- -the study of behavior that is tested through scientific research
- -goals of psychology- describe, explain, predict, and influence behavior
- an assumption about behavior
- that is tested through scientific research
a set of assumptions used to explain a phenomena and offered for scientific study
Wilhelm Wundt
- 1879- credited w/ setting up the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany (Laboratory of Psychology)
- Said psychololgy has 2 kinds of elements- sensations and feelings
- followed procedure known as introspection
- Focused on structure of the mind
- the practice of examining bumps on a person's skull
- used to determine that persons intellect and character traits
psychologist who analyzes how organisms learn/modify their behavior based on their response to events in the environment
psychologist who studies how we process, store, retrieve, & use info, & how cognitive processes influence our behavior
a branch of medicine that deals w/ mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders
a scientist who studies the mind & behavior of humans & animals
American Psychological Association (APA)
a scientific & professional society of psychologists & educators