
  1. Surge
    montée, poussée
  2. Abode
    Demeure, domicile
  3. Abseiling
    Descendre en rappel
  4. Aftermath
    Conséquences, séquelles
  5. Allege
    Alléguer, prétendre
  6. Amazement
  7. Appealing
    Séduisant, attrayant
  8. Appraisal
    Evaluation, estimation
  9. Arise
    Survenir, surgir, s'élever
  10. Arson
    Incendie volontaire
  11. Asset
    Biens, atouts, patrimoine
  12. Astounded
  13. Astride
    A califourchon
  14. Averse
    Opposé à
  15. Awe
    • Crainte, respect
    • vb terrifier
  16. Awkward
    Maladroit, génant, embarrassant
  17. Backdrop
    Toile de fond
  18. Bare
  19. Barely
    A peine
  20. Bargain
    • Marché
    • Vb marchander, négocier
  21. Barter
    • Troc
    • Vb troquer
  22. Beacon
    • Balise, phare
    • Vb guider
  23. Beefy
  24. Bench
  25. Bend
    Plier, pencher, tordre
  26. Bequeath
  27. Besides
    D'ailleurs, aussi, en outre, hormis
  28. Beyond
    Au-delà, au-dessus
  29. Bid
    Offre, candidature, enchère
  30. Bitter
  31. Sneak
    • Mouchard, furtif
    • Vb se glisser, moucharder
  32. Broads
  33. Puddle
  34. Stutter
    • Bégaiement
    • Vb bégayer
  35. Lesser
  36. Overcome
    Surmonter, vaincre
  37. Parch
    Dessécher, griller, mourir de soif
  38. Dust
    • Poussière
    • Vb épousseter, saupoudrer
  39. Fancy
    • Fantaisie, imagination
    • Vb s'imaginer
    • De luxe, imaginaire
  40. Conceal
    Cacher, dissimuler
  41. Leash
  42. Lid
  43. Lane
    Voie, chemin, couloir
  44. Crooks
  45. Drop out
    Abandonner, renoncer
  46. Grants
  47. Glaring
    Flagrant, éblouissant
  48. Stare
    • Regard
    • Vb Regarder longuement
  49. Dropping
    Laisser tomber
  50. Hazy
    Vague, brumeux
  51. Dare
    • Audace, défi
    • Vb oser
  52. Auction
    • Aux enchères
    • Vb vendre aux enchères
  53. Sweat
    • Sueur, corvée
    • Vb transpirer, suer
  54. Shiverings
  55. Imbue
  56. Lust
    • Luxure, désir
    • Vb désirer
  57. Meek
    Doux, humble
  58. Whiff
    • Bouffée
    • Vb Respirer
  59. Steer
    Diriger, guider
  60. Fiend
    Demon, monstre
  61. Channel
    • Canal
    • Vb canaliser
  62. Mellow
    • Moelleux
    • Vb S'adoucir
  63. Hindsight
  64. Blacken
  65. Blame
    Blamer, reprocher
  66. Blend
  67. Blunder
    Gaffe, bourde
  68. Blurb
  69. Bob
    Remonter, surgir
  70. Bog
    • Marais, chiottes
    • Vb Enliser
  71. Bold
    Gras, audacieux, intrépide
  72. Bond
    Lien, obligation, engagement
  73. Bossy
  74. Bother
    géner, embéter
  75. Bound
    Sûr, certain
  76. Breach
    • Violation, manquement
    • Vb Violer
  77. Breakthrough
    Percée, découverte
  78. Broadcast
    • Emission
    • Vb Diffuser, émettre
  79. Broker
    Courtier, médiateur
  80. Brook
    • Ruisseau
    • Vb Tolérer, souffrir
  81. Brunt
    Le poids de, le choc
  82. Budding
    Naissant, prometteur, en herbe
  83. Bunch
    • Bande, groupe
    • Vb mettre en bouquet
  84. Bungee jumping
    Saut à l'élastique
  85. Bustle
    S'affairer, se démener
  86. Callous
    Dur, sans coeur, insensible
  87. Capsize
    Renverser, chavirer
  88. Carve
    Sculpter, tailler
  89. Carving
  90. Casket
    Coffret, cercueil
  91. Chart
    Diagramme, tableau
  92. Chase
    Poursuivre, pourchasser
  93. Chest
    Poitrine, coffre, caisse
  94. Varsity
  95. Socket
    Prise de courant, cavité
  96. Scrimmaging
  97. Shore
    • Rivage
    • Vb Etayer
  98. Drawers
    Tiroirs, caleçon, culottes
  99. Loom
    • Métier à tisser
    • Vb tisser, surgir
    • Indistinct
  100. Dusk
    Crépuscule, obscur
  101. Spurt
    • Accélération
    • Vb Démarrer, sprinter
  102. Exert
    Exercer, déployer
  103. Foreboding
  104. Slick
    Lisse, glissant, rusé
  105. Dumb
    Muet, débile
  106. Surgeon
  107. Scrape
