Spiritual Journey

  1. Faith
    Personal knowledge of God gained through our experience of God present & active in our lives
  2. Theology
    An expression or articulation of God- putting that experience into words
  3. Belief
    Theology in a "snapshot"- a formulation of the knowledge we have of God through faith that can be shared with someone else
  4. Religion
    System of beliefs, values, rituals and other practices based on our experience of God that is faith
  5. Culture
    Our expression of who we are and wha we believe about ourselves and our world, including art, literature, music, dance, myths, folklore, religion. Can also be defined as shared, socially learned knowledge and patterns of behavior
  6. Creed
    A profession of faith. From the Latin for "I believe"
  7. Revelation
    God's "Self disclosure"- God making himself know in our experience and through Scripture and Tradition
  8. Doctrines
    Offcial teachings of the Catholic Church
  9. Dogmas
    Teachings which are central to Catholicism, given the fullest weight and authority thought to be without error; central or core teachings; the creed stuff
  10. Secular
    The opposite of religious; worldly, temporal; some would say atheistic.
  11. Mystery
    The unknown and unknowable dimension of reality that lies behind and beyond ordinary human experience; questions that can't be answered by science (at least no yet). Examples: the magnitude of the universe, the experience of love, the wonder of birth, the reality of death
  12. Wilkins' definition of religion
    The response a person gives to the mystery of life; the attempt on the part of each individual to express a relationship to the mystery of life
  13. Inference
    An educated guess; a conclusion by reasoning from premises or evidence
  14. Prehistory
    Time of history before written records
  15. Artifacts
    Things left behind by early people- pieces of pottery, tools, art, sculpture, buildings.
  16. Archaeologist
    Scienctist who studies the material remains. The things left behind by earlier cultures and civilizations
  17. Anthropologist
    Scientst who studies early people- their origin, nature and future-more interested in bones than artifacts
  18. Shaman
    Religious/spiritual leader who is believed to have special powers such as prophecy or the ability to heal
  19. To placate
    To appease or please someone or some power to soothe or make less angry
  20. Capricious
    Impulsive, tending to make sudden unexpected changes; fickle
  21. Heaven
    Traditionally the dwellig place of God and the saints; not a place but a state of eternal life and union with God in which one experiences full happiness
  22. Hell
    The state of permanent separation from God, reserved for those who freely consciously choose to reject God to the very end of their life
  23. Resurrection
    Central Christian belief that Jesus passed from death to life "on the third day" after his Crucifixion; also the belief that Christians in right relationship with God will live forever with God in heaven
  24. Martyr
    One who suffers death because of his/her faith; the Catholic Churc calls many "saints"
  25. Communion of Saints
    Can be another name for the church- the union of all who believe in Christ including those still living, those sitll living, those who have died adn are in purgatory and the saints in heaven
  26. Polytheism
    Belief in many gods. Also referred to as paganism in the History of God video. Most early religions were this
  27. Myth
    A traditional or ancient story which reveals the world view of a group or people, may explain the beginning of some thing, practice or belief and conveys sacred truths
  28. Holy
    The original meaning of the word is "other"- but other synonyms include dreadful, terrible, awful (as in full of awe or awe inspiring)
  29. Covenant
    Another word for contract, pact, or agreement, usually between God and people
  30. Transcendant
    Word that means "That which goes beyond our normal existence" the dictionary defines it as "Existing outside the material universe and so not liited by it"
  31. Atheist
    Someone who denies the existence of God
  32. Monotheism
    Belief in one God Judaism was the first religion that was truly this
  33. Trinity
    Central Chrisitian belief that there is one God in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  34. Creator
    Title given to God by Christians to show that God and only God is the cause of all that is and ever will be
  35. Inspiration
    Catholic belief that the Holy Spirit guided human authors in the writing of Scriptures so that the scriptures are true in those things that concern our salvation- in what they teach about God and how we are to live
  36. Our Soul
    The spiritual part of us that is immortal- that is, lives on after our bodies die.
