Ballance's sign
- Dullness to percussion in the left flank with resonance in the right flank
- Seen in splenic rupture/hematoma
Battle's sign
- Ecchymosis over the mastoid process
- Seen in basilar skull fracture
Beck's triad, seen in cardiac tamponade
- Decreased or muffled heart sounds
- Decreased blood pressure
Bergman's triad, seen in fat emboli syndrome
- Mental status change
- Petechiae (often on axilla or thorax)
- Dyspnea
Blumer's shelf
Metastatic disease to pouch of Douglas, creates a "shelf" that is palpable on physical exam
Boas' sign
Right subscapular pain, results from cholelithiasis
Borchardt's triad, seen in gastric volvulus
- Emesis followed by no emesis
- Epigastric distention
- Failure to pass a NG tube
Carcinoid triad
- Flushing
- Diarrhea
- Right heart failure
Cullen's sign
Bluish discoloration around periumbilical region due to retroperitoneal hemorrhage that passed through the fascial planes to the anterior abdo wall
Cushing's triad (increased intracranial pressure)
- Hypertension
- Bradycardia
- Irregular respiration
Fothergill's sign
Used to differentiate an intra-abdo mass from an abdo wall mass. If mass is felt when the abdo muscles are tense, it's on the wall.
Grey Turner's sign
Flank bruising in a patient with retroperitoneal hemorrhage, due to dissecting blood from retroperitoneum
Kehr's sign
Severe left shoulder pain in patients with splenic rupture
Laplace's law
- wall tension=pressure x radius
- (thus, colon perforates at cecum, due to increased radius --> increased tension)
Rule of 2s for Meckel's diverticulum
- Seen in 2% of the population
- 2% symptomatic
- Occur within 2 feet of ileocecal valve
Murphy's sign
Cessation of inspiration during palpation of RUQ; indicates acute cholecystitis
Raccoon eyes
Black eyes on both sides, seen in basilar skull fracture
Reynaud's pentad, seen in suppurative cholangitis
- Fever
- Jaundice
- RUQ pain
- Mental status changes
- Shock/sepsis
Rovsing's sign
LLQ pain, seen in appendicitis
Saint's triad
- Cholelithiasis
- Hiatal hernia
- Diverticular disease
Sister Mary Joseph sign
Metastatic tumor to umbilical lymph node(s)
Virchow's triad (risk factors for thrombosis)
- Stasis
- Abnormal endothelium
- Hypercoagulability
Whipple's triad, seen in insulinoma
- Hypoglycemia (under 50)
- CNS and vasomotor symptoms (syncope, diaphoresis)
- Relief of symptoms with glucose administration