- - Spine/skull
- --> spine of scapular, acromion, lateral 1/3 of posterior aspect of clavicle
- - Accessory nerve (motor), C3+4 (sensation)
- - Shrugging shoulders
- - Inferior edge of crest of spine of scapular, lateral acromion, anterior lateral 1/3 of clavicle
- --> deltoid tuberosity of humerus
- - Axillary nerve
- - Abducts arm beyond 15*
Levator scapulae
- - Transverse processes of C1-4
- --> posterior surface of medial border of scapular
- - Dorsal scapular nerve, C3+4
- - Lifts scapula
- Minor: C7-T1
- Major: T2-5
- --> medial border of scapular
- - Dorsal scapular nerve
- - Retracts scapular towards spine
- --> Superior facet of greater tubercle
- - Suprascapular nerve
- - Abduction
- --> Middle facet of greater tubercle
- - Suprascapular nerve
- - Lateral rotation
Teres minor
- - Area of scapular next to lateral border below infraglenoid tubercle --> inferior facet of greater tubercle
- - Axillary nerve
- - Lateral rotation
Teres major
- - Oval area on posterior surface of inferior angle of scapular
- --> bicipital groove
- - Inferior subscapular nerve
- - Medial rotation
Pectoralis major
- - Clavicular head: anterior surface of medial 1/2 of clavicle
- Sternocostal head: anterior surface of sternum, 7 costal cartilages
- --> Bicipital groove
- - Lateral and medial pectoral nerves
- - Flexion, adduction, medial rotation of shoulder
Pectoralis minor
- - Anterior surfaces of ribs 3-5
- --> Coracoid process
- - Medial pectoral nerve
- - Pulls tip of shoulder down
- - 1st rib
- --> Coracoid process
- - Nerve to subclavius
- - Pulls shoulder inferiorly and anteriorly
Serratus anterior
- - Lateral surface of upper 8-9 ribs
- --> Medial border of scapula between superior and inferior angles
- - Long thoracic nerve
- - Protraction and rotation of scapular
Latissimus dorsi
- - Spinous processes of T6-12
- --> Bicipital groove
- - Thoracodorsal nerve
- - Adduction
- - Medial 2/3 of subscapular fossa
- --> Lesser tubercle of humerus
- - Upper and lower subscapular nerves
- - Medial rotation