Ch. 11 Emotion & Motivation for Psychology Final

  1. Internal External Theory
    obese people are motivated to eat more by external cues than internal ones. Such as the time of day rather than if they are actually hungry
  2. Set Point
    values that establish a range of body and muscle mass that we tend to maintain
  3. Leptin
    hormone that signals the hypothalamus and brain stem to reduce appetite and increase the amount of energy used.
  4. Glucostatic Theory
    when blood glucos levels drop, hunger creates a drive to eat in order to restore the proper level of glucose
  5. Hierarchy of Needs
    must satisfy psychological needs or needs for safty before we can progress to more complex needs.
  6. Incentive Theories
    only motivated by positive goals
  7. Yerkes Dodson Law
    performance increases with psychlogical or mental arousal, but only up to a point; when levels become too high performance actually decreases.
  8. Drive Reduction Theory
    drives (hunger, thirst, sex) motivate us to act in ways to minimize aversive status and maintain homeostasis (equilibrium)
  9. Integrity Tests
    questionnaires that assess workers tendency to steal/cheat.
  10. Guilty Knowledge Test
    premise that criminals conceal knowledge about the crime that innocent people do not.
  11. Polygraph Test
    changes in psychological states supposedly associated with lying

    High false positives
  12. Pinocchio Resopnse
    perfect physiological or behavioral indicator of lying
  13. Proxemics
    study of personal space

    • Public speaking: 12ft
    • Social Distance: 4-12 ft
    • Personal Distance: 1.5-4ft
    • Intimate Distance: 0-1.5 ft
  14. Emblems
    gestures with cultural meaning
  15. Manipulators
    one body part touching another.

    Bitting lip...
  16. Illustrators
    Highlight or accentuate speech (Victoria talking with hands)
  17. Nonverbal Leakage
    unconscience spillover of emotion into nonverbal behaviors

    • Gestures
    • Illustrators
    • Manipulators
    • Emblems
  18. Facial Feedback Hypothesis
    blood vessels in face feedback temperature info to the brain which alters our emotions

    Eg. smiling makes you more happy
  19. Mere Exposure Effect
    repeated exposure to a stimulus makes us more likely to feel favorable about it

    DIET COKE- advertising
  20. Motivational-Structural Rules
    deep seated similarities in communication across most animal species

    • High Pitch: friendly
    • Low Pitch: hostile
  21. Display Rules
    cross cultural guidelines for how or when to express emotions
  22. Discrete Emotions Theory
    • only have small number of emotions
    • adaptave value
    • Development of emotions
    • culture and emotions: similar emotions across cultures
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Ch. 11 Emotion & Motivation for Psychology Final
Flash cards for Ch. 11 of Psych final exam