Ch. 13 Social Psychology

  1. Diffusion of Responsibility
    reduced feeling of personal responsibility in the presence of others

    More people = less responsibility
  2. Social Loafing
    individuals become less productive in groups

    E.g. group projects in school
  3. Pluralistic Ignorance
    error of assuming that no one in group percieves things as we do.

    "It must just be me"
  4. Bystander Nonintervention
    happens when groups of people fail to aid someone in obvious need.
  5. Innoculation Effect
    a way to guard against cult-like thinking. Involves introducing an idea as valid and then debunking it.
  6. Obedience
    adherence to instructions from higher authority
  7. Groupthink
    emphasis on group unanimity at the expense of critical thinking and sound decision making

  8. Deindividuation
    tendency to engage in uncharacteristic behavior when stripped of usual identity

    (stanford prison study)
  9. Conformity
    tendency to alter behavior as a result of group pressure
  10. Social Comparison Theory
    we seek to evaluate our beliefs, atitudes and abilites by comparing ourselves with others
  11. Fundamental Attribution Error
    tendency to overestimate the impact of internal factors on other peoples behavior

    castro thing
  12. External Attributions
    occur when we attribute an individuals behavior to his/her circumstances or other conditions
  13. Internal Attributions
    occur when we assign causes to specific characteristics of an individual
  14. Attributions
    process of assigning causes to behavior
  15. Social Disruption
    disruption of difficlut tasks in presence of others

  16. Social Facilitation
    enhancement of tasks elicited by mere presence of others

    track and field?
  17. Need to Belong Theory
    biologically based need for interpersonal connections
  18. Self Monitoring
    A trait reflecting the process of comparing beliefs to behaviors
  19. Cognitive Dissonance Theory
    mental distress resulting from two conflicting thoughts or beliefs
  20. Self-perception Theory
    Our attitudes are built on our won observations of behaviors
  21. Impression Management Theory
    We're lying about our changed attitudes to maintain others perception of us
  22. Foot in the Door Persuasion
    make a small request before making a bigger one
  23. Door in the Face Persuasion
    make unreasonably large request before making a reasonable smal request that we were really hoping for
  24. Low Ball Persuasion
    Obtain an agreement, then change the deal
  25. Prejudice
    making assumptions about a person, group of people or situation before evaluating evidence
  26. Discrimination
    negative behavior towards members of a group other then your own
  27. Adaptive Conservatism
    evolutionarily adaptive trait based on distrust of the unfamiliar
  28. In-Group-Bias
    favor individuals inside our group relative to those outside
  29. Out-Group-Homogeneity
    belief that people outsied the group are all highly similar
  30. Stereotype
    belief (positive or negative) about the characteristics of a group that is applied to most of the individual members of the group
  31. Ultimate Attribution Error
    attributing behavior of entire groups to their dispositions
  32. Just-world hypothesis
    deep need to believe that the world is fair
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Ch. 13 Social Psychology
Ch. 13 Social Psychology for Psych Final