: Checked forward walk
- Step 2: Weight transfer in place
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL to side
Check from Open PP, Ladies Body Turn
- Step 1: 1/8 to Right started during previous music beat
- Step 2-5, 1/4 to Left 3/8 if ending in Open CPP
Check from Open PP, Shaping
- Step 1: Start in Open PP,
- Step 5: Finish in Open position (R-L)
Check from Open PP, Precedes
- The following figures ended in Open CPP:
- Spot Turn to Right
- Underarm Turn to Left
- Check from Open CPP
- Hand to Hand
Check from Open PP, Follows
- Spot Turn to Right
- if finished in Open CPP (R-L):
- Check from Open CPP
- Underarm Turn to Left
Spot Turn to LEFT, Men's foot position
- Step 1: RIGHT foot forward and across body turning to finish RIGHT foot back & slightly to side
- Step 2: LEFT foot in place
- Step 3: RIGHT foot to side
- Step 5: LEFT foot half closed to Right
- Step 5: RIGHT foot to side
Spot Turn to LEFT, Men's Foot work
Ball flat throughout
Spot Turn to LEFT, Men's Action
- Step 1: Forward walk turning
- Step 2: Weight transfer in place
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR turning to Left
Spot Turn to LEFT, Men's body turn
- Step 1-5: one full turn to LEFT
- 7/8 turn if finished in Open CPP
Spot Turn to LEFT, Lady's Foot Position
- Step 1: LEFT foot forward across body turning to finish LEFT foot back & slightly to side
- Step 2: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 3: LEFT foot to side
- Step 5: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 5: LEFT foot to side
Spot Turn to LEFT, Lady's footwork
Ball flat throughout
Spot Turn to LEFT, Lady's Action
- Step 1: Forward walk turning
- Step 2: Weight transfer in plave
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL turning to Right
Spot Turn to LEFT, Lady's body turn
- Step 1-5: One full turn to RIGHT
- 7/8 turn if finished in Open CPP
Spot Turn to LEFT, Shaping
Steps 1-5: Start and Finish in Open Hold, no hold
Spot Turn to LEFT, Precedes
- Steps 1-6 of Time Step
- Spot Turn to Right
- Underarm Turn to Left
- Shoulder to Shoulder
- Check from Open CPP
- Hand to Hand
Spot Turn to LEFT, Follows
- Close Basic
- Open Basic
- Spot Turn to Right
- Hand to hand
- If finished in Open CPP:
- check from Open CPP
- Underarm Turn to Left
Underarm turn to (Lady's) RIGHT, Men's Foot Position
- Step 1: RIGHT foot back
- Step 2: LEFT foot in place
- Step 3: RIGHT foot to side
- Step 4: LEFT foot half closed to Right
- Step 5: RIGHT foot to side
Underarm turn to (Lady's) RIGHT, Men's Foot work
Ball Flat throughout
Underarm turn to (Lady's) RIGHT, Men's Action
- Step 1: Backward walk
- Step 2: Weight transfer in place
- Step 3-5: Compact Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR to Right
Underarm turn to (Lady's) RIGHT, Men's body turn
No turn
Underarm turn to (Lady's) RIGHT, Lady's foot position
- Step 1: LEFT foot forward across body turning to finish LEFT foot back & slightly to side
- Step 2: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 3: LEFT foot to side
- Step 5: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 5: LEFT foot to side
Underarm turn to (Lady's) RIGHT, Lady's foot work
Ball flat throughout
Underarm turn to (Lady's) RIGHT, Lady's Action
- Step 1: Forward walk turning
- Step 2: Weight transfer in plave
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL turning to Right
Underarm turn to (Lady's) RIGHT, Lady's body turn
Step 1-5: One full turn to RIGHT
Underarm turn to (Lady's) RIGHT, Shaping
- Step 1: Start on Open Position L-R
- Move LEFT hand in a circle over the lady's right shoulder allowing her to turn to the right
- Step5: Finish in Open Position L-R
- Can finish in Close Hold.