  37. Free will
    Our ability to choose our actions. Christians believe that having this part of what it means to say we are "created in God's image"
  38. Stewardship
    The attitude that we do not own the gifts God has given us, but are trustees of those gifts
  39. Original Sin
    The state of separation from God that all humans are born into; Christians believe that it is passed down from our first parents, who because of our human inclination to greed and pride, disobeyed God and were separated from God (though Christians believe that Jesus enables us to return to union with God)
  40. The Babylonian Exile
    The time between 586 and 538 BCE when the Isrealies (Jews) were taken in captivity from the holy land into Babylonia. Their experiences during this time solidified their belief in God.
  41. What did the Hebrews believe about human creation?
    They believed that humans were created in the image of God, to be the stewards of creation
  42. What were the Babylonian's lives like?
    Their lives were full of turmoil, they lived in a land of frequent floods where life was a struggle; they experienced much war and violence; their worldview was dark anxious and suspicious
  43. What did the Canaanites believe?
    They believed in El, Baal (god of storms) and Anath (god of harvest). Baal was often worshipped in the form of a golden calf.
  44. What gods did the Egyptians believe in?
    Their gods were Re, the sun god and Osiris, the god of life everlasting
  45. What was the Egyptian's religion like?
    Their religion was very stable, (unchanging) in its rites, beliefs and theology
  46. What did the Babylonians think about human creation?
    They believed humans were created from the blood and bones of the dead monster, Kingu; humans were powerless and were meant only to serve the gods
  47. What did the Babylonians beilve was the creation of the world?
    They believed Marduk created the world from the dead body of his dragon mother, Tiamet.
  48. What do Hebrews think about how God creates?
    They believed that God creates in an orderly fashion with a plan and that God's creation is good.
  49. What was impoartant in the Egyptian religion
    The death ritual was important in this ancient religion, it occupied a central place
  50. What did the Hebrews write?
    They wrote their creation story to ephasize their experience of God as different from experience of thei rneighbors
  51. Pentecost
    A Jewish feast celebrating when Moses recieved the law on Mt. Sinai- in Christianity this feast celebrates when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the disciples
  52. Gifts of the Holy Spirit
    Seven gracces given to us by the Holy Spirit to help us respond to God's call to holiness- they help us to live a good and holy life
  53. Fruits of the Holy Spirit
    We know that an apple tree was planted in good soil, given sunlight, water and fertilizer because it produces terrific apples. In the same way Catholics believe the presence of these qualities in our lives show that we have received the gifts of the Holy Spirit and have put them to work in our lives
  54. What do Christians call Pentecost?
    The "Birthday of the Church"
  55. The four Marks of the church
    • 1. One
    • 2. Holy
    • 3. Catholic
    • 4. Apostolic
    • (be able to describe these)
  56. Infallible
    Means "without error" Catholics believe that the Pope and the bishops in union with hi are protected from fundamental error when they exercise their most solemn teaching authority on matters of faith and morals
  57. Ecumenism
    Movement to restore unity among Christian Churches
  58. Encyclical
    Letter written by a pope and sent out to the Catholic Church and sometimes beyond
  59. Doctrine
    Official teaching of the church
  60. Dogmas
    Teachings of the chrch that are recognized as central- the "creed stuff" - they carry the fullest weight and authority of the Magisterium
  61. Liturgy
    From the Greek word meaning "public service" or "Work of the people" this refers to the public communnal prayer of the church
  62. A symbol
    Something concrete (something you can touch or smell or see) that represents something abstract (like an idea or emotion); can have more than one meaning and the thing itself is related to what it represents
  63. A sign
    Something that carries a single meaning that has been arbitrarily assigned to it- for example, a stop sign or this math symbol
  64. Rituals
    Symbolic actions that help us concretely or physically express our beliefs, values and concerns these are repeated usually celebrate important events and are characterized by participation.
  65. Sacraments (capital S)
    The seven ritual celebratoins of the Catholic church; the Catholic Catechism defined them as "outward signs instituted by Christ to gie grace.