    • Eraflure
    • Vb Gratter, racler
  108. Roam
    Errer, parcourir
  109. Snatch
    Arracher, saisir, dérober
  110. Point blank
    Catégorique, franc, à bout portant
  111. Thump
    Frapper, cogner
  112. Harvest
    • Récolte
    • Vb Recolter
  113. Fin
    Nageoire, aileron
  114. Edible
  115. To get rid of
    Se débarasser de
  116. Wake
    • Sillage
    • Vb Réveiller
  117. Funnel
    • Entonoir, cheminée
    • Vb Canaliser
  118. Dropelets
  119. Moisture
  120. Toll
    Péage, taxe, nombre
  121. Unruly
    Indisciplinés, insoumis
  122. Smuggling
  123. Irate
    Furieux, en colère
  124. Hence
    • D'où
    • Hors d'ici!
  125. Repeal
    Abroger, annuler
  126. Prevent
  127. Curtail
    Réduire, écourter
  128. Chubby
    Joufflu, potelé
  129. Chuckle
    Glousser, rire tout bas
  130. Churn
    • Bidon
    • Vb Barrater, faire tourner
  131. Claim
    • Revendication, demande,plainte
    • Vb réclamer, prétendre
  132. Clammy
    Humide, moite
  133. Clerk
    • Greffier, employé, fonctionnaire
    • Vb travailler dans un bureau ou comme vendeur
  134. Climax
    Apogée, point culminant
  135. Clover
  136. Clutch
    • Embrayage
    • Vb Empoigner, tomber sous les griffes
  137. Coddle
    Dorloter, choyer
  138. Coffin
  139. Comb
    • Peigne
    • Vb Se peigner, coiffer, fouiller
  140. Commitment
  141. Commute
    Faire un trajet, substituer, modifier
  142. Compel
    Contraindre, forcer, obliger
  143. Compelled
    Obligé, contraint
  144. Compelling
    Irresistible, obligatoire, irréfutable
  145. Compulsory
    Obligatoire, imposé
  146. Con
    • Escroquerie
    • Vb Escroquer, duper, truander
  147. Conceit
    Vanité, conception, imagination
  148. Conceive
    Imaginer, concevoir
  149. Conjure
    Conjurer, faire apparaître qqch par magie
  150. Contemplate
    Contempler, envisager, songer
  151. Convenient
    Pratique, commode
  152. Convey
    Transmettre, transporter
  153. Cough
    • Toux
    • Vb Tousser
  154. Cradle
    • Berceau
    • Vb Elever, tenir tendrement
  155. Craft
    Artisanat, métier, profession, avion, embarcation
  156. Craftsman
  157. Cramp
    • Crampe
    • Vb Gêner, entraver
  158. Cramped
    Exigu, géné
  159. Crawler
    Véhicule lent, lèche bottes
  160. Creep
    • Peur, humeur
    • Vb Ramper, se glisser
  161. Crumble
    • miette
    • Vb S'effriter, émietter, se détériorer
  162. Crush
    • Ecraser, broyer, piler
    • Bousculade, foule
  163. Cuddle
    Cajoler, carresser
  164. Curl
    • Boucle, courbe, frisé
    • Vb Friser, boucler
  165. Curse
    • Malédiction, fléau, malheur
    • Vb Maudir, blasphémer
  166. Curtain
  167. Dairy
    produits laitiers
  168. Dash
    Courir, heurter
  169. Deed
    Acte, acte notarié, document
  170. Bubbly
  171. Jar
    • Bocal, secousse, choc
    • Vb Ebranler
  172. Purse
    Bourse, sac à main, portefeuille
  173. Shatter
    • Destruction, démolition
    • Vb Briser, fracasser, ruiner
  174. Crib
    • Lit d'enfant, panier, bâtiment
    • Vb Copier, enfermer, voler
  175. Gauge
    • Gabarit, jauge
    • Vb Mesurer, jauger
  176. Bona fide
    Bonne foi
  177. Bald
    Chauve, lisse
  178. Heedless
    Inattentif, étourdi
  179. Stab
    Poignarder, frapper, blesser
  180. Weep
  181. Strife
    Querelles, luttes, conflits
  182. Grief
    Douleur, chagrin
  183. Limping
    Boiteux, faiblesse
  184. Limp
    • Boiter, marcher lentement
    • Mou, flasque
  185. Concrete
    • Béton
    • Concret, précis
  186. Accurately
    Avec précision, exactement
  187. Reward(As a reward for good behaviour, People should be rewarded for special effort)
    • Récompense
    • Vb Récompenser
  188. Stranded (We were stranded in Paris)
  189. Strand (They ran a campaign that drew together these various strands)