Underarm turn to (Lady's) RIGHT, Precedes
- Steps 1-5 of Close Basic
- Check from Open CPP
- Spot Turn to Right
- Underarm Turn to Left
Underarm turn to (Lady's) RIGHT, Follows
- Close Basic
- Spot Turn to Right
- If finished in Open CPP:
- Check from Open CPP
- Underarm Turn to Left
Spot Turn to RIGHT, Men's foot position
- Step 1: LEFT foot forward and across body turning to finish LEFT foot back & slightly to side
- Step 2: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 3: LEFT foot to side
- Step 4: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 5: LEFT foot to side
Spot Turn to RIGHT, Men's Foot work
Ball flat throughout
Spot Turn to RIGHT, Men's Action
- Step 1: Forward walk turning
- Step 2: Weight transfer in place
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL turning to Right
Spot Turn to RIGHT, Men's body turn
- Step 1-5: one full turn to RIGHT
- 7/8 turn if finished in Open PP (R-L)
Spot Turn to RIGHT, Lady's Foot Position
- Step 1: RIGHT foot forward across body turning to finish RIGHT foot back & slightly to side
- Step 2: LEFT foot in place
- Step 3: RIGHT foot to side
- Step 4: LEFT foot half closed to Right
- Step 5: RIGHT foot to side
Spot Turn to RIGHT, Lady's footwork
Ball flat throughout
Spot Turn to RIGHT, Lady's Action
- Step 1: Forward walk turning
- Step 2: Weight transfer in plave
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR turning to Left
Spot Turn to RIGHT, Lady's body turn
- Step 1-5: One full turn to LEFT
- 7/8 turn if finished in Open PP (R-L)
Spot Turn to RIGHT, Shaping
Steps 1-5: Start and Finish in Open Hold, no hold
Spot Turn to RIGHT, Precedes
- Time Step
- Spot Turn to Left
- Check from Open PP
Spot Turn to RIGHT, Follows
- Spot Turn to Left
- Fan
- Shoulder to Shoulder
- if finished in Open PP: Check from Open PP
Underarm turn to (Lady's) LEFT, Men's Foot Position
- Step 1: LEFT foot forward, TOE turned out, Outside Partner
- Step 2: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 3: LEFT foot to side
- Step 4: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 5: LEFT foot to side
Underarm turn to (Lady's) LEFT, Men's Foot work
Ball Flat throughout
Underarm turn to (Lady's) LEFT, Men's Action
- Step 1: Checked Forward walk
- Step 2: Weight transfer in place
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL to Left
Underarm turn to (Lady's) LEFT, Men's body turn
Steps 3-5: 1/8 Turn Left
Underarm turn to (Lady's) LEFT, Lady's foot position
- Step 1: RIGHT foot forward across body turning to finish RIGHT foot back & slightly to side
- Step 2: LEFT foot in place
- Step 3: RIGHT foot to side
- Step 5: LEFT foot half closed to Right
- Step 5: RIGHT foot to side
Underarm turn to (Lady's) LEFT, Lady's foot work
Ball flat throughout
Underarm turn to (Lady's) LEFT, Lady's Action
- Step 1: Forward walk turning
- Step 2: Weight transfer in plave
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR turning to Left
Underarm turn to (Lady's) LEFT, Lady's body turn
Step 1-5: 7/8 turn to LEFT
Underarm turn to (Lady's) LEFT, Shaping
- Step 1: Start in Open CPP L-R
- Move LEFT hand in a circle over the lady's right shoulder allowing her to turn to the left
- Step5: Finish in Open Position L-R
- Can finish in Close Hold.