  66. sacrament (small s)
    In its broadest meaning any person, event or thing through which we encounter or experience God's presence in a new or deeper way
  67. Grace
    The gift of God's presence and friendship in our life; God's love and unconditional care for us that is constantly offered to us, no matter what.
  68. Disposition
    An inner attitude and readiness to participate in and receive God's gifts (graces) in the Sacraments- or any church service
  69. Efficacious
    This word describes Sacraments; it means a Sacrament celebrates the gift of grace already present in our lives and at the same time increases or deepens that gift of grace if we are open and receptive- it effects change in us because of God's power and love
  70. The altar
    The central table on which the Eucharist is celebrated; a symbol of Christ
  71. Baptismal Font
    A pool or bowl containing water used for baptism- and for blessing yourself as a reminder of your Baptism
  72. Ambo
    From the Greek word for mountain; the place where the Word of God (scripture readings) are proclaimed during Mass
  73. Paschal Candle
    A large ornamented candle symbolic of the risen Christ, which is blessed and lit during the Easter Vigil
  74. Tabernacle
    From the Latin word for "tent" or "hut' the place where the consecrated Eucharist is reserved
  75. Faith
    Humanity's "Response to God, who reveals himself to humans, at the same time bringing humans a superabundant light as they search for the ultimate meaning of their lives." Personal knowledge of God through experience
  76. Grace
    • The gift of God's presence and friendship in our life
    • God reaching out to us
    • It is free, ever present, constantly offered, unconditional and ours to accept or reject
  77. Theology
    Come from Greek 'Theos' for God; meaning: an academic discipline which attempts to order our experience of God (faith); classically defined as "faith seeking understanding"
  78. Belief
    • Intellectual: you assent that something is true.
    • Theology in a snapshot
    • -A formulation of the knowledge (experience) we have of God through faith.
    • -If theology is a process, belief is a product.
  79. Religion
    The system of beliefs, values, rituals and other practices based on our experience of God.
  80. Creed
    A breif summaryof things you believe.
  81. Revelation
    God revealing himself and his divine plan to the human race through words and deeds in history
  82. Doctrine
    An official teaching of the church based n the Revelation of God by and through Christ
  83. Dogma
    Those teachings that are recognized as central to Chruch teaching, defined by the Magisterium and accorded the fullest weight and authority
  84. Ecumenism
    The movement to restore unity among the Christian churches and ultimately all humans
  85. Evangelization
    The proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus through word and witness
  86. Culture
    Shared socially learned knowledge and patterns of behavior
  87. Inference
    An educated guess; a conclusion by reasoning from premises or evidence
  88. Secular
    the opposite of religious; worldly, temporal; some would say atheistic
  89. Capricious
    Impulsive tending to make sudden, unexpected changes; fickle
  90. Resurrection
    Central Christian belief that Jesus passed from life to death "on the thrid day" after his Cruxifiction; also the belief that Christians in right relationship with God will live forever with God in heaven
  91. Communion of Saints
    Can be another name for the church- the union of all who believe in Christ including those still living those who have died and are in puragtory and the saints in heaven
  92. John Westerhoff's stages of belief are
    • 1. Experiened faith
    • 2. Affiliative Faith
    • 3. Searching Faith
    • 4. Owned Faith
  93. Experienced faith
    Faith of little kids, the first faith, experiencing Mass, reading the Bible, praying at meal
  94. Affiliative Faith
    Second stage of faith, becoming a part of the community and taking on community values and beliefs; the stage of First Commumion
  95. Searching Faith
    Questioning and searching for understanding and truth, the stage when on wrestles with faith and may experience alternatives
  96. Owned Faith
    The stage when one makes a personal commitment to their faith and religion and puts their belief into action
  97. What are the three ways philosophers say we know anything?
    • 1. Direct experience
    • 2. Through community, being told or read
    • 3. Reason or logic, draw an inference
  98. Which of the three ways do you think Westerhoff would say is the best to know God?
    I think Westerhoff would say community is the best way to know God because he seems to believe in very traditional ways like going to chruch and listening to the wisdom that's been passed on from generation to generation
  99. Which of the three ways do you think is the best to know God?
    I think drawing an inference is the best way because God has left it up to us to decide our faith. He doesn't want us to accept his existance, he wants us to have faith whether or not there is solid evidence of him.
