Pharm final review

  1. therapeutic range for phenobarbitol
    10-30 mcg/mL
  2. What drug is used to treat a systemic fungal infection?
    amphotericin B
  3. What test is used to determine diabetic compliance over time?
  4. normal range for HbA1c
    < 7.0
  5. Major adverse effects of lasix (ferosemide)
    fluid/electrolyte imbalance
  6. What is the test for PT/INR for?
    warfarin (Coumadin)
  7. What is a normal range for PT/INR?
    2-3 x control
  8. What is the test aPTT for?
    heparin levels
  9. what is the normal range for aPTT?
    1.5-2.5 x control
  10. lithium range
  11. What is tamoxifen for?
    • breast cancer
    • breast cancer risk reduction
    • fertility therapy
  12. Give a few examples of aminoglycosides
    • vancomycin
    • gentamicin
    • tobramycin
  13. Adverse effects/effects of epinephrine
    • tachycardia
    • apprehension
    • anxiety
    • angina
    • sweating
  14. adverse effects of acyclovir
    • h/a
    • anaphylaxis
    • visual abnormalities
  15. What is the lab to determine the kind of pathogen is causing an infection?
  16. adverse effects of glucocorticoids
    • osteoporosis
    • increased infection risk
    • elevated blood sugar
    • agitation
    • mood changes
  17. What drug class addresses "irritability" of the heart muscle?
    calcium channel blockers
  18. adverse effects of flagyl (metronidazole)
    • h/a
    • dizziness
    • seizures
    • metallic taste
  19. H&H, RBC, and platelet count all correspond to wanting to know what?
    clotting ability
  20. what are "statins"
    HmG-CoA Reductase inhibitors
  21. what do statins treat?
    high cholesterol
  22. what are the normal digoxin levels?
    0.8-2 ng/mL
  23. Adverse effects of dilantin (phenytoin)
    • decrease in atrial/ventricular conduction
    • agranulocytosis
    • hepatotoxic
    • gingival hyperplasia
  24. Give some examples of cephalosporins
    • cefaclor
    • cefadroxil
  25. what is the dilantin range?
    10-20 mcg/dL
  26. what tests are often done to determine kidney function? Which is most definitive
    • BUN and Creatinine
    • Creatinine
  27. Adverse effects of beta blockers
    • nausea
    • diarrhea
    • SOB
    • loss of sexual drive
  28. MOA: beta blockers
    • decrease HR
    • Increase contractibility of heart
    • dilate blood vessels
  29. what are the uses for oxytocin
    • initiate labor
    • stimulate contractions to deliver placenta/stop uterine bleeding
    • stimulates let down of milk
  30. uses: levothyroxine
  31. What are the two most common causes of hypothyroidism?
    • underproduction of hormones
    • surgical removal of thyroid
  32. what kind of insulin can NEVER be mixed with any other?
    glargine (Lantis)
  33. What is the biggest advantage of using glargine (Lantis) over other insulins?
    once a day at night provides all day control
  34. normal values for potassium chloride?
    3.5-5.0 mEq/dL
  35. Nursing considerations when giving potassium chloride?
    • must be on a pump, bolus
    • no more than 10 mEq/hr
    • watch for dysrhythmias
  36. Why might someone be getting TPN?
    • coma
    • NPO
    • can't have anything on stomach
    • acute pancreatitis: to rest GI
  37. nursing considerations when administering TPN
    • central line is best
    • monitor blood sugars and give insulin on sliding scale
  38. what foods contain ferrous sulfate?
    • spinach
    • liver
    • raisins
    • dairy
    • poultry
  39. What vitamin is common to supplement when supplementing ferrous sulfate?
    vitamin C
  40. nursing considerations for a pt getting ferrous sulfate
    • give on empty stomach
    • black stool
    • consipation
    • if IV: give test dose and keep epinephrine bedside
  41. S/Sx: anemia
    • pale
    • fatigue
    • SOB
    • conjunctival sac
  42. pernicous anemia is what kind of deficiency?
    Vitamin B12
  43. Lithium is used to treat?
    bipolar disorder
  44. what should be monitored by nurse for a pt on lithium
    • lithium levels
    • sodium levels
  45. Elovil (amitriptyline) is used to treat?
  46. amitriptyline is in what class?
  47. What is the major side effect of tricyclics?
  48. what important teaching consideration should the nurse remember to tell pt when they start amitriptyline?
    that it takes 2-3 weeks to reach therapeutic levels
  49. dilantin is used to treat?
  50. what are the nursing considerations for administering dilantin
    • normal saline only: IV
    • 15 mg/min max
    • crystalizes in other solutions
  51. Valium is used to treat?
    • seizures
    • pre-op for conscious sedation
  52. what is the most common side effect of valium?
  53. what class is valium in?
  54. how are glucocorticoids used to treat asthma?
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Pharm final review
Pharm final review