respiratory therapy

  1. nasal cannula
    • 1 - 6 LPM
    • FIO2 24-44
  2. simple mask
    • 5 - 12 LPM
    • 35 - 50 FIO2
  3. reservoir cannula
    • 1/4 - 4 LPM
    • 22 - 35 FIO2
  4. trans-trachael catheter
    • 1/4 - 4 LPM
    • 22-35 FIO2
  5. partial rebreather
    • 6 - 10 LPM
    • 35-60 FIO2
  6. non-rebreather
    • 6 - 10
    • 55-50 FIO2
    • one flap may be removed to prevent accident suffocation, this will provide slightly less FIO2
  7. AEM (air entrainment mask or venturi mask)
    • LPM determined by percentage of oxygen to be delivered.
    • 24 - 50 FIO2 (varies with back pressure)
    • LPM / FIO2
    • 2 - 24%
    • 4 - 28%
    • 6 - 31%
    • 8 - 35%
    • 8 - 40%
    • 12 - 50%
  8. low flow
    • less than 8 LPM
    • all basic O2 devices are low flow with variable FIO2 excepe AEM
  9. When should humidity be provided?
    When flow is greater than 4 LPM
  10. O2 concentration
    • low - less than 35%
    • moderate - 35-60%
    • high - greater than 60%
  11. High flow vs. low flow devices
    • High flow devices meets and exceeds the patients demands.
    • Low flow devices supplements with room air
  12. hypoxemia
    • less than 60 torr PaO2
    • less than 90% SaO2
    • PaO2 ranges:
    • normal 80-100%
    • mild 60-79%
    • moderate 59-40%
    • severe less than 40%
  13. respiratory rate
    • normal 12-20 breaths per minute
    • if greater than 25; patient needs a high flow system
    • rate greater than 35 is a critical value and indicates need for mechanical ventilation
  14. Patient's PaO2 norms per age of patient
    age 60 PaO2 less than 80 is normal
Card Set
respiratory therapy
Respiratory Care 101; O2 devices