  100. Faith is to Grace as ________ is to ___________ because________
    Faith is to Grace as an RSVP is to an invitation because faith is our response to God's invitation of grace the same way an RSVP is to an invitation
  101. Faith is like________ because
    Faith is like a board game because sometimes you go through challenges and while you might not win the game you achieve the main goal of having fun, or rather you might not be the best person in the world, but your participation has shown God your faith.
  102. Wilkins defines religion as
    an acknowledgement of God.
  103. Passover
    Major Jewish holiday remembering the escape from Egypt
  104. Torah
    Several meanings, for Jews: "the Law" or refers to the first five books of the Hebrew Script.
  105. Covenant
    A solemn agreement between humans or between God and a human where mutual commitments are recognized
  106. Temple
    Built originally by Soloman to hold the Ark of the Covenant it was the place where scholars gathered to study and teach the Law and celebrate major feasts,there was only one and it symbolized God's presence among the people
  107. Palestine
    Area where the Jews lived for thousands of years; hoe of the biblical patriarchs, the "promised land"
  108. Synagogue
    Each town had one of these; a place for the people to gather, study, discuss scriptures and pray
  109. Galilee
    Norhtern area or region f Palestine, home of simple hard working peopl
  110. jerusalem
    Capital city of Palestine
  111. Nazerith
    Jesus' home town
  112. Theotokes
    "God bearer"
  113. Gospel
    "good news"
  114. Abba
    Rough translation: daddy or papa
  115. Canon
    Official list of books of the bible accepted by the church
  116. Messiah
    "Anointed one"
  117. Incarnation
    The mystery of Jesus divine and human natres in one person
  118. Emmanuel
    Title for Jesus, means "God with us"
  119. Parable
    Story that Jesus told to teach a lesson
  120. Miracle
    Special event or sigh, usually a healing that showed the presence and power of God.
  121. Disciple
    "student or learner" Word for the followers of Jesus in the New Testament times and also the fllowers of Jesus today
  122. Sadduces
    The aristocats in hebrew society
  123. Zealots
    The terroirsts of Jesus' time. They wanted to overthrow Rome and liberate Israel
  124. Pharisees
    Members of this group were teachers, not pretentious and followed the spirit of the law; Jesus was likely a part of this group
  125. Gentiles
    Non Jews
  126. San hedrin
    Jewish high court
  127. pashcal mystery
    The mystery that Christ had to suffer and die to save us from sin and death so the we might rise with him to new and glorious life. That Jesus' death was a new passover
  128. passion
    Word Christians use to describes Jesus' suffering
  129. Blasphemy
    Making oneself equal to God. Jesus was charged with this (that's why they Cruxified him)
  130. Four Gospels
    Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
  131. Why do we need all four Gospels?
    Because thy provide indivigual viewpoints from different positions in society. WIthout all of them we wouldn't be able to understand Jesus or his Parables as well. They are also specifically designed for each part of the communities and provide a full picture of Jesus
  132. What was the Covenant between God and Moses?
    Humans would follow the 10 commandments and God would love them and take care of them and be there for them.
