
    • author "me"
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  1. "
    • description "Substation 18 month exam
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    • fileName "18 month review"
    • freezingBlueDBID -1.0
    • Explain clearance procedures starting from switching through grounding.
    • The request process, switching, issuance of the clearance, test the circuit, ground the circuit, explanation process, actual work, clearing of men, removing grounds, releasing clearance, and switching.
  2. Name all forms involved in clearance.
    260 clearance, 105 red tag, 182 switching.
  3. Explain the rail return system. What would you need to work on it?
    A combination of jumpers cables and impedance bonds that provide an electric path from train to substation. You need a jumper.
  4. What is a section break?
    A point where 2 circuits are separated while providing continuous power.
  5. What is a phase break?
    A point where 2 power sources are separated.
  6. What are the load dispatchers duties?
    He Monitors and regulates power demands.
  7. What are the power directors duties?
    He is in charge of the power system within an assigned territory.
  8. Prior to grounding transmission lines what steps must be taken?
    Obtain power clearance and visually check the air break is open and ground switch is closed at the substation.
  9. Grounds for caternary should be no less then what size cable?
  10. Grounds for signal lines should be no less then what size cable?
  11. What is an impedance bond?
    A device that separates signal power from traction return.
  12. What would occur if 1 leg of signal line would go to ground?
    There would be a ground detected.
  13. What would occur if both legs of signal line would go to ground?
    The breaker would trip.
  14. Name 4 things to check for while doing a substation inspection.
    Targets, trolly voltage, battery voltage, and station ground.
  15. What device would measure the flow of oil through cooling equipment on a transformer?
    An oil flow gauge.
  16. What is the difference between synchronous speed and full load speed of a motor?
    Slip of the motor.
  17. What are the ratings for our step down power transformers?
    45000 kva
  18. What are the ratings for our potential and service transformers?
    Potential 200 va / service
  19. Draw the configuration of an additive and a subtractive transformer.
    H1. H2. H1. H2

    • X2. X1. X1. X2
    • Additive. / subtractive
  20. What is control battery voltage?
    132 - 140 volts. Dc
  21. What do we use to charge the batteries in the substation?
    Battery charger.
  22. When receiving a clearance on a bus section in a sub with only one potential transformer what must be done before receiving the clearance?
    Switch power to other PT (power transformer)
  23. What are the feeder breakers of the signal system?
  24. What is the voltage and frequency of the 152 contactor ?
    480 volts. 100 Hz
  25. Ratio of output power to input power of a motor is what?
  26. Describe the CR relay
    Reverse current relay, trips the low side.
  27. Describe the CA relay
    Internal fault relay trips the low and the high side
  28. Describe the CO balance
    Line to ground relay, trips the low side
  29. What is the JD what relay does it work with?
    Timed relay that protects the bus, it works with the CA4 ( will trip the bus in 1.25 Sec if CA4 does not do its job)
  30. What is a relay that operates in response to an expanding Bi metal?
    Thermal relay
  31. Power transformers used by Amtrak are what configuration?
    Delta wye
  32. What are the primary and secondary voltages of a heater station?
    Primary is 12 kv / secondary is 480 V
  33. What is the main breaker of a heater station rated?
    1200 amps
  34. What are the secondary breakers rated?
    400 amps
  35. What are Amtraks trolley breakers rated for?
    1500 amps
  36. What is a current transformer what does it do?
    It provides current for the meters and relay equipment. It brings current down to a readable amperage.
  37. What are the secondary wires of a CT what are the hot legs ?
    F, ff. S, ss
  38. What are the following relays? 27 and 230
    • 27 is under voltage relay
    • 230 is lockout relay
  39. What is "A" contact?
    Normally closed contact.
  40. What is a rectifier?
    It changes AC to DC
  41. What is an inverter?
    It changes DC to AC
  42. Before working on a lightning arrestor what must be done?
  43. Before working on a trolley breaker what must be done?
    Discharge and remove DC
  44. What is a megger how does it work?
    An instrument that uses high voltage to test the insulation value of wires.
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review for 18 month test