Underarm turn to (Lady's) LEFT, Precedes
- The following figures finished in Open CPP
- Steps 6-10 of Close basic
- Check from Open PP
- Spot Turn to Left
- Underarm Turn to Right
Underarm turn to (Lady's) LEFT, Follows
- Fan
- Spot Turn to Left
- Underarm Turn to Right
- Shoulder to Shoulder
- if Lady is led to move forward during steps 3-5: Natural Top
- if finished in Open PP: Check from Open PP
Shoulder to Shoulder, Man's Foot Positions
- Step 1: RIGHT foot forward, TOE turned out, OUTSIDE partner on Right side
- Step 2: LEFT foot in place
- Step 3: RIGHT foot to side
- Step 4: LEFT foot half closed to Right
- Step 5: RIGHT foot to side
- Step 6: LEFT foot forward, TOE turned out, OUTSIDE partner on Left side
- Step 7: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 8: LEFT foot to side
- Step 9: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 10: LEFT foot to side
- Steps 11-17: Repeat Steps 1-7
- Steps 18-20: Repeat Steps 8-10 but with only 1/8 turn to Left
Shoulder to Shoulder, Man's Footwork
Ball Flat throughout
Shoulder to Shoulder, Man's Action Used
- Step 1: Checked Forward Walk
- Step 2: Weight Transfer in Place
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR turning to Right
- Step 6: Checked Forward Walk
- Step 7: Weight Transfer in Place
- Step 8-10: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL turning to Left
- Steps 11-20: Repeat Steps 1-10
Shoulder to Shoulder, Man's Body Turn
- Steps 1&2: no turn
- Steps 3-5: 1/4 turn Right
- Steps 6&7: no turn
- Steps 8-10: 1/4 turn Left
- Steps 11&12: no turn
- Steps 13-15: 1/4 turn Right
- Steps 16&17: no turn
- Steps 18-20: 1/8 turn to Left
Shoulder to Shoulder, Lady's Foot Positions
- Step 1: LEFT foot Back, Partner outside on Right side
- Step 2: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 3: LEFT foot to side
- Step 4: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 5: LEFT foot to side
- Step 6: RIGHT foot back, Partner outside on Left side
- Step 7: LEFT foot in place
- Step 8: RIGHT foot to side
- Step 9: LEFT foot half closed to Right
- Step 10: RIGHT foot to side
- Steps 11-20: Repeat Steps 1-10
Shoulder to Shoulder, Lady's Footwork
Ball Flat throughout
Shoulder to Shoulder, Lady's Action Used
- Step 1: Backward Walk
- Step 2: Weight Transfer in Place
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL turning to Right
- Step 6: Backward Walk
- Step 7: Weight Transfer in Place
- Step 8-10: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR turning to Left
- Steps 11-20: Repeat Steps 1-10
Shoulder to Shoulder, Lady's Body Turn
- Steps 1&2: no turn
- Steps 3-5: 1/4 turn Right
- Steps 6&7: no turn
- Steps 8-10: 1/4 turn Left
- Steps 11&12: no turn
- Steps 13-15: 1/4 turn Right
- Steps 16&17: no turn
- Steps 18-20: 1/8 turn to Left
Shoulder to Shoulder, Shaping
- Steps 1-20: Start and finish in Open Position, no hold
- The start position is slightly offset due to the turn made during the preceding figure
Shoulder to Shoulder, Precedes
- Spot Turn to Right (man turns 7/8, Lady turns 1.1/8)
- Underarm Turn to Left (man turns 1/4 to Left, lady one complete turn to Left)
Shoulder to Shoulder, Follows
Spot Turn to Left
Shoulder to Shoulder, Notes
- An alternative method of dancing this figure is for the man to dance lady's steps and vice versa
- Precede with a Spot Turn to Left (man turning 1.1/8, lady 7/8); follow with Spot Turn to Right
Hand to Hand: Man's Foot Position
- Step 1: LEFT foot back in Open Fallaway Position
- Step 2: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 3: LEFT foot to side
- Step 4: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 5: LEFT foot to side
- Step 6: RIGHT foot back in Open Fallaway Position
- Step 7: LEFT foot in place
- Step 8: RIGHT foot to side
- Step 9: LEFT foot half closed to Right
- Step 10: RIGHT foot to side
- Steps 11-15: Repeat Steps 1-5, to finish in Open Position (L-R)
- can be finsihed in Open CPP on Step 10 or Open PP (R-L) on steps 5 or 15
Hand to Hand: Man's Footwork
Ball Flat throughout
Hand to Hand: Man's Action Used
- Step 1: Backward walk
- Step 2: Weight transfer in place
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL turning to Right
- Step 6: Backward walk
- Step 7: Weight transfer in place
- Step 8-10: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR turning to Left
Hand to Hand: Man's body turn
- Step 1: 1/4 Left, commenced on previous beat
- Step 2: no turn
- Step 3-5: 1/4 Right
- Step 6: 1/4 Right, commenced on previous beat
- Step 7: no turn
