General Psychology Test #3 - Module 3_Chapter 28_ Motivation At Work.txt

  1. Define Flow.
    A completely involved, focused state of consciousness, with diminished awareness of self and time, resulting from potimal engagement of one's skills.
  2. Define Industrial-Organization (I/O) Psychology.
    The application of psychological concepts and the methods to optimizing human behavior in workplaces.
  3. Define Personnel Psychology.
    A subfield of I/O psychology that focuses on employee recruitment, selection, placement, training, appraisal, and development.
  4. Define Organizational Psychology.
    A subfield of I/O psycholog that examines organizational influences on worker satifaction and productivity and facilitates organizational change.
  5. Define Structured Interview.
    Interview process that asks the same job-relevant questions of all applicants, each of whom is rated on established scales.
  6. Define Achievement Motivation.
    A desire for significant accomplishment: for master of things, people, or ideas; for attaining a high standard.
  7. Define Task Leadership.
    Goal-oriented leadership that sets standards, organizes work, and focuses attention on goals.
  8. Define Social Leadership.
    Group-Oriented leadership that builds teamwork, mediates conflict, and offers support.
  9. Define Psychological Contract.
    The subjective sense of mutual obligations between workers and employees.
  10. Define Interviewer Illusion.
    When interviewers often overrate their disernment.
  11. Define Employee Engagement.
    The extent of worker's involvement, satisfaction, and enthusaism.
  12. Define Implementation Intentions.
    Action plans that specifiy when, where, and how they will march towards achieving set goals.
  13. Define Emotional Roots.
    Children learn to associate achievement with positive emotion.
  14. Define Cognitive Roots.
    Children learn at arrtibute their achievmenets to their own competence and effort which raises their expectations.
  15. Define the Great Person Theory Of Leadership.
    All great leaders share certain traits.
  16. List the four facts that explain the gap between interviewers' institutions and resulting reality.
    • - Interviews disclose the interviewee's good intentions
    • - Interviewers more often follow the successful careers of those they have hired than the sucessful careers of those they have rejected and lost track of
    • - Interviewers presume that people are what they seem to be in the interview situation.
    • - Interviewers' preconceptions and moods color how they perceive interviewees' responses.
  17. List the four strengths structured interviews pinpoint.
    • - attitudes
    • - behaviors
    • - knowledge
    • - skills
  18. List the three ways apparising performances serves organizational purposes.
    • - Helps to decide who to retain
    • - How to appropraitely reward and pay people
    • - How to better harness emplyoee strenghts, sometimes with job shifts or promotions.
  19. List the two ways appraising performances serve personal purposes.
    • - Affirm workers' strengths
    • - Helps motivate needed improvements
  20. List the three performance appraisial methods.
    • - Checklists
    • - Graphic Rating Scales
    • - Behavior Rating Scales
  21. List the three things positive moods contribute to for children.
    • - Creativity
    • - Persistence
    • - Helpfullness
  22. List the six things workers with employee engagement have.
    • - know what is expected of them
    • - have what they need to complete the work
    • - feel fulfilled in their work
    • - have regular opportunities to do what they do best
    • - perceive that they are part of something significant
    • - have opportunites to learn and develop.
  23. List the three types of employees.
    • - Engaged
    • - Not Engaged
    • - Actively Disengaged
  24. List the four characteristics of great managers.
    • - Start by helping people identify and measure their talents
    • - Match taks to talents and then give people freedom to do what they do best.
    • - Care how their people feel about their work.
    • - Reinforce postiive behaviors through recognition and reward.
  25. List the three characteristics of effective leaders.
    • - harness job relevant strngths
    • - Set Goals
    • - Choose an appropriate leadership style.
  26. According to Amy Wrzesniweski, some people see their work as _____, while others see their work as a ______, or a calling.
    • - job
    • - career
  27. Work has been changing from __________ to _____________ via outsourcing of work.
    • - manual labor
    • - knowledg work
  28. First step to a stronger organization is ______________________.
    - instituting a stengths-based selection system.
  29. Employers using ____________________ permits everyone rating every employer, whether customers or employees/empolyers.
    - 360-degree feedback
  30. To teach a behavior, catch a person doing something __________ and ________ it.
    • - right
    • - reinforce
  31. Task leaders are good at _______________________________ and typically have a ____________ style.
    • - keeping a group centered on its mission.
    • - directive
  32. Social leaders have a _____________ style, ____________ authority and ____________ the participation of team members.
    • - democractic
    • - delegate
    • - welcome
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General Psychology Test #3 - Module 3_Chapter 28_ Motivation At Work.txt