Work that contains the Nashim, Kodashim, and Moed Orders
Siege of Fort St. Philip occurred during this Battle
Battle of New Orleans
Succeeded by Desaratha
Emperor and father of Kunala
Succeeded Bindusara
Coined the term "ophelimity"
The Piast Dynasty ruled this nation
Part of this work defines good, evil, hope, imagination, and appetite
Part III of this work says we can't validate a divine revelation
Work that coined the term "bricolage" to describe where myths come from
Savage Mind
Work that contrasts the "engineer" and the "bricoleur"
Savage Mind
Center of the Olmec civilization and culture
San Lorenzo
Hersilia was this man's wife
Created the Yassa Law Code
Genghis Khan
Killed his half brother Behter
Genghis Khan
This man's wife was Borti
Genghis Khan
Father of Jochi
Genghis Khan
Drafted the Port Huron Statement
Group that led the "Ten Days of Resistance"
Philosopher with a namesake paradox
Bertie Russell
His wife was Faustina the Younger
Marcus Aurelius
Defeated the Commune of Rome
Frederick Barbarossa
Succeeded Conrad III
Frederick Barbarossa
Fabry Disease affects this organelle
Battle of Vigo Bay took place during this war where treasure ships were destroyed
War of Spanish Succession
"Hero Square" is in this city
Discussed the divide between "Stimulus" and "Response"
John Dewey
Discussed the "Reflex Arc" in psychology
John Dewey
Critics believe this man caused rift between science and religion with his ideas
John Dewey
Shaker settlement where Hawthorne and Emerson once lived
Brook Farm
Deposed by Odoacer
Romulus Augustulus
Prigg v Pennsylvania dealt with this law
Fugutive Slave Act
One king of this name created the Auld Alliance
Wife of Henry II
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Proposed the thought experiment "Utility Monster"
Robert Nozick
This man's philosophical works have been compared to Dadaism
Jacques Derrida
His Of Grammatology is "A history book, through and through"
Jacques Derrida
Said that "There is nothing outside the text"
Jacques Derrida
Known as "The Red Napoleon"
Chief Joseph
Book that defined "Vocation"
Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
Empire that ruled during the Golden Age of India
Gupta Empire
Samundra was an emperor from this empire
Gupta Empire
Won the Battle of Las Salinas over Almagro
Ships involved in this event were the Montezuma, Norfolk, and Retaliation
XYZ Affair
Wrote The Essence of Christianity
Text that praises the student Yan Hui
Won the Battle of Varaville
William the Conqueror
Won the Battle of Van-Es-Dunes
William the Conqueror
This man proposed the system of "Positive Checks" and "Negative Checks"
Thomas Malthus
Indian economist who's NOT the micro loans guy
Amartya Sen
Court case about prayers in public schools
Engel v Vitale
Legion of the Archangel Michael was a military force in this country
Constantine Prezan was a general in this country
"Cenopythagorean" categories are related to this philosophy
The Metaphysical Club was a meeting of proponents of this philosophy
Leader who issued the Plan de la Noria
Porfirio Diaz
The Oxus and Jaxartes used to flow into this body of water
Aral Sea
Prince Rupert of the Rhine was a commander during this war
English Civil War
Self-Denying Ordinance was passed during this conflict
English Civil War
Solemn league and Covenant was agreed upon during this war
English Civil War
Battle of Ourique was won by this country
This country lost the Battle of Three Kings
Argued that language arises from "collective effervescence"
Emile Durkheim
Created the term "Social Fact"
Emile Durkheim
Leader of the Taiping Rebellion
Edited the National Philanthropist
William Lloyd Garrison
Published The Liberator
William Lloyd Garrison
Eggs are eaten with ashes on this holiday
Tisha B'Av
Won the Battle of Crocus Field
Philip of Macedon
Invoked the principle of Pre-Established Harmony
Gottfried Liebnitz
Battle of Kambula was a turning point in this war
Zulu War