- Step 8-10: 1/4 Left
Hand to Hand: Lady's Foot Position
- Step 1: RIGHT foot back in Open Fallaway Position
- Step 2: LEFT foot in place
- Step 3: RIGHT foot to side
- Step 4: LEFT foot half closed to Right
- Step 5: RIGHT foot to side
- Step 6: LEFT foot back in Open Fallaway Position
- Step 7: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 8: LEFT foot to side
- Step 9: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 10: LEFT foot to side
- Steps 11-15: Repeat Steps 1-5
Hand to Hand: Lady's Footwork
Ball Flat throughout
Hand to Hand: Lady's Action Used
- Step 1: Backward walk
- Step 2: Weight transfer in place
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR turning to Left
- Step 6: Backward walk
- Step 7: Weight transfer in place
- Step 8-10: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL turning to Right
Hand to Hand: Lady's body turn
- Step 1: 1/4 Right, commenced on previous beat
- Step 2: no turn
- Step 3-5: 1/4 Left
- Step 6: 1/4 Left, commenced on previous beat
- Step 7: no turn
- Step 8-10: 1/4 Right
Hand to Hand, Shaping
- Step 1: start in Open Position (R-L) then achieve Open Fallaway Position (R-L)
- Step 5: Open position (L-R)
- Step 6: Achieve Open Fallaway Position (L-R)
- Step 10: Open position (R-L);
- Step 11: Achieve Open Fallaway Position (R-L)
- Step 15: Finish in Open position (L-R)
- Can be finsihed in Open CPP on Step 10 or Open PP (R-L) on steps 5 or 15
Hand to Hand, Precedes
- Spot Turn to Left
- Underarm Turn to the Right
- Alemana using Finish A
Hand to Hand, Follows
- Spot Turn to Left
- Underarm Turn to the Right
- If finished in Open CPP on Step 10:
- Check from Open CPP
- Underarm Turn to Left
- If finished in Open PP on Step 15: Check from Open PP
Hand to Hand. Notes
- Note 1:
- This figure can also be danced with the man's Right and Left hand held alternatively just under the lady's Left and Right shoulder blades
- The lady's hands will then lie naturally on the man's Right and Left shoulders respectively
- When danced this was, the figure can also be preceded with Close Basic or Natural Top using Finish A
- Note 2:
- During the Hand to Hand, the Cha Cha Cha Chasse can be replaced with three Cha Cha Chas
- The timing then becomes: 2 3 4&1 2&3 4&1, 2 3 4&1 2&3 4&1.
- When three Cha Cha Chas are used, a 1/4 turn to the Left is made on the second Cha Cha Cha, which is taken with a forward lock action
- Precedes and Follows are unchanged
Natural Top: Man's Foot Position
- Step 1: RIGHT foot crossed behind Left
- Step 2: LEFT foot to the side and slightly back
- Step 3: RIGHT foot forward and across Left
- Step 4: LEFT foot to the side and slightly back
- Step 5: RIGHT foot forward and across Left
- Step 6: LEFT foot to side and slightly forward
- Step 7: RIGHT foot crossed behind Left
- Step 8: LEFT foot to the side
- Step 9: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 10: LEFT foot to the side and slightly forward
- Step 11: RIGHT foot crossed behind Left
- Step 12: LEFT foot to the side and slightly back
- Step 13: RIGHT to the side
- Step 14: LEFT foot half closed to Right
- Step 15: RIGHT foot to the side
Natural Top: Man's Footwork
- Step 1: THT, where the step is taken on the Toe and footwork completed as the next step is taken
- Step 2 & 3: Ball Flat
- Step 4: Ball
- Step 5: Ball Flat
- Step 6: Ball Flat
- Step 7: THT
- Step 8-10: Ball Flat
- Step 11: THT
- Step 12-15: Ball Flat
Natural Top: Man's Action Used
- Step 1: Delayed Backward Walk; Latin Cross
- Step 2: Side step
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR using a crossing action turning to Right
- Step 6: Side step
- Step 7: Delayed backward walk; Latin Cross
- Step 8-10: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL turning to Right
- Step 11: Delayed backward walk; Latin Cross
- Step 12: Side step
- Step 13-15: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR to side
Natural top: Man's Body Turn
- A continuous turn to the Right is mad throughout the figure
- The normal amount of turn over the 15 steps is 2.3/4 to the Right
Natural Top: Lady's Foot Position
- Step 1: LEFT to side and slightly back
- Step 2: RIGHT foot forward across Left
- Step 3: LEFT foot to the side
- Step 4: RIGHT foot half closed to the Left
- Step 5: LEFT foot to the side and slightly back
- Step 6: RIGHT foot forward across Left
- Step 7: LEFT foot to the side and slightly back
- Step 8: RIGHT foot forward and across Left
- Step 9: LEFT foot to side and slightly back
- Step 10: RIGHT foot forward and across Left
