Embalming 57-58

  1. Necrosis, death of tissues of part of the body usually due to deficient or absent blood supply
  2. Necrosis in the wound infected by an anaerobic gas forming bacillus, the most common etiologic agent being Clostridium perfringens
    Gas Gangrene
  3. Another word for Adipocere
    Grave Wax
  4. Extravascular movement of preservative fluids by gravatational force to the dependent area of the body
    Gravity Filtration
  5. Apparatus used to inject arterial fluid during the vascular (arterial) phase of the embalming process; relies on gravity to create the pressure required to deliver the fluid (0.43 pounds of pressure per one foot of elevation)
    Gravity Injector
  6. Instrument used to guide drainage tubes into veins
    Groove Director
  7. Historical instrument resembling a large hypodermic syringe attached to a bottle apparatus; used to create either pressure for injection or vaccum for aspiration
    Hand Pump
  8. Water containing large amounts of mineral salts. The (vehicle) to be used in mixing vascular embalming solutions should have mineral salts removed or sequestered
    Hard Water
  9. Chemical in powder form that has the ability to absorb and to disinfect, often used in cavity treatment of autopsied cases.
    Hardening Compound
  10. OSHA regulation that deals with identifying and limiting exposure to occupational hazards
    Hazard Communication Standard/Rule
  11. An agent or material exposing one to risk
    Hazardous Material
  12. Piece of equipment used to maintain the head in the proper position during the embalming process
    Head Rest
  13. Blood present in vomitus; vomiting of blood from the stomach
  14. A swelling or mass of clotted blood confined to an organ or space caused by a ruptured blood vessel
  15. The non protein portion of hemoglobin; the red pigment of the hemoglobin
  16. The red respiratory portion of the red blood cells; iron containing pigment of red blood cells functioning to carry oxygen to the cells
  17. Destruction of red blood cells that liberates hemoglobin
  18. Inflammation of the liver. It may be caused by a variety of agents, including viral infections, bacterial invasion, and physical or chemical agents. It is usually accompanied by fever, jaundice, and an enlarged liver
  19. A severe infectious blood borne virus
    Hepatitis B Virus/HBV
  20. An inflammatory skin disease marked by small vesicles in clusters, usually restricted to diseases caused by Herpes virus
  21. Special vascular (arterial) fluid with a high HCHO content
    High Preservation Demand Fluids
  22. A 5 percent sodium hypochlorite solution; twelve ounces of household bleach with 116 ounces of water yields one gallon of a 10% household bleach solution (5,000 ppm sodium hypochlorite)
    Household Bleach
  23. A type of retrovirus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
    Human Immuniodeficiency Virus/HIV
  24. Body of a deceased person, including cremated remains
    Human Remains
  25. Chemical that increases the ability of embalmed tissue to retain moisture
  26. Apparatus that is connected to the water supply; when the water is turned on a suction is developed and is used to aspirate the contents of the body's cavities
  27. Abnormal accumulation of fluids in a saclike structure, especially the scrotal sac
  28. Abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluids in the ventricles of the brain
  29. Reaction in which water is one of the reactants and compounds are often broken down. In the hydrolysis of proteins, the addition of water accompanied by actiion of enzymes results in the breakdown of protein into amino acids
  30. Abnormal accumulation of fluid within the pericardial sac
  31. Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the thoracic cavity
  32. Absorbing moisture readily
  33. A solution having a greater concentration of dissolved solute than the solution to which it is compared
    Hypertonic Solution
  34. Injection of embalming chemicals directly into the tissues through the use of a syringe and needle or a trocar
    Hypodermic Embalming
  35. Settling of blood and/or other fluids to dependent portions of the body
  36. A solution having a lesser concentration of dissolved solute than the solution to which it is compared
    Hypotonic Solution
  37. Absorption of the fluid portion of blood by the tissues after death resulting in postmortem edema
  38. A clean cut made with a sharp instrument; in embalming, a cut made with a scalpel to raise arteries and veins
  39. The strength of embalming fluids indicated by the number of grams of pure formaldehyde gas dissolved in 100ml of water; usually refered to as a percentage
  40. A child less than 1 year of age
  41. Disease caused by the growth of a pathogenic microorganism in the body
    Infectious Disease
  42. Another word for biohazard
    Infectious Waste
  43. From a given reference toward the feet
  44. Anatomical structure forming the base of the femoral triangle; extends from the anterior superior iliac spine to the pubic tubercle
    Inguinal Ligament
  45. The act or instance of forcing a fluid into the vascular system or directly into tissues
  46. The amount of pressure produced by an injection device to overcome initial resistance within (intravascular) or on (extravascular) the vascular system (arterial or venous)
    Injection Pressure
  47. The immediate stiffening of the muscles of a dead human body
    Instantaneous Rigor Mortis
  48. Between the cells of a structure
  49. Space between the ribs
    Intercostal Space
  50. Method of drainage in which the drainage is stopped at intervals while the injection continues
    Intermittent Drainage (Restricted Drainage)
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Embalming 57-58