ADN 127 Study Guide Chapter 1

  1. Group of health care providers that provide cost-discounted services to a specific group of clients

  2. National organization that sets standards for perinatal nurses

  3. Federal government plan to pay a fixed amount of money for a specific diagnosis

  4. Organization that provides comprehensive health services for a fixed fee

  5. Team-oriented plan to define expected client outcomes, length of stay, and expected interventions

  6. Payer of health care pays a contracted amount to the providers of care for a specific group of clients

    a. Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and neonatal Nurses (AWHONN)
    b. Capitated carec. Clinical Pathway
    d. Diagnosis-related group (DRG)
    e. Evidence-based practice
    f. Health maintenance organization (HMO)
    g. Managed care
    h. Preferred provider organization (PPO)
  7. Health care plan that uses specific agreements and autherizations to control costs

  8. Care based on use of reliable research findings to determine best nursing practice to acheive desired outcomes

  9. List 5 major factors that promoted moving the place of birth from the home to the hospital.
    • Discovery that hygienic practices could prevent puerperal infection
    • Development of forceps
    • Discovery of chloroform and drugs to control the pain of childbirth
    • Development of drugs to start or augment labor
    • Development of more operative procedures
  10. Describe the following settings for childbirth.
    traditional hospital setting
    • Labor, delivery, recovery, and postpartum care occurs in separate rooms
    • Parent-Infant contact may be delayed
  11. Describe the following settings for childbirth.
    Labor, delivery, and recovery (LDR) rooms
    • labor, delivery, and immediate recovery occur in a single room with transfer to a postpartum room for contiuning care
    • Emphsis on keeping parents and infant together
    • Liberal visiting
  12. Describe the following settings for childbirth.
    Labor, delivery, recovery,a nd postpartum (LDRP) rooms
  13. Describe the following settings for childbirth.
    Birth centers
  14. Describe the following settings for childbirth.
    Home births
  15. Explain how the following factors led to the development of family-centered maternity care.

    Consumer demands for involvement in their care
  16. Explain how the following factors led to the development of family-centered maternity care.

    Childbirth education to control labor pain
  17. Explain how the following factors led to the development of family-centered maternity care.

    Research about early parent-newborn contact
  18. Describe nursing care that may be encountered in this area of community-based perinatal nursing

    Antepartum high-risk women
  19. Describe nursing care that may be encountered in this area of community-based perinatal nursing

    Postpartum women
  20. Describe nursing care that may be encountered in this area of community-based perinatal nursing

    Normal newborns
  21. Describe nursing care that may be encountered in this area of community-based perinatal nursing

    High-risk newborns
  22. Describe the types of problems that the nontraditional family may encounter.

    Single-parent family
  23. Describe the types of problems that the nontraditional family may encounter.

    Blended family
  24. Describe the types of problems that the nontraditional family may encounter.

    Extended family
  25. Describe the types of problems that the nontraditional family may encounter.

    Same-gender family
  26. Describe the types of problems that the nontraditional family may encounter.

    adoptive family
  27. Describe the types of problems that the nontraditional family may encounter.

    High-risk family
  28. What is the leading cause of death in women in the unites states?
  29. List 3 major health problems that are linked to obesity.
  30. If a hospital spends more than expected on a client for care under a specific diagnosis-related group (DRG), the hospital will be

  31. Which of the these standards governs the nurse's scope of perinatal nursing practice?

  32. A nurse reacts with anger because a women has not had prenatal care because she does not see pregnancy as an illness that requires health care. THe nurse's reaction demonstrates

  33. The major concern about use of complementary or alternative therapies is

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ADN 127 Study Guide Chapter 1
ADN 127 Study Guide Chapter 1