- Step 11: LEFT foot to side and slightly back
- Step 12: RIGHT foot forward and across Left
- Step 13: LEFT foot to the side
- Step 14: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 15: LEFT foot to the side
Natural Top: Lady's Footwork
Ball flat throughout except: Step 9, which is Ball
Natural Top: Lady's Action Used
- Steps 1&2: Forward Walks turning to the Right
- Steps 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL turning to the Right
- Steps 6&7: Forward Walks turning to the Right
- Steps 8-10: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR using a crosing action, turning to the Right
- Steps 11&12: Forward Walks turning to the Right
- Steps 13-15: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL to the side
Natural Top: Lady's Body Turn
- A continuous turn to the Right is mad throughout the figure
- The normal amount of turn over the 15 steps is 2.3/4 to the Right
Natural Top: Shaping
Steps 1-15: Start and finish in Close Hold
Natural Top, Precedes
- Steps 1-5 of Close Basic turned slightly to the Right, lady forward between her partner's feet
- Can be started from Open Position (L-R) if lady is led to dance a Cha Cha Cha Lock Forward
- Underarm Turn to Left if lady is led to dance a Cha Cha Cha Lock Forward to finish between her partner's feet
Natural Top, Notes
- Note 1:
- Due to the speed and continuation of turn, normal hip action does not occur during this figure except on the last step
- Note 2:
- If desired, only Steps 11-15 of the Natural Top can be danced
Alemana: Man's Foot Positions
- Step 1: LEFT foot forward, toe turned out
- Step 2: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 3: LEFT foot almost closed to Right
- Step 4: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 5: LEFT foot to side a short step
- Step 6: RIGHT foot back
- Step 7: LEFT foot in place
- Step 8: RIGHT foot to side
- Step 9: LEFT foot half closed to Right
- Step 10: RIGHT foot to the side
Alemana: Man's Footwork
Ball Flat throughout
Alemana: Man's Action Used
- Step 1: Checked Forward Walk
- Step 2: Weight Transfer in Place
- Step 3-5: Compact Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL to side
- Step 6: Backward Walk
- Step 7: Weight Transfer in Place
- Step 8-10: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR to side
Alemana: Man's Body Turn
no turn
Alemana: Lady's Foot Positions
- Step 1: RIGHT foot closed to left
- Step 2: LEFT foot forward
- Step 3: RIGHT foot forward
- Step 4: LEFT foot crossed behind Right
- Step 5: RIGHT foot forward
- Step 6: LEFT foot forward across body without weight then turn to finish with LEFT foot back
- Step 7: RIGHT foot forward
- Step 8: LEFT foot to the side
- Step 9: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 10: LEFT foot to the side
Alemana: Lady's Footwork
- Ball Flat throughout except:
- Step 4: which is Toe
- Step 6: which is outside edge of toe, flat
Alemana: Lady's Action Used
- Step 1: Foot close with weight change
- Step 2: Forward walk
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Lock RLR Forward turning to R on last step
- Step 6: Delayed Forward Walk (knee straight)
- Step 7: Forward walk then swivel to right
- Step 8-10: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL turning to Right
Alemana: Lady's Body Turn
- Step 1&2: No turn
- Step 5: 1/8 Right
- Step 6: 3/4 Right
- Step 7: 1/4 Right
- Step 8-10: 1/8 Right
Alemana: Shaping
- Step 1: Start in Fan Position
- Step 5: Left arm raised, indicating a turn to the right
- Step 10: Finish in Close Hold
Alemana from Open Position (L-R), Man's Foot Positions
- Step 1: LEFT foot forward, toe turned out
- Step 2: RIGHT foot in place
- Step 3: LEFT foot almost closed to Right
- Step 4: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 5: LEFT foot to side a short step
- Step 6: RIGHT foot back
- Step 7: LEFT foot in place
- Step 8: RIGHT foot to side
- Step 9: LEFT foot half closed to Right
- Step 10: RIGHT foot to the side
Alemana from Open Position (L-R), Man's Footwork
Ball Flat throughout
Alemana from Open Position (L-R), Man's Action Used
- Step 1: Checked Forward Walk
- Step 2: Weight Transfer in Place
- Step 3-5: Compact Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL to side
- Step 6: Backward Walk
- Step 7: Weight Transfer in Place
- Step 8-10: Cha Cha Cha Chasse RLR to side
Alemana from Open Position (L-R), Man's Body Turn
no turn
Alemana from Open Position (L-R): Lady's Foot Positions
- Step 1: RIGHT back
- Step 2: LEFT in place
- Step 3: RIGHT foot forward