    • Brin, mèche, axe
    • Vb Echouer (bateau)
  190. Fume (He was still fuming over the remark)
    Etre furieux
  191. Pour (She poured some water into the pan, It's pouring)
    • Averse, afflux
    • Vb Verser, affluer, se déverser
  192. Coo
  193. Stir up (She was one of those people who likes stirring things up)
    Susciter, soulever, semer la pagaille
  194. Sting (I've been stung, you'll just feel a little sting)
    • Piqure, dard, brûlure
    • Vb Piquer, blesser, pincer
  195. Marquee
  196. Collar
    • Col
    • Vb Saisir
  197. Pitch (The salesman launched into a long pitch about the advantages of..., Simon pitched the empty bottle into the lake)
    • lancement, baratin publicitaire
    • Vb Lancer, jeter, faire du battage pour
  198. Pitch in (They all pitched in to help)
    S'attaquer au boulot
  199. Husher
    (I ushered him into the office, an usher in a theatre, an opportunity to usher in a new era of stability in Europe)
    • Huissier, placeur, portier
    • Vb Inaugurer, annoncer, introduire
  200. Gig
    (They started out doing free gigs in bars)
  201. Loaf
    (a loaf of crusty bread)
  202. Stir
    (The sauce should be stirred constantly with a wooden spoon, The sight of them stirred him into action)
    • Agitation, mouvement,
    • Vb Remuer, attiser, inciter
  203. Nod
    (They nodded their agreement)
    • Hochement
    • Vb Hocher la tête
  204. Compound
    (and to compound his problems, he is also under investigation, Heavy rain compounded the misery)
    Composé, aggraver, combiner
  205. Handsome
    Beau, élégant
  206. Quack
    (Why do intelligent people find quack remedies so appealing?)
    Faire coin-coin, charlatan
  207. Whilst
    (whilst shopping)
    Tandis que, pendant que (adverbe)
  208. Wag
    (She wagged her finger in front of my face while she spoke)
    • Plaisantin, farceur
    • Vb Remuer, agiter, frétiller
  209. Knuckle
    (He had bruised knuckles on both hands)
  210. Stagger
    (The summer holidays are staggered so that we can keep the factory open)
    Echelonner, tituber, stupéfier
  211. Drawl
    Parler d'une voix trainante
  212. Dough
    (He began to shape the dough into rolls, How the hell would we get enough dough?)
    Pâte, fric
  213. Spree
    (to go on a spree)
    • Fête
    • Vb Faire la fête, boire bcp
  214. Squeaky-clean
    (his desire to foster a squeaky-clean image)
    Nickel, blanc-comme neige
  215. Scrap
    (a scrap of paper, have a scrap with sb)
    • Petit morceau, fragment, bagarre
    • Vb Envoyer à la casse, abandonner, se bagarrer
  216. Leaflet
    Dépliant, brochure
  217. Dish
    (He'd cooked dinner and washed the dishes)
    • Plat, assiette, mets
    • Vb Préparer, mettre dans le plat, démoraliser
  218. Chopstick
    Baguettes (restau chinois)
  219. Bow
    (The usher opened the door with a bow)
    • Arc, salut, révérence
    • Vb S'incliner, saluer, se soumettre
  220. Arrow
  221. Greet
  222. Stack
    (a stack of books)
    Pile, tas
  223. Appalled
    (People were appalled by the news)
  224. Craze
    (the latest dance craze imported from America)
    Vogue, dingue
  225. Maze
    (The rats were trained to find their way through a simple maze)
    • Labyrinthe
    • Vb Désorienter
  226. Harsh
    (The teacher had harsh words to say about my work)
    Dur, sévère, rigoureux
  227. Lame
    (He had to withdraw after the sixth race when his pony went lame)
    • Boiteux, estropié
    • Vb Estropier
  228. Fad
    (Peter does not believe environmental concern is a passing fad)
    Mode, manie, favori
  229. Hatchback
    Hayon, berline avec hayon arrière
  230. To come to fruition
    Se concrétiser
  231. Snare
    (Customers are being snared by false offers of prizes)
    • Piège, caisse claire
