The Heart
Muscular double pump with 2 functions
Pulmonary Circuit
Right side receives oxygen poor blood from body and pumps into lungs
Systemic Circuit
Left side receives oxygen rich blood from lungs and pumps it to body
2 receiving chambers of the heart
2 pumping chambers of the heart
- Weighs< 1 pound
- Thorax, psterior to sternum, superior surface of diaphragm
- In mediastinum
- Oblique position
- Apex= left of mdpnt. and anterior to rest of heart
- Base is broad posterior surface
- 3 layered sac that encloses the heart
- Fibrous pericardium- outer layer (dense CT)
- Serous preicardium- deeper 2 layers
Parietal Layer of Serous
Adheres to surface of fibrouf pericardium
Visceral Layer of Serous
Lies on the heart; is considered part of heart wall
Pericardial Cavity
Lies between the 2 layers, contains serous fluid
Inflammation of the pericardium
- Superficial layer of heart
- Serous membrane
- Cariac Muscle contract
- Cells arranged in circular/spiral networks called bundles
Sheet of endothelium resting on thin CT layer, lines chamber and makes up valves
Atria Chambers
- 2
- Blooda comes into heart via atria
- Walls thinner than ventricles
- Contract and push blood into ventricles simaltaneously
- Separated by interatrial septum
Ventricle Chambers
- 2
- Are thicker (especially left side)
- Separatd by interventricular septum
Right Atrium
- Receives systemic oxygen poor blood via three veins, superior/inferior vena cava, and coronary sinus
- Opens right ventricle via tricuspid valve
Right Auricle
Flap that protects to the left
2 Portions of internal atrium
- Posterior= has smooth walls
- Anterior= has pectinate muscles
- Separated by crista terminals= C-shaped ridge, important fro locating where veins enter
Right Ventricle
- Receives blood from R atrium and pumps it to lungs via pulmonary trunk
- Forms most of anterior surface of heart
Internal Structures of R ventricle
Trabeculae carneae- muscle ridges
Papillary muscles
Cone shaped muscles that project from wall
Chordae Tendineae
Project superiorly from papillary muscles to valve flaps of tricuspid valve
Pulmonary Semilunar Valve
Valve between right ventricle and pulmonary trunk
Left Atrium
- Makes up most of base
- Receive oxygen rich blood via pulm. veins
- Auricle is external on anterior side
- Pectinate muscles line auricle only; rest of inside is smooth
- Opens into left ventricle via teh mitral valve
Left Ventricle
- Forms apex of heart, pumps blood systemically
- Simlilar to right ventricle, with trabeculae carneae, papillary muscles and chordae tendineae
- Sends blood to body via aortic semilunar valve
Valves of Heart
To prevent backflow
AV valves- Atrioventricular
- Between atria ventricles
- Right side= tricuspid
- Left side= bicuspid
Semilunar Valves- both have 3 cusps
- Between ventricle and vessels leaving the heart
- R side between R ventricle and pulm. artery
- L side between L ventricle and aorta
- Contraction = systole
- Relaxation= diastole
- Heartbeat= Atrial contraction then ventricle contraction
- Lub-Dub made by closing valves
- Lub= AV in beginning
- Dup= semilunar valves at end
Fibrous Skeleton
- Made of dense CT
- Anchors valve cucps
- Prevents valves from opening too far
- Muscle insertion for cardiac bundles
- Blocks spread of electrical impulses from atria to ventricles
Electrical Conduction
Measured by EKG- electrocardiogram
SA node
- Considered pacemaker, 70-80 bpm
- Located in superior/posterior wall of right atrium
- Signal that spreads electric impulses across both atria
- Valves are open
Internodal Pathway
Some impulses spread through this area ont the way tot he AV node
AV node
- Located at inferior aspect of interatrial septum
- Delays impulse so that atria contract first and ventricles finish filing
AV bundle
- Bundle of His
- Located in interventricular septum
Left/Right bundle branches
Branches from atrioventricular bundle, take signal to apex of heart
Purkinje Fibers
- Approach apex and turn into ventricular walls, located in between endocardium and myocardium
- Are special cells that maximize signal conduction
Vagus Nerve
Acts on parasympathetic innervation to SA and AV nodes
Sympathetic System
Affects SA and AV nodes via cervical/upper thoracic spinal nerves
Fatty deposits accumulate in body's arteries
Hardening/loss of elasticity of the arteries fro any reason
Coronary Artery Disease
Arteries supplying the heart are blocked or narrowed, chest pain
Myocardial Infarction
Heart Attack; complete pr prolonged coronary artery blockage
Heart blood flow is interrupted, but there is no pain involved
Heart Failure
- Weakening of the heart
- Congestive heart failure- heart enlarges and pumping efficiency decreases
Conduction System Disorders
- Arrythmia- variation from normal rhythm of heartbeat
- Fibrillation- conduction system disturbed