- Step 4: LEFT foot crossed behind Right
- Step 5: RIGHT foot forward
- Step 6: LEFT foot forward across body without weight then turn to finish with LEFT foot back
- Step 7: RIGHT foot forward
- Step 8: LEFT foot to the side
- Step 9: RIGHT foot half closed to Left
- Step 10: LEFT foot to the side
Alemana from Open Position (L-R), Lady's Footwork
- Ball Flat throughout except:
- Step 4: which is Toe
- Step 6: which is outside edge of toe, flat
Alemana from Open Position (L-R), Lady's Action Used
- Step 1: Backward Walk
- Step 2: Weight transfer in place
- Step 3-5: Cha Cha Cha Lock RLR Forward
- Step 6: Delayed Forward Walk (knee straight)
- Step 7: Forward walk then swivel to right
- Step 8-10: Cha Cha Cha Chasse LRL turning to Right
Alemana from Open Position (L-R), Lady's Body Turn
- Step 1-5: No turn
- Step 6: 1/2 Right
- Step 7: 3/8 Right
- Step 8-10: 1/8 Right
Alemana from Open Position (L-R), Shaping
- Step 1: Start in Open Position (L-R)
- Step 5: Left arm raised, indicating a turn to the right
- Step 10: Finish in Close Hold
Alemana from Open Position (L-R), Precedes
Alemana from Open Position (L-R), Follows
Expalin Time Signature
- The Cha Cha Cha time signature is 4/4
- where the first number denotes the number of beats in a bar, and
- the second number denotes the value of those beats (i.e. 4 = 4 quarters of a note = crotchet)
Explain Rhythm
- The regular occurrence of an accented beat, or beats, in the music that gives character to the music and dance�its signature, how we recognise the dance.
- In Cha Cha Cha there is a musical accent on the 1st beat of the bar with a secondary musical accent on the 3rd beat.
- There are also percussive accents on 2nd (slight) and 4th (predominant) beat of the bar similar to the Rumba
Explain Tempo
- tempo is the speed at which the music is played
- defined in bars per minute (sometimes beats per minute)
- for Cha Cha Cha this is 30 bars per minute (=120 beats / min)
Explain Timing and Beat Value
- Timing is the way we count the passing of the music to ourselves, and pupils, to identify when things should happen in the dance
- For Cha Cha Cha this is 2, 3, 4 & 1 where:
- We step on 2 with hip setting on &
- We step on 3, with hip setting on &
- Finally, we step on 4 and & and 1, with hip setting on &
Some Principles for Rumba at Associate
- For side steps, if following step is crossing in front then foot position is 'side and slightly back'
- For side steps, if following step is crossing behind then foot position is 'side and slightly forward'
Describe the Cha Cha Cha Poise
- Stand naturally with feet together and shoulders relaxed and level
- Straighten the spine and raise the rib cage without raising the shoulders
- Take a step to the side and transfer weight to the supporting leg, locking the knee
- The other leg is straightened without locking the knee
- Weight is fully transferred to the supporting leg, allowing the pelvis to move sideways and back
- The weight is felt near the heel of the supporting foot
- This pelvic settling does not alter the position of the upper body
Describe Forward Walk
- Assume correct poise and balance
- Take one foot behind with no weight
- Movement begins with the body
- Just before point of imbalance, foot begins to move, toe then ball of foot with slight pressure into floor
- Just before foot arrives in position the leg straightens
- Weight is transferred by lowering moving heel and releasing stationery
- Stationery leg retains some tension and is straightened; turns 1/16 outward to control the full weight transfer
- Weight settles at a rate depending on the beat value of the step
Describe Backward Walk
- Assume correct poise and balance
- Take one foot in front with out weight
- The foot is moved, ball first then toe under the body with slight pressure into the floor but without affecting the poise; knee is slightly flexed
- Movement continues to a point where the full weight can just confortably be retained on the stationey leg with its knew straight
- Weight is transferred by lowering moving heel and releasing the stationery heel at a rate the depends of the beat value of the step
- Tension is maintained in the stationery leg with the heel lightly touching or just released from thr floor
- At the end of the move, the moving leg turns approximately 1/16 outward naturally (inherent turn)
Discuss Checked Forward Wallk
- There are occasions when we need to change direction with little or no turn; this is achieved with the Checked Forward Walk.
