Endocrine System
- Series of ductless glands that secrete hormones
- Hormones travel to regions of body and signal physiological responses
- Slower response than nervous system
- The study of hormones and endocrine glands
- Endocrine organs and hormones = system
Exocrine Glands
- Have ducts
- Secrete onto body surface or into cavity
- Secretions travel directly onto target
- Secretions are fluids, lubricants, enzymes
- Sweat, salivary, mucous
Endocrine Glands
- Ductless
- Secrete hormones
- Function id regulation, homeostasis
- Hormones dumoed right into bloodstream, act on target cells
Pure endocrine Organs
Pituirtary Gland, pineal gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid glands, and adrenal gland
Endocrine organs together in body systems
Pancreas, thymus, gonads, and hypothalamus
Hormone Classes
Amino Acid (protein) or steroid (lipid)
Hormone Action
- Circulate through bloodstream and affect only the target cells
- Hormones themselves are just triggers
Hormone secretion control
Humoral Stimuli
Respond to changing levels of ions/nutrients in blood
Neural Stimuli
Respond to nervous system
Hormonal Stimuli
Respond to hormones from other glands
Feedback Loops
- Negative= more hormone secretion if level drops
- Positive= more hormone secreted if levels increase
Pituitary Gland
- 9 major proteins from 2 portions
- All protein hormones
- Small/ round structure
- On stalk below hypothalamus
- 2 glands- anterior (adenohypophysis), posterior (neurohypophysis)
- Location- ventral portion under hypothalamus
- Secretions- hormones that regulate growth and secretion of other glands, tissues
Growth Hormone
Regulates growth of all body cells, promotes cell division
Melanocyte Stimultaing Hormone
Causes darkening of skin by stimulating melanin
Follicle Stimulating Hormone
- In females, it regulates monthly development of follicle and egg and secretion of estrogen
- In males, it stimulates testes to create sperm
Luteinizing Hormone
- Works with FSH
- Females- helps bring out ovulation, formation of progesterone
- Males- stimulates testosterone development and secretion
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
Regulates thyroid gland, but hypothalamus alos partially controls
Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
Promotes functioning of adrenal cortex
Secreted in both males and females, but functions more in females after birth- response for milk production
- Location- Dorsal
- Is considered part of the brain- has nervous tissue
Secretions- Pituitary Gland
Targets/Effects of Pit. Gland
- ADH- kidney= helps to retain water, constricts blood vessels
- Oxytocin- Uterus= contractions, delivery, breast= lactation
Thyroid Gland
- Location- in anterior neck, inferior to the larynx- just below adam's apple
- Wraps around front of trachea, 2 lobes connected by isthmus, many BVs around it
Thyroid gland secretions
- Thyroid Hormone- Thyroxine= T4, Triiodothyronine= T3
- Peptide hormone- contains iodine, needed for function
Secretions cont'd
Calcitonin- targets bones, retains calcium, inhibits osteoclasts
Parathyroid Glands
Location- 4 tiny glands at top and bottom of posterior surface of each lobe of the thyroid gland
Parathyroid Secretion
Parathyroid Hormone- protein hormone made by chief cells
Parathyroid targets
- Bones- increases Ca release
- Small Intestine- increases Ca absorption
- Kidneys- decreases Ca excretion
- Increases Ca in bloodstream, decreases amount in bones
Adrenal Cortex
- Bulk of gland, controlled by ACTH from anterior pit.
- Secretsover 30 hormones, called corticosteroids
- Location= Cortex
- Secrtes- Aldosterone=mineralocorticoid and Cortisol= glucocorticoid
Adrenal Cortex Target
- Cortisol targets, liver, muscles
- Aldosterone targets kidney
Adrenal Medulla
- Controlled by sympathetic NS
- Location- inside portion of gland
- Secretion- Epi. and NE
- Targets all sympathetic target organs
- Effects- reinforces sympathetic mass activation, fight or flight
Pineal Gland
- Shaped like a pine cone
- Function?
- Location- Roof of 3rd venticle, dorsal to thalamus. dorsal/superior to midbrain(striaight back from eyes)
- Secretes melatonin
- Targets hypothalamus
- Effect- helps regulate circadian rhythms, sleep
- Both endocrine and exocrine
- Posterior abdominal wall, middle left side
Pancreas Secretions
- Protein hormones
- Pancreatic islets- responsible for endocrine function (alpha, beta= cell types)
- Glucagon- helps to release fuel into bloodstream- from alpha islets
- Insulin- helps to store glucose/fuel- from beta islets
Pancreas Targets/Effects
Glucagon signals liver to release glucose from stored glycogen- insulin signals liver to store glucose as glycogen
- Location- farther down trachea from thyroid, rests on top pf preicardial sac in the mediastinum
- In front of aorta, behind sternum
Thymus Secretion
Thymic hormone- peptide hormone
Thymus Target
- Lymphoid tissues
- Effect- increase lymphocyte production, especially T cells- help maintain imunity- gland is much larger than in children, regresses in size after puberty
- Females- Ovaries
- Upper pelvic cavity, one on each side of uterus, oval shaped
- Secretes not purely endocrine gland- also produces egg cells, estrogen, progesterone
- Targets most body tissues and growth and development, sex drive
- Males- Testes
- Scrotum
- Secretes androgens
- Produces sperm
- Targets/effects most body tissues, growth and development, sex drive
- ANP (atrial natriuretic peptide) decreases excess blood volume, high BP, and Na concentration
- Stimulates kidney for salt secretion
GI Tract
- Gastrin- released by stomach- stimulates HCI
- Secretin- released by small intestine- stimulates water and bicarbonate
- CCK- released by small intestine- stim. gallbladder, pancreatic juices
- GIP- released by small intestine- inhibits gastric emptying, acid secretion
Influences pregnancy
- Secrete erythropoietin
- Target/Effect- red bone marrow, stimulates RBC prod.
- Precursor to vitamin D
- Produced by modified cholesterol molecules after UV exposure
- Signals Ca absorption from small intestine
Gigantism (pituitary)
Tumor causes hypersecretion of GH in children
Acromegaly (pituitary)
Excessive GH secretion after epiphyseal growth plates fuse
Diabetes Mellitus (pancreas)
- Insufficient insulin OR inability of cells to react to insulin
- Blood sugar is high
- -Type I need insulin injected
- -Type II "adult onset" reduced insulin sensitivity
Graves Disease (thyroid)
Oversecretion of thyroid hormone (sympathetic)
Hypothyroidism (thyroid)
Hyposecretion of thyroid hormone (low metabolism)
Goiter (thyroid)
enlarged thyroid gland due to lack of iodine