Carries blood to the heart
Carries blood away from the heart
What does blood carry
- Respiratory gases
- Nutrients
- Messenger molecules-Hormones
Blood is what % of the body's mass
2 Main components of blood
Main component of plasma
90% water
3 Formed elements in blood
- Erythrocytes- RBCs, small, oxygen transporting cells, 7.5 diam, most formed, not true cells
- Leukocytes- WBCs, less numerous, defend disease, spherical, only in complete cells
- Thrombocytes- platelets, clotting cells, disc shaped
3 main plasma proteins
- Albumin- contributes to oncotic pressure, keeps water from diffusing out of bloodstream into extracellular matrix of tissues
- Globulins- antibodies and blood proteins that that transport lipids, iron, and copper
- Fibroginen- one of several protein and non-protein molecules in chem. reactions achieving blood clotting
Viscosity of blood
- Thicker than water due too proteins
- WBC viscosity ratio 3-4
- Dehydration causes decrease in plasma
Plasma with clotting factors removed
Casues fibroginen to become a clot leaving serum
- Percentage of blood volume that consists of erythrocytes
- 45% average
- Male- 47% +/-5
- Female- 42% +/-5