- The Checked Forward Walk is like the normal forward walk except:
- - the stepping foot moves to a position in advance of the body (in reality, the body does not 'catch up' with the foot)
- - only part weight is transferred to the stepping foot
- - the toe of the stepping foot is turned out approximately 1/16
- - the knee of the stationary foot is flexed and allowed to approach the stepping knee (but not too much)
Discuss Delayed Walks
- Delayed walks are used to enhance rhythmic interpretation of the music.
- The foot is moved to position without full weight transfer
- Weight is transferred later than normal with turn appropriate to the step, when the knee is straightend
- There are three types of Delayed Walk
- 1: Delayed forward walk with flexed knee (used when follow by a turn toward the stepping foot, e.g. ladies Close Hip Twist, step 3)
- 2: Delayed forward walk with straight knee (used when follow by a turn away from the stepping foot, e.g. ladies Alemana, stem 4)
- 3: Delayed backward walk with flexed knee (e.g. man's Natural Top, steps 1, 3 ,5 & 7)
Discuss Forward (and Backward) Walk Turning
- For occations when we need to change direction but continue moving forward (or backward)
- This is achieved by taking a step in the initial direction then gradually during to face the new direction during the 'settling' phase of the walk
- Foot positions vary depending the amount of turn as follows:
- 1/8 - foot is to the side and slighly forward (back)
- 1/4 - foot is to the side
- 3/8 - foot is backward (forward) and slightly to the side
- the maximum that can practically be turned is 3/8, with any additional turn completed during the following step
Describe Close Hold
- Dancers stand facing one another approximately 6" (15cm) apart
- The lady is slightly to the right of the man
- Weight is on either foot with the lady standing normally opposite
- The man's right hand is placed on the lady's back, cupping just below her left shoulder blade
- His right arm is held in a gentle curve with his elbow at approximately chest height
- The left arm follows a similar curve but the forearm is raised
- The left hand, with straight wrist, is held at approximately nose height and gently holds the lady's right hand on an imaginary line between the two bodies
- The ladys left hand is placed gently on the man's right shoulder
- He left arm rests lightly on the man's right arm, following the same curve.
Describe Promenade Position
- From Close Hold both dancers turn outward, man to left lady to right
- Turn can be between 1/8 and 1/4 each and the man's left arm is lowered
- Hips, depending on following figure will be between 6" (15) apart and touching
- If hips are in close proximity, the man's right arm is placed on her right shoulder blade and her left arm is placed across his back at approximately the man's shoulder blade level
Describe Fallaway Position
From promenade position, both dancers step backward, man on left foot, lady on right
Describe Open Position
- Dancers stand facing one another at approximately arms' length
- Weight is on either foot with lady standing normally opposite
- Hand hold in open position will depend on the following figure and can be
- - no hold
- - man's left to lady's right
- - man's right to lady's left
- - man's right to lady's right
- - man's left to lady's left
- - both hands
Describe Open Promenade Position
- From Open position, man and lady turn between 1/8 and 1/4 outward, man to left, ladt to right
- in the 1/8 position, foot position is "side in open promenade position"
- in the 1/4 position, foot position is "forward in open promenade position"
- With L to R hand hold, turn out is limited to 1/8
Describe Open Counter Promenade Position
- From Open Position, man and lady turn between 1/8 and 1/4 outward, man to right lady to left
- in the 1/8 position, foot position is "side in open promenade position"
- in the 1/4 position, foot position is "forward in open promenade position"
Describe Open Fallaway Position
- From Open Position, man and turn outward 1/4
- if started in L-R hand hold, man steps back on right foot, lady left foot
- if started in R-L hand hold, man steps back on left foot, lady on right
Describe Fan Position
- Man stands on his right foot, which is to the side and slightly forward (following forward walk turning)
- His right arm is held to the side flexed, just below shoulder height
- His left arm is held almost at arms length, palm upward holding the lady's right hand gently, with his thumb on top of her hand
- The ladys stands at right angles to the man
- The lady's right arm is held flexed, just below shoulder height
- Her left foot is back supporting her whole weight following a backward walk
- Her left arm is held to the side, slightly flexed just below shoulder height
- An imaginary line drawn from her feet would pass approximately 6" (15cm) in front of the man