Test 1

  1. Epi -
    Above, upon, on
  2. Endo -
    in, within, inside
  3. Penis
    organ used for sexual intercourse and urinary excretion
  4. Erythr -
  5. Dys -
    bad, difficult, painful
  6. stasis -
  7. ologist -
  8. lysis -
    breakdown, separation, setting free
  9. Fe
  10. NPO
    nothing by mouth
  11. DAW
    dispense as written
  12. Na Cl
    sodium chloride
  13. UA
  14. PT
    physical therapy
  15. ADL
    activities of daily life
  16. DX
  17. DNA
    de oxy ribo nucleic acid
  18. mono
    one, single
  19. post
    after, behind
  20. mal
    bad, poor
  21. ar
    pertaining to
  22. - algia
    pain, suffering
  23. - ism
    condition, state of
  24. - ary
    pertaining to
  25. - centesis
    surgical puncture to remove fluid
  26. - tomy
    process of cutting
  27. HIV
    Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  28. OSHA
    Occupational Safety & Health Administration
  29. CDC
    Centers for Disease Control & prevention
  30. AIDS
    Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  31. Which room require a safety check EVERY morning?
    Reception room
  32. CLIA
    Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments
  33. Chemicals could become _______ when expired.
    Volatile: changed into a gas or vapor
  34. ______ precautions PREVENT skin & mucous membrane exposure.
  35. safety in reception area
    • - furniture
    • - lighting
    • - floors
    • - electric cords
  36. safety in business area
    • - file drawers
    • - cupboards
    • - electrical cords
    • - office equipment
  37. three elements that start fire..
    • - fuel
    • - oxygen
    • - heat
  38. safety in examination room
    • - exam table
    • - stool
    • - items on countertops
    • - prescription pads
  39. Penis
    Organ used for sexual intercourse and urinary excretion
  40. Testes
    produce sperm and testosterone
  41. Epididymis
    it houses mature sperm and secretes fluid as part of ejaculation
  42. vas deferens
    is a passageway for sperm to exit epididymis
  43. Seminal Vesicles
    secretes fructose which is nutrition for sperm
  44. Prostate Gland
    ejaculant stimulates sperm motility, and preserves sperm life by neutralizing the acidity of the vagina.
  45. Bulbourethral Gland
    adds fluid (lubrication) to seman during the process of ejaculation, that empty contents into urethra
  46. Urethra
    passagway for sperm and urine
  47. How do the pituitary hormones affect the function of the testes?
    Releases gonad stimulating hormone which causes the change in the testes, male gonadotropic hormones are FSH & ICSH,
  48. secondary male sex characteristics
    • - longer & heavier bone structure
    • - larger muscles
    • - growth of body hair
    • - development of external genitalia
    • - increased metabolism
    • - sexual desire
    • - deep voice
  49. Sperm passes through...
    • 1. seminiferous tubules (testicles)
    • 2. epididimis
    • 3. vas deferens
    • 4. ejaculatory duct
    • 5. urethra
  50. Semen is composed of...
    • - fluids from testes and epididimis 5%
    • - fluids by the seminal vesicles 30%
    • - fluids by the prostate gland 60%
    • - fluids by the bulbourethral glands 5%
  51. a male gamete with a female gamete forms a _________ , one celled structure.
  52. X chromosome
  53. Y chromosome
  54. ...Contains Y chromosome... About the 7th or 8th week of pregnancy, the ______ begin to develop...
  55. Seminiferous tubules
    sperm develop and mature in these microscopic tubes
  56. FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone)
    stimulates the production of sperm
  57. ICSH (interstitial cell-stimulating hormones)
    secrete testosterone
  58. Vasectomy
    Surgical procedure to prohibit the ejaculation of sperm & effect sterilization of the male. (birthcontrol)
  59. Epididymitis (pain & swelling in scrotum, fever & waddaling)
    infection of the epididymis, caused by strep, trauma, gonorrhea or syphilis
  60. Erectile Dysfunction ( ED ) (patient unable to sustain erection)
    inability to have or sustain an erection to complete sexual intercourse. May result from diabetes, effects of alcohol/drugs, stress...
  61. Hydrocele (enlargement of scrotum)
    excessive amount of fluid in the scrotum, caused by injury, inflammation and aging.
  62. Prostatic Hypertrophy (reduced urine stream)
    prostate may enlarge to constrict urethra, making it difficult to empty bladder
Card Set
Test 1
Abbreviations, Prefix, Suffix, Male Sex Organs, Safety