  133. How are Torah (10 commandments) and Salvation history connected to the Covenant between God and Moses
    We can see from the Salvation history that those who follow the 10 commandments are more inclined to be saved
  134. If christians believe in the resurrection what is one thing they know or believe about Jesus?
    they Know that Jesus was the true son of God. WE know that because he was resurrected he was both fully man and fully God
  135. Placate
    Calm or soothe
  136. Exodus
    A mass departure
  137. Different ways things can be true
    • Scientific truth
    • Geographical truth
    • Historical truth
    • Mathmatical truth
    • Religous truth
    • Moral truth
    • Proverbial truth
    • Symbolic truth
  138. Scintific truth
    • Ex. Earth revolving around the sun
    • Can be proven to be true through scientific method
    • Includes all areas of science
  139. Geographical truth
    Israel is north of Egypt
  140. Historical truth
    George Washington was the first president of the united states
  141. Mathematical truth
  142. Religous truth
    • Ex. God loves all people
    • The truth about God and our relationship with GOd
  143. Moral truth
    • Ex. Taking something that doesn't belong to you is wrong.
    • The truth about how we are to act in relationship with others and with God
  144. Proverbial truth
    • Ex. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.
    • Folksy truth contained in proverbs
  145. Symbolic truth
    Ex. Her eyes danced like stars
  146. Myth
    Traditional story that may explain something
  147. Knowing about something...
    Hearsay, indirect, could be wrong, based on someone else's relationship or experience with that person, not necessarily your own
  148. Knowing something...
    Based on your own personal relationship, personal, based on your experience of the person
  149. Conviction
    Belief in truths; an assent of mind
  150. Commitment
    Dedicated to another; an assent of the heart, with implications upon behoavior
  151. Trust
    Reliance on the power and goodness of that to which one is committed (trust enables faith to remain active even in times of doubt)
  152. Faith=
    Personal knowledge of God gained through our experience of God present and active in our life
  153. Christain faith
    Personal knowledge of God in Christ
  154. Grace=
    • The relationship between God and us.
    • God reaching out to us so that we might experience God and know God.
  155. "the faith"
    Refers to the whole collection of beliefs held by Christians: doctrines, teachings handed down through time. The revealed truth of Scripture and Tradition
  156. Belief
    • Involves intellectual assent to a truth
    • Faith implies a deeper acceptance of a belief, one that requires changes in behavior and attitude. True faith goes beyond intellectua; assent to reveal truths
  157. Theology
    An academic discipline which attempts to order our experience of God (faith); classically defined as "faith seeking understanding"
  158. Sacrament of Eucharist
    The truth that Jesus become present in the Body and Blood at communion
  159. Anslem: "Credo ut intelligam"
    For I do not seek to understand that I may believe, but I believe in order to understand
  160. Inference
    An educated guess; a conclusion by reasoning from premises or evidence; a deduction, hypothesis
  161. Prehistory
    Time before written records
  162. Linguist
    Scientist who studies languages- makes inferences about early peoples based the development of languages
  163. Propitiation
    Attempt to appease or pacify someone or some power.
  164. Preliterate
    Before the use of writing
  165. Shaman
    Religious/ spiritual leader who is believed to have speical powers such as prophecy or the ability to heal. Thought to hae special relationship with the spirits; can contact spirits through trance like states
  166. What evidence is there for the existence of religious practices among early humans? What can we conclude about early religions from this evidence?
    • 1. Evidence of human burial
    • 2. Ceremonial arrangement of animal bones and skulls
    • 3. Cave paintings
    • 4. Carved figures
    • 5. Stone circles
  167. Evidence of human burial
    • Evidence of early religion
    • They buried their dead with flowers and food and showed an awareness of death
  168. Ceremonial arrangement of animal bones and skulls
    • Evidence of early religion
    • Possibly showed that they believed certain animals were connected or were spirit/powers with influence over their survival
  169. Cave painting
    Evidence of early religion
  170. Carved figures
    • Evidence of early human religion
    • Reverenve for spirits/powers that influenced finding of food or quantitu of food for healthy children and longevity
  171. Stone circles
    • Evidence of earlu religion
    • Places of worship related to growing season or heavenly bodies (stars, sun, moon)
  172. What do experts speculate are the steps to the beginning of religion
    • 1)Early people
    • experienced phenomena they couldn’t explain.

