Political science test 2

  1. Twelfth Amendment
    Electral college, the electors must indicate who they are voting for as president and who they are voting for as vice president
  2. Unit rule
    Winner-takes-all, which the candiadatewho receives the most popular votes in that state gets all of that state's electoral votes.
  3. Fourteenth Amendment
    • deals with voting rights indirectly. Its first clause guarantees citizenship and the rights of citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the U.S
    • Gave the states an incentive to grant minority citizens the right to vote, essentiall basing representation by the percentage of its male citizens over age 21 who could vote
    • If states refuesed to let african americans vote they would receive fewer seats in congress and fewer electoral college votes
  4. Fifteenth Amendment
    Stating that voting can not be denied by race, color, or previous condition of servitude
  5. Nineteenth amendment
    • gave the vote to women
    • the product of grassroots mobement that began in 1848
    • the ammendmet itself was not enacted untill 1920
    • Frontier life also helped fuel the movement for women suffrage
  6. Twenty-Fourth Amendment
    • outlawed the oll tax in 1964
    • one of the barriers to African American voting in the south
  7. Twenty-Sixth Amendment
    • Giving 18-year-old citzens the right to vote, was the most recent change to the constution
    • going of to die in the Vietnam War but not being able to vote gave the movement its biting edge
  8. How was minorites kept from voting
    • Imposing a variety of restrictions--
    • Literacy tests
    • poll taxes
    • complicated rigistration and residency requirements
    • the infamous "grandfather clause"
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Political science test 2
Secound test