Bones of the upper limb form the framework for the __, __ and __.
1) The humerus makes up the __, extemding from the __ to the __.
2) It articulates with the __ at its head, with the __ at the __, and with the __ at the __.
3) Other features of the humerus include the __ and __ __, __, __, __, __, __, and __.
- 1) upper arm/ scapula/ elbow
- 2)scapulae/ radius/ capitulum/ ulna/ trochlea
- 3) greater and lesser tubercles/ intertubercular groove/ anatomical and surgical necks/ deltoid tuberosity/ epicondyles/ coronoid fossa/ olecranon fossa
1) The radius is located on the __ side of the __, extending from the __ to the __.
2) The __ head of the radius pivots with the __.
3) Other features of teh radius include the __ and the __.
- 1) thumb/ forearm/ elbow/ wrist
- 2) flattened/ humerus
- 3) radial tuberosity/ styloid process
1) The ulna is the __ of the two bones making up the __ and has a __ that articulates with the __.
2) Other features of the ulna include the __, __, __, __, and __.
- 1) longer/ forearm/ trochlear notch/ humerus
- 2) olecranon process/ coronoid process/ radial notch/ head of the ulna/ styloid process
1) The wrist ofo the hand is made up of __ bones bound into a __.
2) The framework of the hand is made up of __ bones.
3) The fingers are composed of __ in each finger except the __, which lacks a __.
- 1) eight carpal bones/ carpus
- 2) five metacarpal
- 3) three phalanges/ thumb/ middle phalanx
The __ consists of the __ and the __; it supports the __ of the body on the __.
pelvic girdle/ two coxal bones/ sacrum/ trunk/ lower limbs
What does the pelvic girdle do?
support and protect the lower abdominal and pelvic organs
Each __ bone is made up of __ bones: __, __, and __, that are fused in the region of the __, the cuplike depression that articulates with the head of the __.
coxal/ ilium/ ishium/ pubis/ acetabulum/ femur
The __ is the largest and most superior portion of the __ bone and joins the __ at the __.
1) Features of the __ include the __, and __.
- ilium
- coxal bone
- sacrum
- sacroiliac joint
- 1) ilium/ iliac crest/ anterior superior iliac spine
The __ forms the L-shaped portion that supports __ during __.
1) Features of the __ include the __ and __.
- ischium
- weight
- sitting
- 1) ischium/ ischial tuberosity/ ischial spine
The __ comprises the anterior portion of the __ bones and articulates at the __.
1) The large opening, the __, lies within each __.
- pubis/ coxal/ symphsis pubis
- 1) obturator foramen/ pubis
The __ is above the __ and the __ is below it.
- pelvis
- pelvic brim
- lesser pelvis
the bones of the lower limb provide the framework for the __, __ and __.
thigh/ lower leg/ foot
1) The femur, or __, extends from the hip to the knee and is the __ bone in the body.
2) Its head articulates with the __; it articulates with the __ at the __ and __ __.
3) Other features of the femur include the __, __, and __.
4) The __ is located in the __ that passes over the __.
- 1) thighbone/ longest
- 2) acetabulum/ tibia/ medial and lateral condyles
- 3) fovea capitis/ neck/ greater and lesser trochanters
- 4) patella (kneecap)/ tendon
1) The tibia (__) supports the __ of the body and articulates with the __ (__) and with the __ of the foot.
2) Its __ is the point of __ for hte __.
3) Other features of the tibia include the __.
- 1) shinbone/ weight/ femur (medial and lateral condyles)/ tarsal bones
- 2) anterior tibial tuberosity/ attachment/ patellar ligament
- 3) medial malleolus (inner ankle)
1) The fibula is a slender bone lying __ to the __; it does not bear __.
2) The __ forms the __.
- 1) lateral/ tibia/ body weight
- 2) lateral malleolus/ lateral ankle
1) The ankle is composed of __, forming a __.
a) HTe __ articulates with the __ and __.
b) The __ supports the __.
2) The __ of the foot consists of __ and provides an __.
3) Each toe is made up of __, with the exception of the __, which lacks a __.
- 1) seven tarsal bones/ tarsus
- a) talas/ tibia/ fibula
- b) calcaneus/ body weight
- 2) instep/ five metatarsal bones/ arch
- 3) three phalanges/ great toe/ middle phalanx