Female suicide bombers called the Black Widows are from this region
John Chivington led this massacre
Sand Creek Massacre
Studied under William Graham Sumner
Thorstein Veblen
Harun al-Rashid was a leader of this polity
This dynasty founded the House of Wisdom
Battle of Rayy was a battle during a civil war in this dynasty
The Tulunids broke off from this empire
Founded by As-Saffah
Jerry Fodor called this man's work "The founding document in cognitive science"
David Hume
Work/Author whose chapters are titled "Of the Understanding", "Of Morals", and "Of Passions"
- Treatise of Human Nature
- David Hume
Philosopher who divided perceptions between "impressions" and "ideas"
David Hume
Explorer who died at the Battle of York
Zebulon Pike
Was captured by Spanish and held in Mexico for a year
Zebulon Pike
Searched for the headwaters of the Red River
Zebulon Pike
Hannah Arendt wrote her dissertation on this man's concept of love
Saint Augustine
Operation Product and Operation Crow were operations against this nation
Pearly Bag of the Three Caverns is about this religious figure
Lao Tzu
Killed his predecessor in La Moneda
His name means "You" and "That"
Josip Broz Tito
Early in his life, he was a member of the Red Guard in Omsk
Josip Broz Tito
Took control from Peter II
Josip Broz Tito
Michelle Bachelet was a president in this country
This work attack's Descartes assumption of the "I"
Beyond Good and Evil
This work attack's Kant's "Smokescreen"
Beyond Good and Evil
This work says that Northern and Southern Europeans have different talents for religion
Beyond Good and Evil
Second largest city in Panama
Russian linguist who influenced Chomsky
Roman Jakobson
Argument that proves God's existence because it's visible in nature
Teleological Argument
Proposed a theory of nebulas
Immanuel Kant
Kouroukan Fuga constitution established this empire
Work that popularized the term "Conventional Wisdom"
The Affluent Society
Work that discussed the "Dependence Effect"
The Affluent Society
Work that contains the story "The Bill Collector Cometh"
The Affluent Society
Battle that occurred a day after the Battle of Ulm
Battle of Trafalgar
Belem is a region of this city
Abolished slavery as governor in 1799
John Jay
Event that inspired the Cato Street Conspiracy
Peace River is in this province
Wood Buffalo National Park is in this province
Philosopher who wrote three undergraduate papers on logic
Thomas Quine
Theory that explains why people's impressions are more influenced by early information
Primacy Effect
Theory that believes that life is fundamentally fair
Just world hypothesis
The Kappel Wars took place in this country
Country that beat Austria in the Battle of Morgarten
1940 law that levied fines and prison sentences for those plotting to overthrow the government
Smith Act
There is a "New Classical" form of this curve
Philips Curve
Introduced the term "Epoch"
Edmund Husserl
Wrote Cartesian Meditations
Edmund Husserl
School that is based on the study of subjective experience
Founded phenomenology
Edmund Husserl
Wrote Philosophy of Arithmetic
Edmund Husserl
Created the term "Egocentric Viewpoint" when one assumes beliefs of familiar individuals
Edmund Husserl
Wrote a work with Carl Stumpf
Edmund Husserl
This country was ruled by governors with the title "Ban"
The Ustase were a Fascist group in this country
Hilarion Daza was a president in this country
This country failed to capture a fortress at Nanawa
Formulated the "Master Argument"
George Berkeley
British Prime Minister who saw the Prufomo Affair
Harold MacMillan
British Prime Minister who saw the Nassau Agreement
Harold MacMillan
British anthropologist who founded functionalism
Alfred Radcliffe-Brown
Came to power after the Genpei War
Kamakura Shogunate
Shogunate controlled by the Hojo Clan
Kamakura Shogunate
Japan's First Shogunate
Kamakura Shogunate
Powerful family during the Heian Period
Fujiwara Clan
Succeeded Kemal Ataturk as President of Turkey
Mustafa Inonu