    • Vb Prendre au piège
  232. Canvas
    Toile, tableau
  233. Lull
    (the lull before the storm)
    • Accalmie, pause
    • Vb Apaiser, calmer, bercer
  234. Tow
    (My car broke down but luckily someone gave me a tow)
  235. Refurbish
    (Where we have refurbished stores, we've seen sales move ahead)
    Remettre à neuf
  236. Haven
    (It's a real haven at the end of a busy working day)
    Havre, refuge, abri
  237. Highbrow
    (Highbrow critics claimed that the programme was `too sophisticated' to appeal to most viewers)
    Intellectuel, savant
  238. Undergo
    (He recently underwent brain surgery)
    Subir, suivre, endurer
  239. Relief
    (The news brought a sense of relief)
    Soulagement, assistance
  240. Understatement
    (To say I'm disappointed is an understatement)
  241. Pace
    (He quickened his pace)
    • Rythme, allure
    • Vb Arpenter, régler l'allure de
  242. Scope
    (He has a lot of scope)
    Portée, étendue, compétence
  243. Upswing
    Redressement, amélioration
  244. Embed
    (The aim is to embed in the civil service the best modern management practices)
  245. Healing
    Guérison, curatif
  246. Heal
    (treatment to heal a broken foot)
    Guérir, traiter
  247. Trials
    (I've got it on trial for three weeks)
  248. Enhance
    (We found new designs to enhance the quality of the product)
    Améliorer, accroître, mettre en valeur
  249. Outright
    (It was an outright refusal)
    • Absolu, total
    • Carrément, complètement
  250. Harness
    (One problem with harnessing solar energy is that it is not constant)
    • Harnais
    • Vb Exploiter
  251. Caveat
    (With the caveat that almost every figure in this survey is suspect, it can be said that...)
    Mise en garde, avertissement
  252. Thereby
    De ce fait, ainsi
  253. Skewing
  254. Indeed
    En effet, c'est vrai
  255. Delve
    Creuser, étudier un sujet à fond
  256. Untapped
  257. Waste
    • Déchets, gaspillage, perdu, désolé
    • Vb perdre, gâcher
  258. Vivid
    (I have a vivid memory of an excursion with my grandmother)
    Vif, éclatant, expressif
  259. Ox
  260. Stubborn
    Tétu, entêté
  261. Blaze
    (The family died in the blaze)
    • Incendie, flamme
    • Vb Flamber
  262. Flare
    (Trouble flared in several American cities)
    • Flamme, colère
    • Vb Eclater
  263. Bruise
    (bruises on the fruit's skin, I had only bruised my knee)
    • Contusion
    • Vb Ecraser
  264. Hone
    (Leading companies spend time and money on honing the skills of senior managers)
  265. Hover
    (A police helicopter hovered overhead)
    Flotter, voltiger
  266. Grasp
    (Edward grasped my arm, I could not grasp what she was talking about)
    Saisir, comprendre, étreindre
  267. Manner
    Manière, façon
  268. Slight
    • Mince, maigre
    • Vb Offenser, négliger
  269. Steadily
  270. Shallow
    (Thousands of little fish swim in the shallows)
    Peu profond, superficiel
  271. Owl
    Hibou, chouette
  272. Kite
    Cerf-volant, trompeur
  273. Swamp
    (Sudden heavy seas swamped the ship)
    • Marais, marécage
    • Vb Submerger, inonder, noyer
  274. Cunning
    (On their second raid they were more cunning)
    • Ruse, astuce, compétence
    • Rusé, malin, habile, fourbe
  275. Wise
    • Sage, érudit, sensé, avisé
    • Vb Mettre au courant
  276. Skew
    (Along the way subtle influences can skew the decision)
    • Oblique, de travers
    • Vb Fausser, dévier
  277. Gloomy
    Sombre, triste, morne, pessimiste
  278. Tap
    Tapoter, exploiter
  279. Drill
    • Perceuse, mèche, foreuse
    • Vb Percer, forer
  280. Dash
    (the dash for gas)
    • Elan, course
    • Vb Se précipiter, anéantir
  281. Go awry
    Aller de travers
  282. All the more so
    (at a time when...)
