Hydraulic Benders

  1. All hydraulic benders have a hydraulic cylinder, ram, and a shoe, and __________to hold them in the proper position. ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP105
    • A frame or yoke.
  2. Two general categories of hydraulic benders are what? ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP 105

    A one-shot bender and a multishot bender can fabricate a 90° bend in how many operations? ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP 105
    One shot benders and multiple-shot benders.

    A one-shot bender fabricates a 90° bend in one operation, whereas a multi-shot bender fabricates a 90° in multiple operations.
  3. What does Pascal's law state? ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP 106
    Pascal's Law states that pressure in and enclosed vessel of fluid is transmitted to all sides of the vessel. The principle used for hydraulic cylinders and rams.
  4. Concerning hydraulic benders and the control valve What is the valve usually designed to do when the system is shutdown? ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP 106
    The valve is usually designed to open automatically when the system is shutdown.
  5. What can be used to keep track of the amount of RAM travel on a hydraulic bender ? ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP 106
    A rubber O-ring can be used to keep track of the amount of RAM travel. When the O-ring touches the top of the bender, the conduit will be back to the desired angle.
  6. The maximum bend of the multi-shot bender is what? ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP 107
    Less than 90°.
  7. What must be used to bend 5 inch or 6 inch galvanized rigid conduit? ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP 107
    Multiple shot benders, as one-shot benders are not available to bend larger conduit, due to very large radiuses.
  8. What can be used as a template to help accurately draw the mark around conduit when laying out bends on large conduit with a hydraulic bender? ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP 109
    A strap or pipefitters wrap-around or a tape turned upside down and wrapped around the conduit.
  9. The key to accurate repeatable hydraulic bends is what? ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP 109

    For any given shoe and type of conduit, any bend can be repeated how? ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP 109
    Ram travel.

    By extending the ram the same distance for both bends.
  10. Fabricating a 90° bend on a hydraulic bender is done in what steps? ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP 110
    • 1: measure the stub distance.
    • 2: subtract the take up.
    • 3: Align the pencil mark with the front of the shoe or pipe strap.
    • 4: Place one level on the leg and the second level on the stub end.
  11. Regarding EMT and IMC how much overbend is required for springback? ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP 110
    EMT and rigid need only a small amount of overbend to allow for springback. With IMC, springback can be as much as 5 or 6°.
  12. When bending offsets and kicks on a hydraulic bender, what methods can be used effectively? ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP 111
    Both the multiplier method and the measured rise method.
  13. When bending multiple bends along the same plane on one piece of conduit, and using a hydraulic bender, what must be placed on the pipe between the first and second bend? ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP 111
    A no-dog.
  14. If the bender provided cannot accurately produce a known angle, The __________ is the only practical way of fabricating accurate repeatable offsets. ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP 112

    A difficulty with the measured rise method of bending offsets occurs when what? ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP 112
    Measured rise method.

    When running a rack with more than one size of conduit.
  15. When can the angle not be duplicated by measuring ram travel with a hydraulic bender? ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP 112
    For different sizes of conduit.
  16. Regarding large conduits and kicks, the measurements should be taken from what part of the stub? ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders, PP 113
    The measurements should be made from the center of the stub instead of the back.
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Hydraulic Benders
ATP, Conduit Bending and Fabrication, 2007: Chapter 6 Hydraulic Benders