    • (2)Specifically,
    • they experienced phenomena that threatened their survival

    (a)Forces of Nature (earthquakes, floods, fire, lightning)

    (b)Scarcity of Food (famine, drought)

    (c)Illness and Death

    • (3)They concluded
    • invisible powers/spirits must be in control

    • (4)Over time, they
    • devised ways to placate these spirits/powers – rituals, practices, ceremonies,
    • prayers, songs, etc. – to keep the friendly spirits friendly and keep the
    • hostile spirits away.
  173. What are the 12 characteristics of prehistoric
    • 1.Belief
    • in spirit-forces or invisible powers (later, gods)
    • 2.Close
    • ties to a particular area or locality
    • 3.A
    • prescientific world view
    • 4.Concern
    • with survival
    • 5.manipulation,
    • coercion and supplication of the world of the spirits (that is, early religious
    • practices that tried to keep the friendly spirits friendly and keep the hostile
    • spirits away)
    • 6.Concern
    • about death – and belief about the afterlife and future life
    • 7.moral
    • systems (specific rules governing ways to act and ways not to act)
    • 8.theology
    • (explanations of the mystery they experienced)
    • 9.scripture
    • (stories, myths, songs, poems – and also explanations, rituals, moral codes --
    • passed down orally from generation to generation until writing developed.)
    • 10.prophecy (each religion had charismatic religious
    • leaders who were thought to be able to communicate with the spirit world)
    • 11.Sacrifice
    • (practice of giving gifts to the powers, forces, spirits – again to keep the
    • friendly spirits friendly and the hostile spirits away)
    • 12.Designated
    • places of worship – special places set aside for religious ceremonies.
  174. Why
    does Wilkins say religion is natural to people? Do you agree or disagree?
    • Because religion and
    • religious practices have been part of every human society from as far back as
    • we have evidence of human society. Some
    • scientists believe that the definition of what it means to be human -- that is the very thing that makes us human
    • – is religious awareness or awareness of mystery. Christians believe that God reaches out to
    • every human – is present and active in the lives of every human -- and has done
    • so from the creation of the very first human.
  175. Monotheism
    began to appear a mere
    4000 years ago
  176. Why
    does the idea of God changing sound a contradiction in terms
    • Because we tend to think of God as
    • an ideal, eternal, unchanging presence.
    • God is supposed to be absolute, eternal and sacred. To think of God changing is a
    • contradiction.
  177. “That essential sacred reality doesn’t change, but the way
    people express it over the years does change.

    We cannot be religious in the same way as our ancestors.” Why do you think this is so?
    • That essential sacred reality
    • doesn’t change, but the way people express it over the years does change.
    • We cannot be religious in the same
    • way as our ancestors. Our perspective is
    • entirely changed. We’ve looked at the
    • world from outer space, for example. So
    • each generation has the task of looking back at its traditions, its scriptures,
    • looking at its own unique circumstances and making a creative jump to apply the
    • past tradition to the problems of the present.
  178. Describe
    some general beliefs about the gods of polytheism
      1. Each
      2. god had limited domains of power and responsibility – hunt, war,
      3. fertility, death. Each can be
      4. contacted for a specific purpose
      5. These
      6. gods felt accessible and close at hand.
      7. They were near; they thought you didn’t have to struggle to feel
      8. their presence in your life.
      9. Tied
      10. to a specific area – you didn’t take your god with you if you moved.
      11. Sacrifice
      12. Thought
      13. you could manipulate or coerce the gods (control them, get them to do what
      14. you wanted) by using their names.
  179. In what way can the beliefs of polytheism be compared to
    Catholic beliefs about the saints?
    • Saints are patrons or helpers in certain areas. We like to “check” in with saints and pray to
    • saints in much the same way. “Cover our
    • bases” as it were
  180. What did the Canaanites believe about:
    • El: Chief god; shadowy, high god.
    • Had a son, Baal
    • Baal: god of storms and fertility.
    • Son of El, sister to Anath.
    • Anath: sister to Baal, goddess of the harvest
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Spiritual Journey