    D'autant plus
  283. Unlikely
    Improbable, peu plaisible
  284. Chiefly
    (thanks chiefly to)
    Principalement, surtout
  285. Barring
    (and barring technological change...)
    Sauf, à l'exception de, à moins que
  286. Plentiful
    (Coal is plentiful)
    Abondant, copieux
  287. Fate
    (Our fate is sealed)
    Sort, destin
  288. Plot
    (and while we plot a ...)
    • Parcelle, terrain
    • Vb Comploter, conspirer, déterminer
  289. Doom
    • Perte, destin, ruine
    • Vb Condamner, destiner
  290. Grinding
    (grinding poverty)
    • Broyage, écrasement
    • (misère)
  291. Sometime
    (I'll give him a call sometime next week)
    Parfois, un jour, bientôt
  292. Sparsely
    (A sparsely populated...)
  293. Allegedly
    (Police has arrested a man who allegedly used forged credit cards)
    Prétendument, à ce que l'on prétend
  294. Akin
    (Akin to a dog)
    Proche, analogue à, apparenté à
  295. Albeit
    (albeit set in the highlands of scotland)
    Quoique, bien que
  296. Hedge
    • Couverture, haie
    • Vb Esquiver, éviter de répondre
  297. Arguably
    (it was, arguably, the first scientifically proven...)
    Sans doute
  298. Unfettered
    (I let my mind roam unfettered)
    Sans entrave, libéré
  299. Relentless
    (a relentless worker)
    Implacable, impitoyable, obstiné
  300. Boast
    (some boast about...)
    Se vanter, fanfaronner
  301. Unwind
    (I needed to unwind)
    Se détendre, se relaxer
  302. Vicinity
    (focus on smth in your immediate vicinity)
    Proximité, environ, voisinage
  303. Spin
    (Spin the wheel as fast as you can)
    Tourner, faire tourner
  304. Dawning
    (I had a dawning sense of...)
  305. Bewildered
    (Her quick mind and changing moods bewildered him)
  306. Rule out
    ( Murder cannot be ruled out, nobody can completely rule that out)
  307. Put forward (Someone will put forward a logical explanation, Remember to put forward your clocks tonight)
    Proposer, avancer
  308. Come across (you can come across them in most shops)
    Rencontrer par hasard
  309. Fussy ( He was very fussy about cleanliness)
    Manique, tatillon, méticuleux
  310. Chores (who does each of these chores in your family, household chores)
    Travaux ménagers
  311. Spare (Take a spare tee-shirt)
    De rechange, en trop
  312. Wander (I wandered round the city centre, A man was found wandering in the hills)
    Errer, flâner
  313. Savvy (she was savvy in that way, He doesn't have the necessary political savvy)
    Jugeotte, bon sens
  314. Tingle (I felt that tingle in my stomach, I felt a tingle of excitement)
    Picotement, frisson
  315. Despise (They despise me because the way I'm living)
  316. Ripe (At the ripe age of 38..., The nation was ripe for revolution)
  317. Flesh (Even though I saw him in the flesh only once in a while)
  318. Once in a while (Even though I saw him in the flesh only once in a while)
    De temps en temps
  319. Reckless (I was reckless with my affection, He is charged with causing death by reckless driving)
    Imprudent, téméraire
  320. Rash (I was rash at times)
  321. Heedless (I was heedless of my relationship)
  322. Sake (He gave up smoking for the sake of his health, For the sake of a dollar)
    Pour qq'un, dans l'intérêt de, pr économiser qq dollars
  323. Forsake (A man doesn't forsake his friends)
  324. Slant (your carreer is on an upward slant, These two papers give a completely different slant on events)
    Inclinaison, point de vue
  325. Clamber (I clambered on the motorbike)
  326. Straw (just one large heap of straw)
  327. Heap (just one large heap of straw, a rubbish heap)
  328. Tame (he tames a lion)
    Apprivoiser, dompter
  329. Fathom (I can't even fathom how hard it was for you)
  330. Frailty (it forced me to confront my own human frailty)
    Faiblesse, fragilité
  331. Overhear (you overhear a man and a woman talking about...)
    Surprendre, entendre
  332. Mere ( Actions really do speak louder than mere words, It's a mere formality)
  333. Merely (We accept these ideas merely because they have never been challenged, January was merely a month away)
  334. Hereafter ( Hereafter his name will not appear at all in anything I write, belief in the hereafter)
    A partir de maintenant, l'au-delà
  335. Preppy (is style was preppy)
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